
时间:2022-09-15 15:11:34

I want to insert an if statement in a cell through vba which includes double quotes.


Here is my code:


Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value = "=IF(Sheet1!B1=0,"",Sheet1!B1)"

Due to double quotes I am having issues with inserting the string. How do I handle double quotes?


6 个解决方案



I find the easiest way is to double up on the quotes to handle a quote.


Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Formula = "IF(Sheet1!A1=0,"""",Sheet1!A1)" 

Some people like to use CHR(34)*:


Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Formula = "IF(Sheet1!A1=0," & CHR(34) & CHR(34) & ",Sheet1!A1)" 

*Note: CHAR() is used as an Excel cell formula, e.g. writing "=CHAR(34)" in a cell, but for VBA code you use the CHR() function.

*注意:CHAR()用作Excel单元格公式,例如在单元格中写入“= CHAR(34)”,但对于VBA代码,则使用CHR()函数。



Another work-around is to construct a string with a temporary substitute character. Then you can use REPLACE to change each temp character to the double quote. I use tilde as the temporary substitute character.


Here is an example from a project I have been working on. This is a little utility routine to repair a very complicated formula if/when the cell gets stepped on accidentally. It is a difficult formula to enter into a cell, but this little utility fixes it instantly.


Sub RepairFormula()
Dim FormulaString As String

FormulaString = "=MID(CELL(~filename~,$A$1),FIND(~[~,CELL(~filename~,$A$1))+1,FIND(~]~, CELL(~filename~,$A$1))-FIND(~[~,CELL(~filename~,$A$1))-1)"
FormulaString = Replace(FormulaString, Chr(126), Chr(34)) 'this replaces every instance of the tilde with a double quote.
Range("WorkbookFileName").Formula = FormulaString

This is really just a simple programming trick, but it makes entering the formula in your VBA code pretty easy.




All double quotes inside double quotes which suround the string must be changed doubled. As example I had one of json file strings : "delivery": "Standard", In Vba Editor I changed it into """delivery"": ""Standard""," and everythig works correctly. If you have to insert a lot of similar strings, my proposal first, insert them all between "" , then with VBA editor replace " inside into "". If you will do mistake, VBA editor show this line in red and you will correct this error.

双引号内的所有双引号都必须加倍。例如,我有一个json文件字符串:“delivery”:“Standard”,在Vba编辑器中我将其更改为“”“delivery”“:”“Standard”“,”并且everythig正常工作。如果你必须插入很多类似的字符串,我的建议首先将它们全部插入“”之间,然后用VBA编辑器替换“inside into”“。如果你会出错,VBA编辑器会显示这行为红色,你会纠正这个错误。



I prefer the answer of tabSF . implementing the same to your answer. here below is my approach


Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value = "=IF(Sheet1!A1=0," & CHR(34) & CHR(34) & ",Sheet1!A1)"



I have written a small routine which copies formula from a cell to clipboard which one can easily paste in Visual Basic Editor.

我编写了一个小例程,它将公式从一个单元复制到一个剪贴板,可以在Visual Basic编辑器中轻松粘贴。

    Public Sub CopyExcelFormulaInVBAFormat()
        Dim strFormula As String
        Dim objDataObj As Object

        '\Check that single cell is selected!
       If Selection.Cells.Count > 1 Then
            MsgBox "Select single cell only!", vbCritical
            Exit Sub
        End If

        'Check if we are not on a blank cell!
       If Len(ActiveCell.Formula) = 0 Then
            MsgBox "No Formula To Copy!", vbCritical
            Exit Sub
        End If

        'Add quotes as required in VBE
       strFormula = Chr(34) & Replace(ActiveCell.Formula, Chr(34), Chr(34) & Chr(34)) & Chr(34)

        'This is ClsID of MSFORMS Data Object
       Set objDataObj = CreateObject("New:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}")
        objDataObj.SetText strFormula, 1
        MsgBox "VBA Format formula copied to Clipboard!", vbInformation

        Set objDataObj = Nothing

    End Sub

It is originally posted on Chandoo.org forums' Vault Section.




