-- -- Table structure for table `film_text` -- -- InnoDB added FULLTEXT support in 5.6.10. If you use an -- earlier version, then consider upgrading (recommended) or -- changing InnoDB to MyISAM as the film_text engine -- CREATE TABLE film_text ( film_id SMALLINT NOT NULL, title VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, description TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (film_id), FULLTEXT KEY idx_title_description (title,description) )ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
MySQL示例数据库 Sakila 安装
将 “”film_text” 表的 ENGINE 修改为: MyISAM就不报错了!
-- -- Table structure for table `film_text` -- -- InnoDB added FULLTEXT support in 5.6.10. If you use an -- earlier version, then consider upgrading (recommended) or -- changing InnoDB to MyISAM as the film_text engine -- CREATE TABLE film_text ( film_id SMALLINT NOT NULL, title VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, description TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (film_id), FULLTEXT KEY idx_title_description (title,description) )ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;