postgresql pg_dump的输出去哪里

时间:2022-06-01 12:55:53

I am trying to backup a db of postgresql and I want to use pg_dump command.
I tried :

我正在尝试备份postgresql的db,我想使用pg_dump命令。我试过了 :

psql -U postgres
postgres-# pg_dump test > backup.sql

But I don't know where the output file goes.
Any help will be appreciated


3 个解决方案



Go to command prompt and directory postgresql\9.3\bin.

转到命令提示符和目录postgresql \ 9.3 \ bin。


c:\Program files\postgresql\9.3\bin> pg_dump -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres test > D:\backup.sql

After above command enter User "postgres" password and check D:\ drive for backup.sql file

在上面的命令之后输入User“postgres”密码并检查D:\ drive for backup.sql文件



If you are not specifying fully qualified paths, like:


pg_dump your_db_name > dbdump

pg_dump your_db_name> dbdump

then in Windows it stores dumps in current user's home directory. I.e.:



C:\ Users \用户名



In my situation (PostgreSQL 9.1.21, Centos 6.7), the command

在我的情况下(PostgreSQL 9.1.21,Centos 6.7),命令

runuser -l postgres -c 'pg_dump my_database > my_database.sql'

saved the file here:



Not sure if that is true for other Linux dists, CentOS and/or pgl versions. According to the answer post by the asker of this question, this is true, but other users said the backup file was in the current directory (a situation different of most people reading this thread, for obvious reasons). Well, I hope this can help other users with the same problem.

不确定其他Linux dists,CentOS和/或pgl版本是否属实。根据提问者对这个问题的回答,这是事实,但是其他用户说备份文件是在当前目录中(由于显而易见的原因,大多数人阅读这个帖子的情况不同)。好吧,我希望这可以帮助其他用户遇到同样的问题。

P.s.: if that's not the path for your situation, you can try (in Linux) to find it using the below command (as stated by @Bohemian in the comments of this question), but this can take a while:


find / -name 'my_database.sql'

EDIT: I tried to run the analogous command in Ubuntu 12.04:

编辑:我试图在Ubuntu 12.04中运行类似的命令:

sudo -u postgres pg_dump my_database > my_database.sql

And in this case the file was saved in the current directory where I ran the command! So both cases can happen in Linux, depending of the specific dist you are working




Go to command prompt and directory postgresql\9.3\bin.

转到命令提示符和目录postgresql \ 9.3 \ bin。


c:\Program files\postgresql\9.3\bin> pg_dump -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres test > D:\backup.sql

After above command enter User "postgres" password and check D:\ drive for backup.sql file

在上面的命令之后输入User“postgres”密码并检查D:\ drive for backup.sql文件



If you are not specifying fully qualified paths, like:


pg_dump your_db_name > dbdump

pg_dump your_db_name> dbdump

then in Windows it stores dumps in current user's home directory. I.e.:



C:\ Users \用户名



In my situation (PostgreSQL 9.1.21, Centos 6.7), the command

在我的情况下(PostgreSQL 9.1.21,Centos 6.7),命令

runuser -l postgres -c 'pg_dump my_database > my_database.sql'

saved the file here:



Not sure if that is true for other Linux dists, CentOS and/or pgl versions. According to the answer post by the asker of this question, this is true, but other users said the backup file was in the current directory (a situation different of most people reading this thread, for obvious reasons). Well, I hope this can help other users with the same problem.

不确定其他Linux dists,CentOS和/或pgl版本是否属实。根据提问者对这个问题的回答,这是事实,但是其他用户说备份文件是在当前目录中(由于显而易见的原因,大多数人阅读这个帖子的情况不同)。好吧,我希望这可以帮助其他用户遇到同样的问题。

P.s.: if that's not the path for your situation, you can try (in Linux) to find it using the below command (as stated by @Bohemian in the comments of this question), but this can take a while:


find / -name 'my_database.sql'

EDIT: I tried to run the analogous command in Ubuntu 12.04:

编辑:我试图在Ubuntu 12.04中运行类似的命令:

sudo -u postgres pg_dump my_database > my_database.sql

And in this case the file was saved in the current directory where I ran the command! So both cases can happen in Linux, depending of the specific dist you are working
