这里给出一种普遍的做法: // https://computinglife.wordpress.com/2008/11/20/why-do-hash-functions-use-prime-numbers/
// shortly, to reduce the conflict of hashing key‘s distrabution
return 31 * _seed + ((obj == null) ? -1 : obj.GetHashCode());
-1 : element.GetHashCode());
return this;
public override int GetHashCode (){
return _hashContext;
// add more overridings here ..
// add value types overridings to avoid boxing which is important
在项目中,在使用哈希表时。有时会须要Override GetHashCode。
实现一个helper。传递类型T。返回这个类型的hashcode。函数逻辑非常直接,,仅仅是做了null check而已。假设obj不为空,则直接使用obj的hash code。
为什么使用了magic number 31? 使用素数乘积能够相对添加唯一性,降低哈希键值分配时的冲突;而31则是为了编译器优化的考虑(有效的转换为i<<5-1)。大概搜了一下,这样的实现方式来自JAVA中string 的hash code函数。这里有具体介绍:
public class HashFluent
private int _seed = 17;
private int _hashContext;
public HashFluent Hash<T>(T obj)
// why 31?
// https://computinglife.wordpress.com/2008/11/20/why-do-hash-functions-use-prime-numbers/
// shortly, to reduce the conflict of hashing key‘s distrabution
_hashContext = 31 * _seed + ((obj == null) ? -1 : obj.GetHashCode());
return this;
public HashFluent Hash(int? value)
_hashContext = 31 * _seed + ((value == null) ? -1 : value.GetHashCode());
return this;
public HashFluent Hash(IEnumerable sequence)
if (sequence == null)
_hashContext = 31 * _hashContext + -1;
foreach (var element in sequence)
_hashContext = 31 * _hashContext + ((element == null) ?