在data.table中使用:= with paste()

时间:2021-08-09 20:10:48

I have started using data.table for a large population model. So far, I have been impressed because using the data.table structure decreases my simulation run times by about 30%. I am trying to further optimize my code and have included a simplified example. My two questions are:


  1. Is is possible to use the := operator with this code?
  2. 可以使用带有此代码的:=运算符吗?
  3. Would using the := operator be quicker (although, if I am able to answer my first question, I should be able to answer my question 2!)?
  4. 使用:=运算符会更快(但是,如果我能够回答我的第一个问题,我应该能够回答我的问题2!)?

I am using R version 3.1.2 on a machine running Windows 7 with data.table version 1.9.4.

我在运行带有data.table版本1.9.4的Windows 7的计算机上使用R版本3.1.2。

Here is my reproducible example:



## Create  example table and set initial conditions
nYears = 10
exampleTable = data.table(Site = paste("Site", 1:3))
exampleTable[ , growthRate := c(1.1, 1.2, 1.3), ]
exampleTable[ , c(paste("popYears", 0:nYears, sep = "")) := 0, ]

exampleTable[ , "popYears0" := c(10, 12, 13)] # set the initial population size

for(yearIndex in 0:(nYears - 1)){
    exampleTable[[paste("popYears", yearIndex + 1, sep = "")]] <- 
    exampleTable[[paste("popYears", yearIndex, sep = "")]] * 
    exampleTable[, growthRate]

I am trying to do something like:


for(yearIndex in 0:(nYears - 1)){
    exampleTable[ , paste("popYears", yearIndex + 1, sep = "") := 
    paste("popYears", yearIndex, sep = "") * growthRate, ] 

However, this does not work because the paste does not work with the data.table, for example:


exampleTable[ , paste("popYears", yearIndex + 1, sep = "")]
# [1] "popYears10"

I have looked through the data.table documentation. Section 2.9 of the FAQ uses cat, but this produces a null output.

我查看了data.table文档。 FAQ的第2.9节使用cat,但这会产生空输出。

exampleTable[ , cat(paste("popYears", yearIndex + 1, sep = ""))]
# [1] popYears10NULL

Also, I tried searching Google and rseek.org, but didn't find anything. If am missing an obvious search term, I would appreciate a search tip. I have always found searching for R operators to be hard because search engines don't like symbols (e.g., ":=") and "R" can be vague.


2 个解决方案



## Start with 1st three columns of example data
dt <- exampleTable[,1:3,with=FALSE]

## Run for 1st five years
nYears <- 5
for(ii in seq_len(nYears)-1) {
    y0 <- as.symbol(paste0("popYears", ii))
    y1 <- paste0("popYears", ii+1)
    dt[, (y1) := eval(y0)*growthRate]

## Check that it worked
#     Site growthRate popYears0 popYears1 popYears2 popYears3 popYears4 popYears5
#1: Site 1        1.1        10      11.0     12.10    13.310   14.6410  16.10510
#2: Site 2        1.2        12      14.4     17.28    20.736   24.8832  29.85984
#3: Site 3        1.3        13      16.9     21.97    28.561   37.1293  48.26809



Because the possibility of speeding this up using set() keeps coming up in the comments, I'll throw this additional option out there.


nYears <- 5

## Things that only need to be calculated once can be taken out of the loop
r <- dt[["growthRate"]]
yy <- paste0("popYears", seq_len(nYears+1)-1)

## A loop using set() and data.table's nice compact syntax
for(ii in seq_len(nYears)) {
    set(dt, , yy[ii+1], r*dt[[yy[ii]]])

## Check results
#     Site growthRate popYears0 popYears1 popYears2 popYears3 popYears4 popYears5
#1: Site 1        1.1        10      11.0     12.10    13.310   14.6410  16.10510
#2: Site 2        1.2        12      14.4     17.28    20.736   24.8832  29.85984
#3: Site 3        1.3        13      16.9     21.97    28.561   37.1293  48.26809



