brew install mysql
ps -ef|grep mysql
mysql --verbose --help | grep my.cnf
mysql.server start
mysql -u root -p
select now();
select version();
show databases;
create database test_db; create database test_db charset=utf8;//设置数据库的编码格式 create database test_db character set utf8;
show create database test_db;
drop database test_db;
use test_db;
select database();
show tables;
创建一个数据表 primary key主键 not null不能为空 auto_increment自动增长
Create table students(id int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key,name varchar(20),age tinyint unsigned,hight decimal(5,2),gender enum(‘男‘,‘女‘,‘未知‘) default ‘未知‘);
drop table test;
alter table students add birthday datetime;
alter table students modify birthday date;
alter table students change birthday birth date default "1990-01-01";
alter table students drop birth;
desc students;
insert into students values (0,‘刘‘,18,1.72,‘男‘); insert into students values (0,‘刘‘,18,1.72,‘男‘),(0,‘刘‘,18,1.72,‘男‘); insert into students (name,hight) values ("测试",1.77); insert into students (name,hight) values ("测试",1.77),("测试",1.77);
select * from students; select name,age from students; select name as 姓名,age as 年龄 from students; select s.name,s.age from students as s;
update students set age = 30,name = "老王" where id = 1;
update students set hight = hight 1 where id = 30;
delete from students where id = 6
select distinct gender from students;
select * from students where gender <> "男"; select * from students where id > 3; select * from students where id = 3; select * from students where age>18 and age<40; select * from students where age>30 or age < 20; select * from students where not (age > 30); select * from students where (not age > 30) and name="刘"; select * from students where name like "测%";//查询以测开头的 select * from students where name like "__";//查询名字有两个字符的 select * from students where name rlike "^测.*";//正则 select * from students where age in (30,18);//年龄30,或者18的 select * from students where age not in (30,18);// select * from students where age between 18 and 30;//年龄18<=age<=30 select * from students where age not between 18 and 30;//年龄18<=age<=30 select * from students where age is NULL; select * from students where age is not NULL;
select * from students order by age; select * from students where age is not NULL order by age;//asc 升序 select * from students where age is not NULL order by age desc;//降序
select count(*) from students where age = 18;//统计18岁的人数 select count(*) as 18岁人数 from students where age = 18 select max(age) from students ;//最大年龄 select min(age) from students ;//最小年龄 select sum(age) from students;//所有年龄总和 select avg(age) from students;//平均年龄 select sum(age)/count(*) from students;//平均年龄 select round( sum(age)/count(*),2) from students;//2代表保留两位小数 select gender from students group by gender;//分组 select gender, count(*) from students group by gender;//分组统计 select gender,group_concat(name) from students group by gender;//根据性别统计姓名 select gender,group_concat(name,age) from students where gender="女"; select gender,group_concat(name,"_",age) from students where gender="女"; select gender,group_concat(name) from students group by gender having count(*)>3;//分组的数大于3条记录 select gender,group_concat(name) from students group by gender having avg(age)>20;//分组的平均年龄大于20
select * from students limit 2;//限制查询出来的个数,最多两条 select * from students limit 0,5;//从数据里面第0条开始查5条 select * from students limit 5,5;//从第五条开始查5条 select * from students limit 5,5;//从第五条开始查5条 select name from students where gender="未知" limit 2;
if not exists的使用
Create table cls(id int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key,name varchar(20)); alter table students add cls_id int default 0;
Create table if not exists cls(id int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key,name varchar(20));
select * from students inner join cls ;//结果是count(students)*count(cls) select * from students inner join cls on students.cls_id = cls.id;//查出学生所在的班级对应的班级 select students.id,students.name,cls.name from students inner join cls on students.cls_id = cls.id;//显示指定的列 select s.*,c.name from students as s inner join cls as c on s.cls_id = c.id;//显示学生所有字段,给表设置别名 select s.*,c.name from students as s inner join cls as c on s.cls_id = c.id order by c.name,s.id;//排序 select * from students as s left join cls as c on s.cls_id = c.id ;//用students为基础,查cls,等价下面 select * from cls as c right join students as s on s.cls_id = c.id ; select * from students as s left join cls as c on s.cls_id = c.id having c.name is null;//查询没有班级的学生 select * from students as s left join cls as c on s.cls_id = c.id where c.name is null;//这个不建议
select s.id,s.name,c.name from students as s,cls as c where s.cls_id = c.id;//不建议
create table areas(aid int primary key,atitle varchar(20),pid int);
source aaa.sql;//如果aaa.sql是一个sql文件,可以使用这个,前提是ls必须路径里面必须有aaa.sql
Select areas.atitle from areas inner join areas as city on city.pid = areas.aid having areas.atitle="北京市区";
select * from students where hight = (select max(hight) from students where gender=‘男‘);//查询最高的男生信息 select * from students inner join (select max(hight) as hight from students group by cls_id) as stu on students.hight = stu.hight;//查询每个班最高的学生信息 select * from (select cls_id, max(hight) as hight from students group by cls_id) as stu left join students as s on stu.cls_id = s.cls_id and stu.hight = s.hight;//同上 select * from students inner join (select max(hight) as hight from students group by cls_id) as stu on students.hight = stu.hight having students.gender="女";//查询每个班最高的女学生信息 select * from students left join (select max(hight) as hight from students group by cls_id) as stu on students.hight = stu.hight having students.gender="女";//同上
select s.id,s.name,s.age,s.hight,s.gender,c.name from students as s inner join cls as c on s.cls_id = c.id;
drop view students_cls_view;
start transaction;//或者begin update students set name="好人3" where id = 28; commit;//提交 rollback;//可以回滚
set profiling=1;//开启时间运行监测 select * from students; show profiles;//查看查询的时间 set profiling=1; create index id_index on students(id);//如果是字符串,需要把id改成name(10) 删除 drop index id_index
show profiles;