在windows 7上安装pcapy的麻烦——不能打开包含文件:“pcaph .h”

时间:2022-09-19 07:45:32

I am trying to install pcapy on a Windows machine. I have already installed WinPcap 4.1.3

我正在试着在Windows机器上安装pcapy。我已经安装了WinPcap 4.1.3。

I downloaded pcapy 0.10.8 into C:\pcapy-0.10.8

我把pcapy 0.10.8下载到C:\pcapy-0.10.8。

When I try to do the install, the following happens:


C:\pcapy-0.10.8>c:\Python27\python.exe setup.py install
running install
running build
running build_ext
building 'pcapy' extension
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\Bin\amd64\cl.exe /c /nolog o /Ox /MD /W3 /GS- /DNDEBUG -DWIN32=1 -Ic:\devel\oss\wpdpack\Include -Ic:\Python27\include -Ic:\Python27\PC /Tppcapdumper.cc /Fobuild\temp.win-amd64-2.7\Release \pcapdumper.obj
pcapdumper.cc(12) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'pcap.h': No such file or directory
error: command 'cl.exe' failed with exit status 2

I don't know where it's looking for pcap.h. I can confirm that there is no file by that name in the pcapy-0.10.8 directory.


What am I missing? I just now installed WinPcap -- do I need a reboot or something? Thanks!


Edited to add... here is the output from my WinPcap install log:


WinPcap Installation LOG
Debug Information

Operating system detected on registry: 7 - AMD64
True operating system (kernel.dll):    7 - AMD64
npptools.dll present on the system:    false
netnm.inf present on the system:       false
nmnt.sys present on the system:        false

End of log

Do the falses there mean that WinPcap did not get installed properly? I was hoping to find pcap.h under my WinPcap directory, but it's not there. I do see where I could add additional include file directories in the setup.py if needed, but I can't find pcap.h anywhere on my machine. Where am I supposed to be getting that from?


4 个解决方案



C:\pcapy-0.10.8>c:\Python27\python.exe setup.py install

From the text on the CoreLabs site for pcapy, that suggests that you downloaded the source rather than the Win32 binary. Unless you really need to build from source, you will probably find it a LOT easier to just install the binary.


Do the falses there mean that WinPcap did not get installed properly?




I was hoping to find pcap.h


Then, IF you NEED to build from source, you need to install the WinPcap Developer's Pack. WinPcap is just the "run time", sufficient for programs such as Wireshark that have already been built, but not sufficient for software that uses WinPcap and that need to be compiled on your machine - and, apparently, whatever flavor of pcapy you downloaded needs to be built.


(This is similar to the way libpcap is packaged on many Linux distributions - the "libpcap" package just installs the run time, and you need to install a "libpcap-dev" package, or something such as that, to get the header files.)


But if the Windows binary works for you, don't bother with the WinPcap developer's pack.




Building on Josh P's answer (which I used to get most of the way there just now):

根据Josh P的回答(我以前大部分时间都是这样做的):

  1. download the WinPcap Developer's pack
  2. 下载WinPcap开发人员的包。
  3. extract the zip file (e.g. c:\users\foo\Downloads\WpdPack_4_1_2)
  4. 解压压缩文件(如:\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \下载\ \ \ \ \
  5. build using the --global-option to pass in the header and linker locations
  6. 使用- globaloption在页眉和链接器位置传递。

When specifying the library folder for the linker, on Windows 7, I needed to specify the x64 version of the lib, not the (default) x32 version of the lib:

在Windows 7上为链接器指定库文件夹时,我需要指定lib的x64版本,而不是(默认的)x32版本的lib:

pip install pcapy  --global-option="build_ext" 

I was getting the following link errors when using the ...\lib (x32) version of the file:

在使用…时,我得到以下链接错误。\lib (x32)版本的文件:

       Creating library build\temp.win-amd64-2.7\Release\pcapy.lib and object build\temp.win-amd64-2.7\Release\pcapy.exp

pcapdumper.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol pcap_dump_close
referenced in function "void __cdecl pcap_dealloc(struct pcapdumper *)" 



As Guy Harris explained, it's generally easier to download install a binary. If you do build from source:

正如盖伊·哈里斯(Guy Harris)所解释的,下载安装二进制文件通常比较容易。如果您从源代码构建:

  1. Download the WinPcap Developer's Pack.
  2. 下载WinPcap开发人员的包。
  3. Use pip's --global-option. setup.py is different, but I think pip is preferred over setup.py anyway.