Struggling with column names is a strong indicator that the wide format is probably not the best choice for the given problem. Therefore, I suggest to do the computations in long form and to reshape the result from long to wide format, finally.


nYears = 10
params = data.table(Site = paste("Site", 1:3),
                    growthRate = c(1.1, 1.2, 1.3), 
                    pop = c(10, 12, 13))
long <- params[CJ(Site = Site, Year = 0:nYears), on = "Site"][
  , growth := cumprod(shift(growthRate, fill = 1)), by = Site][
    , pop := pop * growth][]
dcast(long, Site + growthRate ~ sprintf("popYears%02i", Year), value.var = "pop")
     Site growthRate popYears 0 popYears 1 popYears 2 popYears 3 popYears 4 popYears 5 popYears 6 popYears 7 popYears 8 popYears 9 popYears10
1: Site 1        1.1         10       11.0      12.10     13.310    14.6410   16.10510   17.71561   19.48717   21.43589   23.57948   25.93742
2: Site 2        1.2         12       14.4      17.28     20.736    24.8832   29.85984   35.83181   42.99817   51.59780   61.91736   74.30084
3: Site 3        1.3         13       16.9      21.97     28.561    37.1293   48.26809   62.74852   81.57307  106.04499  137.85849  179.21604


First, the parameters are expanded to cover 11 years (including year 0) using the cross join function CJ() and a subsequent right join on Site:


params[CJ(Site = Site, Year = 0:nYears), on = "Site"]
       Site growthRate pop Year
 1: Site 1        1.1  10    0
 2: Site 1        1.1  10    1
 3: Site 1        1.1  10    2
 4: Site 1        1.1  10    3
 5: Site 1        1.1  10    4
 6: Site 1        1.1  10    5
 7: Site 1        1.1  10    6
 8: Site 1        1.1  10    7
 9: Site 1        1.1  10    8
10: Site 1        1.1  10    9
11: Site 1        1.1  10   10
12: Site 2        1.2  12    0
13: Site 2        1.2  12    1
14: Site 2        1.2  12    2
15: Site 2        1.2  12    3
16: Site 2        1.2  12    4
17: Site 2        1.2  12    5
18: Site 2        1.2  12    6
19: Site 2        1.2  12    7
20: Site 2        1.2  12    8
21: Site 2        1.2  12    9
22: Site 2        1.2  12   10
23: Site 3        1.3  13    0
24: Site 3        1.3  13    1
25: Site 3        1.3  13    2
26: Site 3        1.3  13    3
27: Site 3        1.3  13    4
28: Site 3        1.3  13    5
29: Site 3        1.3  13    6
30: Site 3        1.3  13    7
31: Site 3        1.3  13    8
32: Site 3        1.3  13    9
33: Site 3        1.3  13   10
      Site growthRate pop Year

Then the growth is computed from the shifted growth rates using the cumulative product function cumprod() separately for each Site. The shift is required to skip the initial year for each Site. Then the population is computed by multiplying with the intial population.


Finally, the data.table is reshaped from long to wide format using dcast(). The column headers are created on-the-fly using sprintf() to ensure the correct order of columns.




## Start with 1st three columns of example data
dt <- exampleTable[,1:3,with=FALSE]

## Run for 1st five years
nYears <- 5
for(ii in seq_len(nYears)-1) {
    y0 <- as.symbol(paste0("popYears", ii))
    y1 <- paste0("popYears", ii+1)
    dt[, (y1) := eval(y0)*growthRate]

## Check that it worked
#     Site growthRate popYears0 popYears1 popYears2 popYears3 popYears4 popYears5
#1: Site 1        1.1        10      11.0     12.10    13.310   14.6410  16.10510
#2: Site 2        1.2        12      14.4     17.28    20.736   24.8832  29.85984
#3: Site 3        1.3        13      16.9     21.97    28.561   37.1293  48.26809



