
时间:2022-09-16 08:38:14

I googled a lot, but I did not find the exact straight forward answer with an example.


Any example for this would be more helpful.


6 个解决方案



The primary key is a unique key in your table that you choose that best uniquely identifies a record in the table. All tables should have a primary key, because if you ever need to update or delete a record you need to know how to uniquely identify it.


A surrogate key is an artificially generated key. They're useful when your records essentially have no natural key (such as a Person table, since it's possible for two people born on the same date to have the same name, or records in a log, since it's possible for two events to happen such they they carry the same timestamp). Most often you'll see these implemented as integers in an automatically incrementing field, or as GUIDs that are generated automatically for each record. ID numbers are almost always surrogate keys.

代理键是人工生成的密钥。当你的记录基本上没有自然键(例如Person表,因为在同一天出生的两个人可能具有相同的名称或记录在日志中时,它们是有用的,因为它可能发生两个事件他们带有相同的时间戳)。通常,您会在自动递增字段中看到这些实现为整数,或者作为为每条记录自动生成的GUID。 ID号几乎总是代理键。

Unlike primary keys, not all tables need surrogate keys, however. If you have a table that lists the states in America, you don't really need an ID number for them. You could use the state abbreviation as a primary key code.


The main advantage of the surrogate key is that they're easy to guarantee as unique. The main disadvantage is that they don't have any meaning. There's no meaning that "28" is Wisconsin, for example, but when you see 'WI' in the State column of your Address table, you know what state you're talking about without needing to look up which state is which in your State table.




A surrogate key is a made up value with the sole purpose of uniquely identifying a row. Usually, this is represented by an auto incrementing ID.


Example code:


    SurrogateKey INT IDENTITY(1,1) -- A surrogate key that increments automatically

A primary key is the identifying column or set of columns of a table. Can be surrogate key or any other unique combination of columns (for example a compound key). MUST be unique for any row and cannot be NULL.


Example code:


    PrimaryKey INT PRIMARY KEY -- A primary key is just an unique identifier



All keys are identifiers used as surrogates for the things they identify. E.F.Codd explained the concept of system-assigned surrogates as follows [1]:

所有密钥都是用作其识别内容的代理的标识符。 E.F.Codd解释了系统指定代理的概念如下[1]:

Database users may cause the system to generate or delete a surrogate, but they have no control over its value, nor is its value ever displayed to them.


This is what is commonly referred to as a surrogate key. The definition is immediately problematic however because Codd was assuming that such a feature would be provided by the DBMS. DBMSs in general have no such feature. The keys are normally visible to at least some DBMS users as, for obvious reasons, they have to be. The concept of a surrogate has therefore morphed slightly in usage. The term is generally used in the data management profession to mean a key that is not exposed and used as an identifier in the business domain. Note that this is essentially unrelated to how the key is generated or how "artificial" it is perceived to be. All keys consist of symbols invented by humans or machines. The only possible significance of the term surrogate therefore relates how the key is used, not how it is created or what its values are.

这通常被称为代理键。该定义立即存在问题,但因为Codd假设DBMS会提供这样的功能。 DBMS通常没有这样的功能。这些密钥通常对至少一些DBMS用户可见,因为显而易见的原因,它们必须是。因此,代理人的概念在使用方面略有变化。该术语通常在数据管理行业中用于表示未公开并用作业务域中的标识符的密钥。请注意,这与密钥的生成方式或感知“人为”的方式基本无关。所有键都由人或机器发明的符号组成。因此,术语代理的唯一可能的重要性涉及如何使用密钥,而不是如何创建密钥或其值是什么。

[1] Extending the database relational model to capture more meaning, E.F.Codd, 1979




This is a great treatment describing the various kinds of keys:






A surrogate key is typically a numeric value. Within SQL Server, Microsoft allows you to define a column with an identity property to help generate surrogate key values.

代理键通常是数值。在SQL Server中,Microsoft允许您定义具有标识属性的列,以帮助生成代理键值。

The PRIMARY KEY constraint uniquely identifies each record in a database table. Primary keys must contain UNIQUE values. A primary key column cannot contain NULL values. Most tables should have a primary key, and each table can have only ONE primary key.

PRIMARY KEY约束唯一标识数据库表中的每条记录。主键必须包含UNIQUE值。主键列不能包含NULL值。大多数表应该有一个主键,每个表只能有一个主键。





I think Michelle Poolet describes it in a very clear way:

我认为Michelle Poolet以一种非常清晰的方式描述它:

A surrogate key is an artificially produced value, most often a system-managed, incrementing counter whose values can range from 1 to n, where n represents a table's maximum number of rows. In SQL Server, you create a surrogate key by assigning an identity property to a column that has a number data type.

代理键是人工生成的值,通常是系统管理的递增计数器,其值的范围可以从1到n,其中n表示表的最大行数。在SQL Server中,通过将标识属性分配给具有数字数据类型的列来创建代理键。



It usually helps you use a surrogate key when you change a composite key with an identity column.




