
时间:2022-09-15 17:45:49

I have this table:


| NodeID | Parent | HasChildren |
|1000000 |-1      |-1           |
|2409999 |1000000 |-1           |
|2510921 |1000000 |-1           |
|2596822 |2510921 |0            |
|3000143 |2409999 |0            |
|3125674 |2409999 |0            |
       the list goes on

... from which I need to build a html tree list using <ul> and <li>. Every node in this table is a child of top node with id 1000000 (which has Parent "-1"). Also, HasChildren "-1" tells that this node has children, 0 - it has not. Yes, it's kinda weird convention, but it's as it is. So, the output should be like this:


  • 建立一个html树列表。该表中的每个节点都是id为1000000(其父节点为“-1”)的top节点的子节点。同样,HasChildren“-1”告诉这个节点有子节点,0 -它没有子节点。是的,这是有点奇怪的惯例,但事实就是如此。输出应该是这样的:

  • 建立一个html树列表。该表中的每个节点都是id为1000000(其父节点为“1”)的前节点的子节点。同样,HasChildren“1”告诉这个节点有子节点,0 -它没有子节点。是的,这是有点奇怪的惯例,但事实就是如此。输出应该是这样的:

Perhaps someone has tackled the very same problem? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


2 个解决方案



As mentioned above, it would make sense to use a nested set representation in your table. If you decide to keep the existing table structure, then the general way of doing it is to have a recursive function along the lines of:


function printBranch($parentID) {
    foreach ($children as $child) {
        if ($child is a Leaf) echo '<li>child</li>';
        elseif ($child is a Branch) printBranch($child);

Needless to say the code above is pseudo-code, but it should demonstrate the general idea. The function executes on a single node, and if that node has children it calls itself on each of the children. That is called recursion. As a common programming convention: nodes that have children are called branches, and the ones that don't are called leafs.




If your table layout is up for redesign, I'd use a left-right table layout, like the one listed in this article.






As mentioned above, it would make sense to use a nested set representation in your table. If you decide to keep the existing table structure, then the general way of doing it is to have a recursive function along the lines of:


function printBranch($parentID) {
    foreach ($children as $child) {
        if ($child is a Leaf) echo '<li>child</li>';
        elseif ($child is a Branch) printBranch($child);

Needless to say the code above is pseudo-code, but it should demonstrate the general idea. The function executes on a single node, and if that node has children it calls itself on each of the children. That is called recursion. As a common programming convention: nodes that have children are called branches, and the ones that don't are called leafs.




If your table layout is up for redesign, I'd use a left-right table layout, like the one listed in this article.


