
时间:2022-09-15 20:12:29

In my project, I have a many-to-many relationship between two entities: Post and Tag. (Post has a variable 'tags').

在我的项目中,我在两个实体之间存在多对多关系:Post和Tag。 (Post有一个变量'tags')。

I want to allow the user to search posts through their name OR their tags (like on tumblr for exemple)


Let's say I have this in my database:


        Name                     Tags
post1: "Recipe with eggs"        cooking, chicken, egg    
post2: "Random Title"            beef, chicken, egg    
post3: "Cooking Fish"            fish, cooking
post4: "Rice and chicken"        rice, meat

So if I enter 'chicken egg' in my search form, I have to return only post1 (because of the tags), post2 (because of the tags) AND post4 (because of the name).


But I also want to retrieve, for each post, all their associated tags (cooking, chicken and egg for post1, ...).


In my Controller, I have this:


//$data['search'] comes from a form and contains for exemple 'chicken egg'
$searchString = $data['search'];
$searchString = explode(' ',$searchString);
$list = $repository->getPostByTag($searchString);

In my PostRepository.php I have created this:


    public function getPostByTag($searchString)
        $query = $this->createQueryBuilder('p')->leftJoin('p.tags','t');
        $i = 0;
        foreach($searchString as $tag)
           $query->orWhere(' like :tag'.$i.' OR like :percent_tag'.$i)
              ->setParameter('tag'.$i, $tag)

But this "getPostByTag" method gives me very random results... How can I get every posts and their associated tags by searching through their name and theirs tags?


2 个解决方案



Can you give this one a whirl for me? Note the modified method name due to the fact that we're fetching multiple Posts with multiple Tags.


public function getPostsByTags($tagArray = array()) {
    $query = $this->createQueryBuilder('p');
    $i = 1;
    $tagObjects = this->getEntityManager()->getRepository('AcmeBundle:Tag')
        ->findByName(array('name' => $tagArray)); // This is case-insensitive by default

    foreach ($tagObjects as $tagObj) {
        $query->orWhere('?'.$i.' MEMBER OF p.tags')->setParameter($i, $tagObj);

    foreach ($tagArray as $tag) {
        $query->orWhere(' LIKE ?'.$i)->setParameter($i, '%'.$tag.'%');

    $query->leftJoin('p.tags', 't')
        ->leftJoin('', 'a')

    return $query->getResult();



I think you might have an error in how you are doing your parameter settings. You don't surround tag with % - was that intentional because you want tags to match exactly? Also you shouldn't have the : for the percent_tag.

我想您在参数设置方面可能会出错。您没有使用%环绕标记 - 这是故意的,因为您希望标记完全匹配吗?你也不应该有:for percent_tag。

$query->orWhere(' like :tag'.$i.' OR like :percent_tag'.$i)
   ->setParameter('tag'.$i, $tag)



Can you give this one a whirl for me? Note the modified method name due to the fact that we're fetching multiple Posts with multiple Tags.


public function getPostsByTags($tagArray = array()) {
    $query = $this->createQueryBuilder('p');
    $i = 1;
    $tagObjects = this->getEntityManager()->getRepository('AcmeBundle:Tag')
        ->findByName(array('name' => $tagArray)); // This is case-insensitive by default

    foreach ($tagObjects as $tagObj) {
        $query->orWhere('?'.$i.' MEMBER OF p.tags')->setParameter($i, $tagObj);

    foreach ($tagArray as $tag) {
        $query->orWhere(' LIKE ?'.$i)->setParameter($i, '%'.$tag.'%');

    $query->leftJoin('p.tags', 't')
        ->leftJoin('', 'a')

    return $query->getResult();



I think you might have an error in how you are doing your parameter settings. You don't surround tag with % - was that intentional because you want tags to match exactly? Also you shouldn't have the : for the percent_tag.

我想您在参数设置方面可能会出错。您没有使用%环绕标记 - 这是故意的,因为您希望标记完全匹配吗?你也不应该有:for percent_tag。

$query->orWhere(' like :tag'.$i.' OR like :percent_tag'.$i)
   ->setParameter('tag'.$i, $tag)