
时间:2022-09-18 13:21:57

| Grails Version: 3.0.9 | Groovy Version: 2.4.5 | JVM Version: 1.8.0_60

| Grails版本:3.0.9 | Groovy版本:2.4.5 | JVM版本:1.8.0_60



I have the following GORM query involving a join between the 'Event' and 'EventCategory' domain objects with page results.


def advancedSearchWithPagedResults(int max, int offset, String search, Date startDate, Date endDate, List myEventCategories) {

    // need to convert our list of ints to longs as the field they'll be compared to is a long
    def listOfLongs = myEventCategories.collect {

    def wildcardSearch = search ? '%' + search + '%' : '%'

    def ids = Event.createCriteria().list {

        projections {
            distinct 'id'

        maxResults max
        firstResult offset

        or {
            like("eventName", wildcardSearch)
            like("address.town", wildcardSearch)
            like("address.county", wildcardSearch)
        and {
            if (listOfLongs) {
                eventCategories {
                    'in'("id", listOfLongs)
            between("startDateTime", startDate, endDate)
            eq("enabled", true)
        order("startDateTime", "asc")

    /* Get the acual events using the list of id's just obtained */
    def results = Event.getAll(ids)

    return results

However, I need to add in / merge the following MySQL query that calculates the distance of each event (in miles) from the supplied latitute and longitude (51.519159, -0.133190) and then filters out any event that is in excess of 25 miles (in the example). The events are also ordered by distance from the supplied lat/long.


   ( 3959 * acos( cos( radians(51.519159) ) * cos( radians( `event`.address_latitude ) ) 
   * cos( radians(`event`.address_longitude) - radians(-0.133190)) + sin(radians(51.519159)) 
   * sin( radians(`event`.address_latitude)))) AS distance 
FROM `event` 
WHERE `event`.enabled = 1 
HAVING distance < 25 
ORDER BY distance;

My question is how to best approach changing the GORM query to incorporate the distance calulations?


Do I need to throw out my GORM query and resort to a native HQL query? I'm hoping not.


Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


I'll include relevant parts of the two domain objects for completeness.


class Event implements Taggable {

    static hasMany = [courses:          Course,
                      eventCategories:  EventCategory,
                      faqs:             FAQ]

    static belongsTo = [eventOrganiser:     EventOrganiser]

    java.util.Date dateCreated
    java.util.Date lastUpdated
    boolean enabled = true
    String eventName
    String organisersDescription
    @BindingFormat('dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm')
    java.util.Date startDateTime
    @BindingFormat('dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm')
    java.util.Date endDateTime
    @BindingFormat('dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm')
    java.util.Date entriesOpenDateTime
    @BindingFormat('dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm')
    java.util.Date entriesCloseDateTime
    BigDecimal fromPrice
    Address address
    Contact primaryContact

    static embedded = ['address','primaryContact']

    // transient fields
    double distanceFromUsersPostcode

class EventCategory {

    static hasMany = [events:Event]
    static belongsTo = [Event]

    String parentCategoryName
    String parentSubCategoryName
    String categoryName
    String description

    int order

1 个解决方案



You can store the distance query internally within a domain class as a formula and then call upon it as if it were a property of that class.


Event class:


static mapping = {
    distance formula: """
        (3959 * acos(cos(radians(51.519159)) * 
        cos(radians(ADDRESS_LATITUDE)) * cos( radians(ADDRESS_LONGITUDE) - 
        radians(-0.133190)) + sin(radians(51.519159)) * sin( radians(ADDRESS_LATITUDE))))

You may need to experiment with the formula's string (whether the new line character will cause a problem). It also seems like several parts of the query are constants and could be factored out: acos(cos(radians(51.519159)), radians(-0.133190), sin(radians(51.519159))


Criteria Builder

Criteria Builder

You can use the distance property now like any other property:


lt('distance', 25)



You can store the distance query internally within a domain class as a formula and then call upon it as if it were a property of that class.


Event class:


static mapping = {
    distance formula: """
        (3959 * acos(cos(radians(51.519159)) * 
        cos(radians(ADDRESS_LATITUDE)) * cos( radians(ADDRESS_LONGITUDE) - 
        radians(-0.133190)) + sin(radians(51.519159)) * sin( radians(ADDRESS_LATITUDE))))

You may need to experiment with the formula's string (whether the new line character will cause a problem). It also seems like several parts of the query are constants and could be factored out: acos(cos(radians(51.519159)), radians(-0.133190), sin(radians(51.519159))


Criteria Builder

Criteria Builder

You can use the distance property now like any other property:


lt('distance', 25)