The primary key is a unique key in your table that you choose that best uniquely identifies a record in the table. All tables should have a primary key, because if you ever need to update or delete a record you need to know how to uniquely identify it.


A surrogate key is an artificially generated key. They're useful when your records essentially have no natural key (such as a Person table, since it's possible for two people born on the same date to have the same name, or records in a log, since it's possible for two events to happen such they they carry the same timestamp). Most often you'll see these implemented as integers in an automatically incrementing field, or as GUIDs that are generated automatically for each record. ID numbers are almost always surrogate keys.

代理键是人工生成的密钥。当你的记录基本上没有自然键(例如Person表,因为在同一天出生的两个人可能具有相同的名称或记录在日志中时,它们是有用的,因为它可能发生两个事件他们带有相同的时间戳)。通常,您会在自动递增字段中看到这些实现为整数,或者作为为每条记录自动生成的GUID。 ID号几乎总是代理键。

Unlike primary keys, not all tables need surrogate keys, however. If you have a table that lists the states in America, you don't really need an ID number for them. You could use the state abbreviation as a primary key code.


The main advantage of the surrogate key is that they're easy to guarantee as unique. The main disadvantage is that they don't have any meaning. There's no meaning that "28" is Wisconsin, for example, but when you see 'WI' in the State column of your Address table, you know what state you're talking about without needing to look up which state is which in your State table.




A surrogate key is a made up value with the sole purpose of uniquely identifying a row. Usually, this is represented by an auto incrementing ID.


Example code:


    SurrogateKey INT IDENTITY(1,1) -- A surrogate key that increments automatically

A primary key is the identifying column or set of columns of a table. Can be surrogate key or any other unique combination of columns (for example a compound key). MUST be unique for any row and cannot be NULL.


Example code:


    PrimaryKey INT PRIMARY KEY -- A primary key is just an unique identifier



All keys are identifiers used as surrogates for the things they identify. E.F.Codd explained the concept of system-assigned surrogates as follows [1]:

所有密钥都是用作其识别内容的代理的标识符。 E.F.Codd解释了系统指定代理的概念如下[1]:

Database users may cause the system to generate or delete a surrogate, but they have no control over its value, nor is its value ever displayed to them.


This is what is commonly referred to as a surrogate key. The definition is immediately problematic however because Codd was assuming that such a feature would be provided by the DBMS. DBMSs in general have no such feature. The keys are normally visible to at least some DBMS users as, for obvious reasons, they have to be. The concept of a surrogate has therefore morphed slightly in usage. The term is generally used in the data management profession to mean a key that is not exposed and used as an identifier in the business domain. Note that this is essentially unrelated to how the key is generated or how "artificial" it is perceived to be. All keys consist of symbols invented by humans or machines. The only possible significance of the term surrogate therefore relates how the key is used, not how it is created or what its values are.

这通常被称为代理键。该定义立即存在问题,但因为Codd假设DBMS会提供这样的功能。 DBMS通常没有这样的功能。这些密钥通常对至少一些DBMS用户可见,因为显而易见的原因,它们必须是。因此,代理人的概念在使用方面略有变化。该术语通常在数据管理行业中用于表示未公开并用作业务域中的标识符的密钥。请注意,这与密钥的生成方式或感知“人为”的方式基本无关。所有键都由人或机器发明的符号组成。因此,术语代理的唯一可能的重要性涉及如何使用密钥,而不是如何创建密钥或其值是什么。

[1] Extending the database relational model to capture more meaning, E.F.Codd, 1979




This is a great treatment describing the various kinds of keys:






A surrogate key is typically a numeric value. Within SQL Server, Microsoft allows you to define a column with an identity property to help generate surrogate key values.

代理键通常是数值。在SQL Server中,Microsoft允许您定义具有标识属性的列,以帮助生成代理键值。

The PRIMARY KEY constraint uniquely identifies each record in a database table. Primary keys must contain UNIQUE values. A primary key column cannot contain NULL values. Most tables should have a primary key, and each table can have only ONE primary key.

PRIMARY KEY约束唯一标识数据库表中的每条记录。主键必须包含UNIQUE值。主键列不能包含NULL值。大多数表应该有一个主键,每个表只能有一个主键。





I think Michelle Poolet describes it in a very clear way:

我认为Michelle Poolet以一种非常清晰的方式描述它:

A surrogate key is an artificially produced value, most often a system-managed, incrementing counter whose values can range from 1 to n, where n represents a table's maximum number of rows. In SQL Server, you create a surrogate key by assigning an identity property to a column that has a number data type.

代理键是人工生成的值,通常是系统管理的递增计数器,其值的范围可以从1到n,其中n表示表的最大行数。在SQL Server中,通过将标识属性分配给具有数字数据类型的列来创建代理键。



It usually helps you use a surrogate key when you change a composite key with an identity column.
