Android Malware Analysis

时间:2022-09-19 08:44:59

A friend of mine asked me help him to examine his Android 5.0 smartphone. He did not say what's wrong with his phone, and he just wonder why his wife know everything he chat on the phone, and where he has been.

I'd like to help him to figure out if anything wrong about his phone. When I start to monitor his phone, I find a very interesting stuff running on his phone. Obviously it try to pretend that it's Google Play App, actually it is not...Also I could see the destination ip and port...

Android Malware Analysis

I start to analye and figure out where it is. Yes that's it..a very suspicious package-"com.example.downloader"

Android Malware Analysis

Look at the Manifest and it's really scaring. It can read/write SMS, storage, contacts, calendar,locactions, process outgoing calls, even recording audio.

Android Malware Analysis

Guess what? It also could record chat messages including Naver Line, Facebook, What's App, Skype, and WeChat. No wonder his wife knows everything he chat on the phone. You could see the Naver Line chat messages recording on its own Database as below.

Android Malware Analysis

I told him what I found on his phone, and he was very angry. He swore to figure out what his wife has done to his phone and when she did this. I told hime that maybe she bought this App on the internet or her friend taught her to do so.  I think the reason why she did it maybe she's afraid that her husband does not love her anymore. If her husband has affair with other girls and she will know immediately.  Still it's illeagl and it's not a right thing to do to the one you love.

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