可以在Ubuntu 11.04上安装PHP 5.3.15吗?

时间:2022-09-19 07:49:39

I'm using a machine running Ubuntu 11.04 and PHP 5.3.5 to test an application that will run on a server with PHP 5.3.15.

我正在使用运行Ubuntu 11.04和PHP 5.3.5的机器来测试将在PHP 5.3.15的服务器上运行的应用程序。

I've noticed some differences and would prefer a test environment as similar as possible to the final home of the project, but all my searches for a way to update PHP to a specific version have come up empty.


Is there a way to replace 5.3.5 with 5.3.15 on this machine running Natty Narwhal?

在这台运行Natty Narwhal的机器上有没有办法用5.3.5代替5.3.5?

1 个解决方案



Try Zend Server CE. It's an extremely nice PHP application stack.

试试Zend Server CE。这是一个非常好的PHP应用程序堆栈。

According to the docs for the DEB installation, you should be able to do something like


./install_zs.sh 5.3.15 ce

Please note I haven't tried setting the PHP version like this directly but it's worth a try.




Try Zend Server CE. It's an extremely nice PHP application stack.

试试Zend Server CE。这是一个非常好的PHP应用程序堆栈。

According to the docs for the DEB installation, you should be able to do something like


./install_zs.sh 5.3.15 ce

Please note I haven't tried setting the PHP version like this directly but it's worth a try.
