代码从windows下visual studio到andriod平台迁移的修改记录

时间:2022-09-16 09:13:18


前言也是迁言,从windows的visual studio 2012平台迁移到android平台上,需用修改挺多的代码和需用注意地方。



1. modify cMakeLists.txt file,add android define and macro.

2.cmake ./../
Build files have been written to: /home/andriod_a/build 3.size_t problem add <cstddef> head file. 4.error: extra qualification 'rw::scoped_lock::' on member 'scoped_lock' [-fpermissive]
remove the class identifier. 5. memcpy define in <string.h> .so change it. 6.no match for 'operator=' in 'inverse = rw_math::matrix3f::operator*(float) const((1.0e+0f / det))' //inverse = inverse * (1.0f/det);
matrix3f temp = inverse * (1.0f/det);
inverse = temp; 7.no match for 'operator=' in 'rot_mat = rw_math::matrix4f::make_rotation_matrix(
matrix4f matrix4f_tmp = make_rotation_matrix(axis_,angle_in_rad_);
rot_mat = matrix4f_tmp; 8.warning: inline function 'double const& rw_math::vector3d::operator[](int) const' used but never defined [enabled by default] 9.error: 'memcmp' was not declared in this scope
#include <string.h> 10.initializing argument 2 of 'char* strncat(char*, char const*, size_t)' [-fpermissive] 11.compile jpeg library.
copy source code,then write or change cMakeLists.txt,then create a buid file,open terminal in the new build file.
cmake ./../ ,the last is make ,and it will show u.
12.multiple definition of 'std::__lg(int)
i define the inline,so error. 13. the inline function which must achieve in head file ,and could not in *.cpp file. or,u can delete inline word in head files. 14. conflicts with previous declaration 'typedef class rw::rw_shared_ptr<rw_json::json_value_iterator> rw_json::json_value_iterator::ptr' multidefine .
15.no matching function for call to 'transform()
transform(ext_.begin(), ext_.end(), ext_.begin(), ::tolower); 16. temp varity can't assign to non-const reference.
rw_shared_ptr_shadow temp_shadow = entity_.to_shared_ptr_shadow();
pt2model_entity_define::ptr temp_ptr = temp_shadow.to_shared_ptr<pt2model_entity_define>();
17. fatal error: json\json.h: No such file or director
#include <json\json.h> ----->#include <json/json.h>
18. fatal error: zlib\\zconf.h: No such file or directory
----->#include "zlib/zlib.h"
19. error: cannot pass objects of non-trivially-copyable type 'const mapped_type {aka const struct std::basic_string<char>}' through '.
20.537:49: error: invalid initialization of non-const reference of type 'std::string& {aka std::basic_string<char>&}' from an rvalue of type 'std::string {aka std::basic_string<char>}'
string temp_str = request_.get()->get_url();
string& tmp_req_url = temp_str;
21. error: no matching function for call
temp variaty problem. make a temp variaty.
matrix4d temp_mat = world_mat * t_mat;
22. abs()--->fabs(); 23.rw_terrian_manager.h:69:12: error: 'terrian_tile' was not declared in this scope
can not recongize the friend class in GCC ,so chang forward declaration.
#ifdef __linux__
class terrian_tile;
24. Windows.h: No such file or directory
linux not compile this model,and commit it.
25. itoa----> #include <sstream>
std::ostringstream oss;
std::string str = "";
oss << _counter;
str = oss.str();
26. error: taking address of temporary
box3d bbox = (instances_[i]->get_bounding());
if (!manipulate_geo_hash(instances_[i]->get_id(), &bbox, update_geo_hash))
27. error: no matching function for call to 'transform(std::basic_string<char>::iterator, std::basic_string<char>::iterator, std::basic_string<char>::iterator, <unresolved overloaded function type>)'
transform(_texture_type.begin(), _texture_type.end(), _texture_type.begin(), ::tolower); 28. GetModuleFileName((HINSTANCE)&__ImageBase,buffer,256);
#include <stdio.h>
------->string buffer = getcwd(NULL, 0);
string execution_path= buffer;
29. xstring ----><string> 30.invalid cast of an rvalue expression of type 'rw::multi_point::ptr {aka rw::rw_shared_ptr<rw::multi_point>}' to type 'rw::multi_point*&'
temp variable error.
31. error: 'atof' was not declared in this scope
std::stringstream oss;
int temp_int;
oss << _pri_string;
oss >> temp_int;
_var = temp_int;
32.error: conflicts with previous declaration
u known, have more than one define in u's file.so,find and delete it.
33. malloc no declear.
#include <malloc.h> 34. image_info_->image_type = image_type_;
rw_image :image_type("ccccccccccccccccc"), 35. don't write like this.
_runtime->register_service(_aaaa_multi_service_pid, get_aaa_multi_service());
36. register_service at last place when add_multi_service.
_runtime->register_service(terrian_data_sqlite_service_pid, tms ); 37. dom does not show,because android system does not support multi-therad rendering.
so ,put the upload in draw thread. 38.please set RW_INDEX rw_uint16 in rw_render_object_creator.cpp when u compile the code in android system,otherwise leave it alone.


==============THE END=============

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