WPF data binding

时间:2022-01-01 03:11:08


ElementName: Gets or sets the name of the elements to use as the binding source object. [Default is null]

Source: Gets or sets the object to use as the binding source. 

RelativeSource: Gets or sets the binding source by specifying its location relative to the position of the binding target.

Converter: Gets or sets the converter to use.

Mode: Gets or sets a value that indicates the direction of the data flow in the binding.

Path: Gets or sets the path to the binding source property.

StringFormat: Gets or sets a string that specifies how to format the binding if it displays the bound value as a string.(Inherited from BindingBase.)

Only one of the three properties, ElementName, Source, and RelativeSource, should be set for each binding, or a conflict might occur. 

By default, bindings inherit the data context specified by the DataContext property

Path is the default property of a binding. {Binding PropertyName} 等价于 {Binding Path=PropertyName}

{Binding} is equivalent to {Binding Path=.}, which binds to the current source