Because the possibility of speeding this up using set() keeps coming up in the comments, I'll throw this additional option out there.


nYears <- 5

## Things that only need to be calculated once can be taken out of the loop
r <- dt[["growthRate"]]
yy <- paste0("popYears", seq_len(nYears+1)-1)

## A loop using set() and data.table's nice compact syntax
for(ii in seq_len(nYears)) {
    set(dt, , yy[ii+1], r*dt[[yy[ii]]])

## Check results
#     Site growthRate popYears0 popYears1 popYears2 popYears3 popYears4 popYears5
#1: Site 1        1.1        10      11.0     12.10    13.310   14.6410  16.10510
#2: Site 2        1.2        12      14.4     17.28    20.736   24.8832  29.85984
#3: Site 3        1.3        13      16.9     21.97    28.561   37.1293  48.26809



Struggling with column names is a strong indicator that the wide format is probably not the best choice for the given problem. Therefore, I suggest to do the computations in long form and to reshape the result from long to wide format, finally.


nYears = 10
params = data.table(Site = paste("Site", 1:3),
                    growthRate = c(1.1, 1.2, 1.3), 
                    pop = c(10, 12, 13))
long <- params[CJ(Site = Site, Year = 0:nYears), on = "Site"][
  , growth := cumprod(shift(growthRate, fill = 1)), by = Site][
    , pop := pop * growth][]
dcast(long, Site + growthRate ~ sprintf("popYears%02i", Year), value.var = "pop")
     Site growthRate popYears 0 popYears 1 popYears 2 popYears 3 popYears 4 popYears 5 popYears 6 popYears 7 popYears 8 popYears 9 popYears10
1: Site 1        1.1         10       11.0      12.10     13.310    14.6410   16.10510   17.71561   19.48717   21.43589   23.57948   25.93742
2: Site 2        1.2         12       14.4      17.28     20.736    24.8832   29.85984   35.83181   42.99817   51.59780   61.91736   74.30084
3: Site 3        1.3         13       16.9      21.97     28.561    37.1293   48.26809   62.74852   81.57307  106.04499  137.85849  179.21604


First, the parameters are expanded to cover 11 years (including year 0) using the cross join function CJ() and a subsequent right join on Site:


params[CJ(Site = Site, Year = 0:nYears), on = "Site"]
       Site growthRate pop Year
 1: Site 1        1.1  10    0
 2: Site 1        1.1  10    1
 3: Site 1        1.1  10    2
 4: Site 1        1.1  10    3
 5: Site 1        1.1  10    4
 6: Site 1        1.1  10    5
 7: Site 1        1.1  10    6
 8: Site 1        1.1  10    7
 9: Site 1        1.1  10    8
10: Site 1        1.1  10    9
11: Site 1        1.1  10   10
12: Site 2        1.2  12    0
13: Site 2        1.2  12    1
14: Site 2        1.2  12    2
15: Site 2        1.2  12    3
16: Site 2        1.2  12    4
17: Site 2        1.2  12    5
18: Site 2        1.2  12    6
19: Site 2        1.2  12    7
20: Site 2        1.2  12    8
21: Site 2        1.2  12    9
22: Site 2        1.2  12   10
23: Site 3        1.3  13    0
24: Site 3        1.3  13    1
25: Site 3        1.3  13    2
26: Site 3        1.3  13    3
27: Site 3        1.3  13    4
28: Site 3        1.3  13    5
29: Site 3        1.3  13    6
30: Site 3        1.3  13    7
31: Site 3        1.3  13    8
32: Site 3        1.3  13    9
33: Site 3        1.3  13   10
      Site growthRate pop Year

Then the growth is computed from the shifted growth rates using the cumulative product function cumprod() separately for each Site. The shift is required to skip the initial year for each Site. Then the population is computed by multiplying with the intial population.


Finally, the data.table is reshaped from long to wide format using dcast(). The column headers are created on-the-fly using sprintf() to ensure the correct order of columns.
