
时间:2022-09-17 07:52:15

I'm having a problem getting Apache to reply properly. I'm getting a browser error: Gateway Timeout: The gateway did not receive a timely response from the upstream server or application.


I know the application is connecting through mod_wsgi to the Django layer, as I've verified queries are occurring in PostgreSQL when the connection occurs, from the Wagtail CMS's middleware running.

我知道应用程序通过mod_wsgi连接到Django层,因为当连接发生时,从Wagtail CMS的中间件运行中,我已经验证了在PostgreSQL中发生的查询。

The system is running RHEL 7.1, Apache 2.4.6, and mod_wsgi 4.4.21 with Python 3.4 and Django 1.8.

系统使用Python 3.4和Django 1.8运行RHEL 7.1、Apache 2.4.6和mod_wsgi 4.21。

Here's the error in the Apache log:


[Thu Jan 07 13:25:54.554395 2016] [wsgi:error] [pid 17128] [client] Timeout when reading response headers from daemon process 'my_classroom-https': /var/www/html/my_classroom/my_classroom/wsgi.py

Here's wsgi.py:


import os, sys
from socket import gethostname
from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application


# cpl == Core, Production, Linux..
if(gethostname()[:3]) == 'cpl':
    os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "my_classroom.settings.prod")
# csl == Core, Staging, Linux.
elif(gethostname()[:3]) == 'csl':
    os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "my_classroom.settings.stage")
# else use dev settings.
# cdl == Core, Development, Linux. vag == Vagrant.
    os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "my_classroom.settings.dev")

application = get_wsgi_application()

And here's the relevant portion of the Apache config:

这是Apache config的相关部分:

LoadModule wsgi_module modules/mod_wsgi.so
LoadModule ssl_module modules/mod_ssl.so

WSGISocketPrefix /var/run/wsgi

NameVirtualHost *:443
Listen 443
<VirtualHost *:443>

  ServerName my-python-dev.school.edu
  ErrorLog /var/www/logs/classroom-apache-errors.log


  SSLCertificateFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt
  SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/pki/tls/private/localhost.key
  SSLProtocol all -SSLv2

  WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
  WSGIDaemonProcess my_classroom-https python-home=/var/www/virtualenvs/my_classroom request-timeout=600
  WSGIScriptAlias /classroom /var/www/html/my_classroom/my_classroom/wsgi.py process-group=my_classroom-https
  WSGIProcessGroup my_classroom-https
  Alias /classroom/static/ /var/www/html/my_classroom/static/

  LogLevel info

I've tried a few few things, including increasing the request-timeout parameter of the WSGIDaemonProcess directive to be 600 seconds instead of 60, but it still seems to timeout right around 60 seconds.


Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


1 个解决方案



I got this working. The problem was a secondary database definition (not default) which couldn't connect to the server. There was no indication of this anywhere in the logs, unfortunately. This is a tough error to debug.


Here's some steps I'd take next time I see this error:


  • Take a very deep breath and relax!
  • 深呼吸,放松!
  • Confirm if any activity is happening in the database at all for the request.
  • 确认数据库中是否存在任何请求活动。
  • Make sure you can connect to all services needed by telnet (telnet mypostgresserver.domain.com 5432, telnet ldap.myprivate.network 636), and that they're not hanging.
  • 确保您可以连接到telnet所需的所有服务(telnet mypostgresserver.domain.com 5432, telnet ldap. myprivate.net636),并且它们不会挂起。
  • Modify the settings files, excluding anything possible (middleware, optional apps, backends other than ModelBackend, etc)
  • 修改设置文件,排除任何可能的情况(中间件、可选应用程序、模型后端以外的后端等)
  • Failing that, start commenting out segments of the settings files, to see if you can get a less cryptic response.
  • 如果做不到这一点,请开始注释设置文件的片段,以查看是否可以获得更少的神秘响应。



I got this working. The problem was a secondary database definition (not default) which couldn't connect to the server. There was no indication of this anywhere in the logs, unfortunately. This is a tough error to debug.


Here's some steps I'd take next time I see this error:


  • Take a very deep breath and relax!
  • 深呼吸,放松!
  • Confirm if any activity is happening in the database at all for the request.
  • 确认数据库中是否存在任何请求活动。
  • Make sure you can connect to all services needed by telnet (telnet mypostgresserver.domain.com 5432, telnet ldap.myprivate.network 636), and that they're not hanging.
  • 确保您可以连接到telnet所需的所有服务(telnet mypostgresserver.domain.com 5432, telnet ldap. myprivate.net636),并且它们不会挂起。
  • Modify the settings files, excluding anything possible (middleware, optional apps, backends other than ModelBackend, etc)
  • 修改设置文件,排除任何可能的情况(中间件、可选应用程序、模型后端以外的后端等)
  • Failing that, start commenting out segments of the settings files, to see if you can get a less cryptic response.
  • 如果做不到这一点,请开始注释设置文件的片段,以查看是否可以获得更少的神秘响应。