
时间:2022-09-17 11:42:47

I'm working on a history development of a particular user and I want it to be done with dataTables. However, I cannot find the way with which I can make my row or a particular cell clickable. I need to open separate links with the separate clicks for particular row. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance !!!

我正在开发特定用户的历史开发,我希望用dataTables完成。但是,我找不到可以使我的行或特定单元格可点击的方式。我需要为特定行单独点击打开单独的链接。任何帮助,将不胜感激。提前致谢 !!!

Edited:: If I click on a row, I need all the data of the row, which is not a problem. I can do that. What I need to know is to make an $.ajax() request with that particular row data. I think this will do. However, it would be great to know how to open a link in a new tab on row click.

编辑::如果我点击一行,我需要该行的所有数据,这不是问题。我能做到。我需要知道的是使用该特定行数据生成$ .ajax()请求。我想这会做。但是,知道如何在行单击的新选项卡中打开链接会很棒。

$(document).ready(function() {
    var dataSet = [
        type: 'POST',
        url: "webservices/view_patient_medical_history.php",
        async: false,
        //data: {'log_id': data},
        success: function(response) {
            dataSet = JSON.parse(response);

    //   var dataSet_arr = jQuery.makeArray(dataSet['responseText']);

        data: dataSet,
        columns: [{
            title: "Patient ID",
            class: "center"
        }, {
            title: "Current Medications",
            class: "center"
        }, {
            title: "Allergies",
            class: "center"
        }, {
            title: "Diabetes",
            class: "center"
        }, {
            title: "Asthma",
            class: "center"
        }, {
            title: "Arthritis",
            class: "center"
        }, {
            title: "High Blood Pressure",
            class: "center"
        }, {
            title: "Kidney Problem",
            class: "center"
        }, {
            title: "Liver Problem",
            class: "center"
        }, {
            title: "Heart Problem",
            class: "center"
        }, {
            title: "Other Problems",
            class: "center"
        }, {
            title: "Present Problem",
            class: "center"
        }, {
            title: "Last Updated",
            class: "center"
        "scrollX": true,
        //"paging": false,
        "info": false,
        //"lengthMenu": false,
        dom: 'lBfrtip',
        buttons: [
            'copy', 'pdf', 'print'

        /*"paging": false,
        "info": false,
         dom: 'Bfrtip',
         buttons: [
            'excel', 'pdf', 'print'

    $('th').css("white-space", "nowrap");

4 个解决方案



To activate click on cell you must use a delegated event handler - this will work on any dataTable :

要激活单击单元格,您必须使用委派的事件处理程序 - 这将适用于任何dataTable:

$('.dataTable').on('click', 'tbody td', function() {

  //get textContent of the TD
  console.log('TD cell textContent : ', this.textContent)

  //get the value of the TD using the API 
  console.log('value by API : ', table.cell({ row: this.parentNode.rowIndex, column : this.cellIndex }).data());

Retrieving data of a clicked row can be done by


$('.dataTable').on('click', 'tbody tr', function() {
  console.log('API row values : ', table.row(this).data());

If you want to send row content via AJAX you should transform the array to an object, and then include it as data :


$('.dataTable').on('click', 'tbody tr', function() {
  var data = table.row(this).data().map(function(item, index) {
     var r = {}; r['col'+index]=item; return r;
  //now use AJAX with data, which is on the form [ { col1 : value, col2: value ..}]
    data: data,
    url: url,
    success: function(response) {

If you just want a plain link in a cell with target: _blank you can use render :


columns: [
  { title: "Patient ID", class: "center", render: function(data, type, full, meta) {
     return '<a href="showdata/id?'+data+'" target=_blank>Show patient</a>'



First make sure you change the code of your dataTable initialization to save into a variable like this


var oPatientMedicalHistory = $('#patient_medical_history').DataTable({
   //your stuff

Then you can assign a click event to all the rows like this


EDIT: As Pointed out by Gyrocode.com, we should use delegated event handler as the tr's are created dynamically as we page. So The code should look like.


$('#patient_medical_history tbody').on('dblclick','tr', function() {
    var currentRowData = oPatientMedicalHistory.row(this).data();
    // alert(currentRowData[0]) // wil give you the value of this clicked row and first index (td)
    //your stuff goes here

This must help you out.




You need to add an eventhandler on click to cells(td) of your datatable and you have to define the action what you want to process in that eventhandler.



is a great source to have a look over and play around.




We are using:


  rowCallback: function (row: Node /*, data: any[] | Object, index: number */) {

    // Intercept clicking of datatable links to avoid a full page refresh
    $('a', row).click(function (e) {
      // const href = $(this).attr('href')
      // parent.router.navigate([href])

    // Navigate using anchor in cell to make entire cell clickable
    $('td', row).click(function (/* e */) {
      const anchor = $(this).find('a:first')[0]
      if (anchor) {
        const href = $(anchor).attr('href')

    return row

Not sure this is the best approach but it does the job. May the Lord bless you :)


Apologies this is TypeScript but its dead simple to convert to JS.




To activate click on cell you must use a delegated event handler - this will work on any dataTable :

要激活单击单元格,您必须使用委派的事件处理程序 - 这将适用于任何dataTable:

$('.dataTable').on('click', 'tbody td', function() {

  //get textContent of the TD
  console.log('TD cell textContent : ', this.textContent)

  //get the value of the TD using the API 
  console.log('value by API : ', table.cell({ row: this.parentNode.rowIndex, column : this.cellIndex }).data());

Retrieving data of a clicked row can be done by


$('.dataTable').on('click', 'tbody tr', function() {
  console.log('API row values : ', table.row(this).data());

If you want to send row content via AJAX you should transform the array to an object, and then include it as data :


$('.dataTable').on('click', 'tbody tr', function() {
  var data = table.row(this).data().map(function(item, index) {
     var r = {}; r['col'+index]=item; return r;
  //now use AJAX with data, which is on the form [ { col1 : value, col2: value ..}]
    data: data,
    url: url,
    success: function(response) {

If you just want a plain link in a cell with target: _blank you can use render :


columns: [
  { title: "Patient ID", class: "center", render: function(data, type, full, meta) {
     return '<a href="showdata/id?'+data+'" target=_blank>Show patient</a>'



First make sure you change the code of your dataTable initialization to save into a variable like this


var oPatientMedicalHistory = $('#patient_medical_history').DataTable({
   //your stuff

Then you can assign a click event to all the rows like this


EDIT: As Pointed out by Gyrocode.com, we should use delegated event handler as the tr's are created dynamically as we page. So The code should look like.


$('#patient_medical_history tbody').on('dblclick','tr', function() {
    var currentRowData = oPatientMedicalHistory.row(this).data();
    // alert(currentRowData[0]) // wil give you the value of this clicked row and first index (td)
    //your stuff goes here

This must help you out.




You need to add an eventhandler on click to cells(td) of your datatable and you have to define the action what you want to process in that eventhandler.



is a great source to have a look over and play around.




We are using:


  rowCallback: function (row: Node /*, data: any[] | Object, index: number */) {

    // Intercept clicking of datatable links to avoid a full page refresh
    $('a', row).click(function (e) {
      // const href = $(this).attr('href')
      // parent.router.navigate([href])

    // Navigate using anchor in cell to make entire cell clickable
    $('td', row).click(function (/* e */) {
      const anchor = $(this).find('a:first')[0]
      if (anchor) {
        const href = $(anchor).attr('href')

    return row

Not sure this is the best approach but it does the job. May the Lord bless you :)


Apologies this is TypeScript but its dead simple to convert to JS.
