Django与apache上的mod_wsgi - 500错误:Authtype未设置?

时间:2022-09-17 08:01:19

Trying to deploy my first django site on Dreamhost...I had this working and then I'm not sure what I did to make it stop working.


This is the error message:


[crit] [client] configuration error:  couldn't perform authentication. AuthType not set!: /internal_error.html

<VirtualHost :80>
WSGIScriptAlias / /home/username/
<Directory /home/username/>
Order deny,allow
Require all granted

I can also include my info but I don't think it's the problem because like I said I had the site working. Not sure if this is relevant or not but I was also trying to password protect my domain(I did that in my dreamhost panel) so that people can't see my site as I'm trying to deploy it - that is the only authentication I can think of that might be causing this, but I took the password protection off and I'm still getting the error.

我也可以包含我的wsgi.py信息,但我不认为这是问题,因为就像我说我有网站工作。不确定这是否相关,但我也试图密码保护我的域名(我在我的dreamhost面板中这样做),以便人们无法看到我的网站,因为我正在尝试部署它 - 这是唯一的身份验证我可以想到这可能导致这种情况,但我取消了密码保护,我仍然收到错误。

1 个解决方案



I had the same problem with Apache v 2.2 (Ubuntu). From the documentation:

我遇到了与Apache v 2.2(Ubuntu)相同的问题。从文档:

"If you are using a version of Apache older than 2.4, replace Require all granted with Allow from all"

“如果您使用的是早于2.4的Apache版本,请将所有已授予的所有内容替换为Allow from all”

... and that fixed it.




I had the same problem with Apache v 2.2 (Ubuntu). From the documentation:

我遇到了与Apache v 2.2(Ubuntu)相同的问题。从文档:

"If you are using a version of Apache older than 2.4, replace Require all granted with Allow from all"

“如果您使用的是早于2.4的Apache版本,请将所有已授予的所有内容替换为Allow from all”

... and that fixed it.
