SQL Server查询XML数据类型性能问题

时间:2022-09-15 19:43:30

I have a XML file stored in a XML datatype column data in my table records.


The table looks like this:


create table records 
     id int,
     type nvarchar(28),
     data xml,
     posted datetime

XML data:



I am currently using following query to extract data from that XML column which is taking more than minutes in 20K records.


    CONVERT( NVARCHAR(500), data.query('data(Properties/data/Name)') ) AS Name,
    CONVERT( NVARCHAR(500), data.query('data(Properties/data/Gender)') ) AS Gender,
    CONVERT( NVARCHAR(500), data.query('data(Properties/data/Age)') ) AS Age,
    CONVERT( NVARCHAR(500), data.query('data(Properties/data/Salary)') ) AS Salary,
    CONVERT( NVARCHAR(500), data.query('data(Properties/data/Phone)') ) AS Phone
    type = 'personnel_xml'

I am very new to XML extraction in SQL Server. I guess I am not following the standard optimized approach to extract XML elements.

我对SQL Server中的XML提取非常陌生。我想我没有遵循标准的优化方法来提取XML元素。

So, can anybody help how can i optimize this scenario as I need to extract 100 such elements from my xml stored as a column.


2 个解决方案



To get a value out of XML in SQL Server you should use the value() Method (xml Data Type). And for untyped XML you should specify the text() node to get better performance.

要在SQL Server中从XML中获取值,您应该使用value()方法(XML数据类型)。对于非类型化的XML,应该指定text()节点以获得更好的性能。

select R.id,
       R.data.value('(/Properties/data/Name/text())[1]', 'nvarchar(500)') as Name,
       R.data.value('(/Properties/data/Gender/text())[1]', 'nvarchar(10)') as Gender,
       R.data.value('(/Properties/data/Age/text())[1]', 'int') as Age,
       R.data.value('(/Properties/data/Salary/text())[1]', 'nvarchar(10)') as Salary,
       R.data.value('(/Properties/data/Phone/text())[1]', 'nvarchar(30)') as Phone
from dbo.records as R
where type = N'personnel_xml';



Assuming you have multiple <data> within the xml. Notice I added an expanded xml file which will have two sets.

假设xml中有多个 。注意,我添加了一个扩展的xml文件,它将有两个集合。

Declare @table table (id int,data xml)
Insert Into @table values (1,'<Properties><data><Name>novel</Name><Gender>Female</Gender><Age>32</Age><Salary>55k</Salary><Phone>123-123</Phone></data>
<data><Name>Another Name</Name><Gender>Male</Gender><Age>45</Age><Salary>75k</Salary><Phone>555-1212</Phone></data>

;with cte as (
      Select ID
            ,RN   = Row_Number() over (Partition By ID Order By (Select Null))
            ,Data = m.query('.') 
      From   @table AS t
      Cross Apply t.Data.nodes('/Properties/data') AS A(m)
Select ID
      ,Name   = Data.value('(data/Name)[1]'  ,'nvarchar(500)')
      ,Gender = Data.value('(data/Gender)[1]','nvarchar(500)')
      ,Age    = Data.value('(data/Age)[1]'   ,'nvarchar(500)')
      ,Salary = Data.value('(data/Salary)[1]','nvarchar(500)')
      ,Phone  = Data.value('(data/Phone)[1]' ,'nvarchar(500)')
 From  cte



ID  RN  Name            Gender  Age     Salary  Phone
1   1   novel           Female  32      55k     123-123
1   2   Another Name    Male    45      75k     555-1212



To get a value out of XML in SQL Server you should use the value() Method (xml Data Type). And for untyped XML you should specify the text() node to get better performance.

要在SQL Server中从XML中获取值,您应该使用value()方法(XML数据类型)。对于非类型化的XML,应该指定text()节点以获得更好的性能。

select R.id,
       R.data.value('(/Properties/data/Name/text())[1]', 'nvarchar(500)') as Name,
       R.data.value('(/Properties/data/Gender/text())[1]', 'nvarchar(10)') as Gender,
       R.data.value('(/Properties/data/Age/text())[1]', 'int') as Age,
       R.data.value('(/Properties/data/Salary/text())[1]', 'nvarchar(10)') as Salary,
       R.data.value('(/Properties/data/Phone/text())[1]', 'nvarchar(30)') as Phone
from dbo.records as R
where type = N'personnel_xml';



Assuming you have multiple <data> within the xml. Notice I added an expanded xml file which will have two sets.

假设xml中有多个 。注意,我添加了一个扩展的xml文件,它将有两个集合。

Declare @table table (id int,data xml)
Insert Into @table values (1,'<Properties><data><Name>novel</Name><Gender>Female</Gender><Age>32</Age><Salary>55k</Salary><Phone>123-123</Phone></data>
<data><Name>Another Name</Name><Gender>Male</Gender><Age>45</Age><Salary>75k</Salary><Phone>555-1212</Phone></data>

;with cte as (
      Select ID
            ,RN   = Row_Number() over (Partition By ID Order By (Select Null))
            ,Data = m.query('.') 
      From   @table AS t
      Cross Apply t.Data.nodes('/Properties/data') AS A(m)
Select ID
      ,Name   = Data.value('(data/Name)[1]'  ,'nvarchar(500)')
      ,Gender = Data.value('(data/Gender)[1]','nvarchar(500)')
      ,Age    = Data.value('(data/Age)[1]'   ,'nvarchar(500)')
      ,Salary = Data.value('(data/Salary)[1]','nvarchar(500)')
      ,Phone  = Data.value('(data/Phone)[1]' ,'nvarchar(500)')
 From  cte



ID  RN  Name            Gender  Age     Salary  Phone
1   1   novel           Female  32      55k     123-123
1   2   Another Name    Male    45      75k     555-1212