- function CountStr(str1,str2)
- dim tmp,i,j
- if str1="" or isnull(str1) then
- j=0
- elseif str2="" or isnull(str2) then
- j=1
- else
- tmp=split(str1,str2)
- j=0
- for i=0 to ubound(tmp)
- if tmp(i)<>"" then j=j+1
- next
- end if
- countstr=j
- end function
- function CountStr(str1,str2)
- dim tmp,i,j
- if str1="" or isnull(str1) then
- j=0
- elseif str2="" or isnull(str2) then
- j=1
- else
- tmp=split(str1,str2)
- j=0
- for i=0 to ubound(tmp)
- if tmp(i)<>"" then j=j+1
- next
- end if
- countstr=j
- end function