MITM to crack Https connections

时间:2022-09-18 21:18:22

Everybody knows that https is http over SSL, and https is a secure way for protecting confidential data like bank account/password ,etc. Now I'd to show you how to crack https connections by MITM(Man in the middle)

As you know that ARP is not a good mechanism...For example, the ip of workstation "Sales100" is When the packet destination is, the Gateway will ask:"Who is"? Then Sales100 will rise his/her hand and say "it's me". What if I rise my hand first and pretend that I'm ""? Those packets should send to workstation "Sales100" will send to my workstation first, and I could sniffer sales order, price, revenue sounds scaring,right? That's MITM attack.

I use Ettercap and SSlStrip in the same time to make sure that I could get the password. Let's use Gmail for a simple test.

1.Run Ettercap and SSLStrip. The victim is

MITM to crack Https connections

2. Victim broswer will show warnings about certificate..Some users won't become aware of dangerous and will still proceed.

MITM to crack Https connections

3. Victim starts to sign in Gmail

MITM to crack Https connections

4.Keep an eye on the screen and you could see the Victim's username and password show up successfully.

MITM to crack Https connections

Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to encourage you to do MITM. I just show you how it works. There is only a fine line between Offense and Defense. Precise knowledge of self and precise knowledge of the threat leads to victory.

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