Rejected Mar 28, 2012 10:05 AM拒信中的意思是说苹果没有收到IAP的审核请求。苹果对IAP的审核是很严的,毕竟这涉及到收费以及用户的体验以及苹果产品的形象。需要注意的是,在提交程序前,我们除了需要在iTunes Connect配置程序基本信息、配置IAP信息之外,还需要在iTunes Connect页面中勾选需要进行审核的IAP!!如果你的程序使用了IAP,但是却没有提交对应IAP的审核请求,则苹果直接就会Rejected而毫不留情,你就只好乖乖地重新提交IAP审核请求。特别需要注意的是,每当你改过IAP,就需要重新提交新的IAP审核请求。待审核的IAP会在iTunes Connect页面中显示Waiting for Review和PENDING状态,如图。
Reasons for Rejection:
Missing In App Purchase
Mar 28, 2012 10:05 AM. From Apple.
Missing IAPs
We are unable to complete the review of your app since one or more of your In App Purchases have not been submitted for review.
Please be sure to take action and submit your In App Purchases AND upload a new binary in iTunes Connect. Learn more about submitting In App Purchases for review in the iTunes Connect Developer Guide.
Once you've submitted your In App Purchases and uploaded a new binary, we can proceed with your review.