    Here's an example line (substitute in the correct paths for your system; I just referenced them right in the Downloads folder):


    pip install ./pcapy-src-dir --global-option=build_ext --global-option="-LC:\path\to\WpdPack_4_1_2\WpdPack\Lib" --global-option="-IC:\path\to\WpdPack_4_1_2\WpdPack\Include

See also this answer.




In the pcapy-0.11.1 the setup.py is smarter, even smarter that what they described on their wiki page: https://github.com/CoreSecurity/pcapy/wiki/Compiling-Pcapy-on-Windows-Guide

在pcapy-0.11.1中设置。py更聪明,甚至更聪明,他们在自己的wiki页面上所描述的是:https://github.com/coresecurity/pcapy/wiki/汇编- windows - guide。

The investigation demonstrated that's enough to set environment variable WPDPACK_BASE, so in Windows' case it may look like:


set WPDPACK_BASE=C:\Software\WpdPack

It's even able to detect if you need 32 or 64 bit version of these libraries.


Previous answers didn't help me solve the problem, but helped me digging. So they may be bit outdated.




C:\pcapy-0.10.8>c:\Python27\python.exe setup.py install

From the text on the CoreLabs site for pcapy, that suggests that you downloaded the source rather than the Win32 binary. Unless you really need to build from source, you will probably find it a LOT easier to just install the binary.


Do the falses there mean that WinPcap did not get installed properly?




I was hoping to find pcap.h


Then, IF you NEED to build from source, you need to install the WinPcap Developer's Pack. WinPcap is just the "run time", sufficient for programs such as Wireshark that have already been built, but not sufficient for software that uses WinPcap and that need to be compiled on your machine - and, apparently, whatever flavor of pcapy you downloaded needs to be built.


(This is similar to the way libpcap is packaged on many Linux distributions - the "libpcap" package just installs the run time, and you need to install a "libpcap-dev" package, or something such as that, to get the header files.)


But if the Windows binary works for you, don't bother with the WinPcap developer's pack.




Building on Josh P's answer (which I used to get most of the way there just now):

根据Josh P的回答(我以前大部分时间都是这样做的):

  1. download the WinPcap Developer's pack
  2. 下载WinPcap开发人员的包。
  3. extract the zip file (e.g. c:\users\foo\Downloads\WpdPack_4_1_2)
  4. 解压压缩文件(如:\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \下载\ \ \ \ \
  5. build using the --global-option to pass in the header and linker locations
  6. 使用- globaloption在页眉和链接器位置传递。

When specifying the library folder for the linker, on Windows 7, I needed to specify the x64 version of the lib, not the (default) x32 version of the lib:

在Windows 7上为链接器指定库文件夹时,我需要指定lib的x64版本,而不是(默认的)x32版本的lib:

pip install pcapy  --global-option="build_ext" 

I was getting the following link errors when using the ...\lib (x32) version of the file:

在使用…时,我得到以下链接错误。\lib (x32)版本的文件:

       Creating library build\temp.win-amd64-2.7\Release\pcapy.lib and object build\temp.win-amd64-2.7\Release\pcapy.exp

pcapdumper.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol pcap_dump_close
referenced in function "void __cdecl pcap_dealloc(struct pcapdumper *)" 



As Guy Harris explained, it's generally easier to download install a binary. If you do build from source:

正如盖伊·哈里斯(Guy Harris)所解释的,下载安装二进制文件通常比较容易。如果您从源代码构建:

  1. Download the WinPcap Developer's Pack.
  2. 下载WinPcap开发人员的包。
  3. Use pip's --global-option. setup.py is different, but I think pip is preferred over setup.py anyway.


    Here's an example line (substitute in the correct paths for your system; I just referenced them right in the Downloads folder):


    pip install ./pcapy-src-dir --global-option=build_ext --global-option="-LC:\path\to\WpdPack_4_1_2\WpdPack\Lib" --global-option="-IC:\path\to\WpdPack_4_1_2\WpdPack\Include

See also this answer.




In the pcapy-0.11.1 the setup.py is smarter, even smarter that what they described on their wiki page: https://github.com/CoreSecurity/pcapy/wiki/Compiling-Pcapy-on-Windows-Guide

在pcapy-0.11.1中设置。py更聪明,甚至更聪明,他们在自己的wiki页面上所描述的是:https://github.com/coresecurity/pcapy/wiki/汇编- windows - guide。

The investigation demonstrated that's enough to set environment variable WPDPACK_BASE, so in Windows' case it may look like:


set WPDPACK_BASE=C:\Software\WpdPack

It's even able to detect if you need 32 or 64 bit version of these libraries.


Previous answers didn't help me solve the problem, but helped me digging. So they may be bit outdated.
