I am using Google App Engine's Datastore as my database. I have a bunch of users let's call them providers that have given what time ranges they are available for the week. Like 3-4 p.m. and 4:30-7:30 p.m. Then, another user comes along and says I want to see who is available from 5-6 p.m. on this day. How do I get the list of users that have said they are available from 5-6 p.m. What is the best way to model the data and get this result?
我使用Google App Engine的数据存储区作为我的数据库。我有一大堆用户让我们称之为提供商,这些提供商已经给出了本周可用的时间范围。比如下午3-4点下午4:30-7:30然后,另一位用户出现并说我希望从下午5-6点看谁有空。在这一天。我如何从下午5-6点获得表示可用的用户列表。对数据建模并获得此结果的最佳方法是什么?
2 个解决方案
It would be good to know what language do you use. I assume that you use Java and Objectify. Code below omits some details. Essentially you need to index fromDate and toDate and after to filter providers based on parameters got from user input.
public class Provider {
@index Date availableFrom;
@index Date availableTo;
public class ProviderService {
@ApiMethod(name = "getByRange")
public List<Provider> getByRange( @Named("availableFrom") String
availableFrom, @Named("availableTo") String availableTo{
List<Provider> providers=
ofy().load().type(Provider.class).filter("availableFrom >=",
availableFrom).filter("availableTo <=", availableTo).list();
return providers;
Tim Hoffman's comment is the correct answer. Use time increments and store variables for each increment. Turin is correct if there is only one time range that you are available, but with multiple time ranges the problem becomes very different.
It would be good to know what language do you use. I assume that you use Java and Objectify. Code below omits some details. Essentially you need to index fromDate and toDate and after to filter providers based on parameters got from user input.
public class Provider {
@index Date availableFrom;
@index Date availableTo;
public class ProviderService {
@ApiMethod(name = "getByRange")
public List<Provider> getByRange( @Named("availableFrom") String
availableFrom, @Named("availableTo") String availableTo{
List<Provider> providers=
ofy().load().type(Provider.class).filter("availableFrom >=",
availableFrom).filter("availableTo <=", availableTo).list();
return providers;
Tim Hoffman's comment is the correct answer. Use time increments and store variables for each increment. Turin is correct if there is only one time range that you are available, but with multiple time ranges the problem becomes very different.