The TEXT function can reproduce an empty (or zero-length) string without using quotes.


with Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A2")
    .formula = "=IF(Sheet1!A1=0, TEXT(,), Sheet1!A1)"
    'also good for comparing to a zero-length string; e.g. IF(A1="", ...
    .formula = "=IF(Sheet1!A1=TEXT(,), TEXT(,), Sheet1!A1)"
end with

I've use the Range.Formula property rather than Range.Value property for clarity. Using .Value to put a formula into a cell formatted as text (e.g. @) can result in a cell containing text-that-looks-like-a-formula.




I find the easiest way is to double up on the quotes to handle a quote.


Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Formula = "IF(Sheet1!A1=0,"""",Sheet1!A1)" 

Some people like to use CHR(34)*:


Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Formula = "IF(Sheet1!A1=0," & CHR(34) & CHR(34) & ",Sheet1!A1)" 

*Note: CHAR() is used as an Excel cell formula, e.g. writing "=CHAR(34)" in a cell, but for VBA code you use the CHR() function.

*注意:CHAR()用作Excel单元格公式,例如在单元格中写入“= CHAR(34)”,但对于VBA代码,则使用CHR()函数。



Another work-around is to construct a string with a temporary substitute character. Then you can use REPLACE to change each temp character to the double quote. I use tilde as the temporary substitute character.


Here is an example from a project I have been working on. This is a little utility routine to repair a very complicated formula if/when the cell gets stepped on accidentally. It is a difficult formula to enter into a cell, but this little utility fixes it instantly.


Sub RepairFormula()
Dim FormulaString As String

FormulaString = "=MID(CELL(~filename~,$A$1),FIND(~[~,CELL(~filename~,$A$1))+1,FIND(~]~, CELL(~filename~,$A$1))-FIND(~[~,CELL(~filename~,$A$1))-1)"
FormulaString = Replace(FormulaString, Chr(126), Chr(34)) 'this replaces every instance of the tilde with a double quote.
Range("WorkbookFileName").Formula = FormulaString

This is really just a simple programming trick, but it makes entering the formula in your VBA code pretty easy.




All double quotes inside double quotes which suround the string must be changed doubled. As example I had one of json file strings : "delivery": "Standard", In Vba Editor I changed it into """delivery"": ""Standard""," and everythig works correctly. If you have to insert a lot of similar strings, my proposal first, insert them all between "" , then with VBA editor replace " inside into "". If you will do mistake, VBA editor show this line in red and you will correct this error.

双引号内的所有双引号都必须加倍。例如,我有一个json文件字符串:“delivery”:“Standard”,在Vba编辑器中我将其更改为“”“delivery”“:”“Standard”“,”并且everythig正常工作。如果你必须插入很多类似的字符串,我的建议首先将它们全部插入“”之间,然后用VBA编辑器替换“inside into”“。如果你会出错,VBA编辑器会显示这行为红色,你会纠正这个错误。



I prefer the answer of tabSF . implementing the same to your answer. here below is my approach


Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value = "=IF(Sheet1!A1=0," & CHR(34) & CHR(34) & ",Sheet1!A1)"



I have written a small routine which copies formula from a cell to clipboard which one can easily paste in Visual Basic Editor.

我编写了一个小例程,它将公式从一个单元复制到一个剪贴板,可以在Visual Basic编辑器中轻松粘贴。

    Public Sub CopyExcelFormulaInVBAFormat()
        Dim strFormula As String
        Dim objDataObj As Object

        '\Check that single cell is selected!
       If Selection.Cells.Count > 1 Then
            MsgBox "Select single cell only!", vbCritical
            Exit Sub
        End If

        'Check if we are not on a blank cell!
       If Len(ActiveCell.Formula) = 0 Then
            MsgBox "No Formula To Copy!", vbCritical
            Exit Sub
        End If

        'Add quotes as required in VBE
       strFormula = Chr(34) & Replace(ActiveCell.Formula, Chr(34), Chr(34) & Chr(34)) & Chr(34)

        'This is ClsID of MSFORMS Data Object
       Set objDataObj = CreateObject("New:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}")
        objDataObj.SetText strFormula, 1
        MsgBox "VBA Format formula copied to Clipboard!", vbInformation

        Set objDataObj = Nothing

    End Sub

It is originally posted on Chandoo.org forums' Vault Section.




The TEXT function can reproduce an empty (or zero-length) string without using quotes.


with Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A2")
    .formula = "=IF(Sheet1!A1=0, TEXT(,), Sheet1!A1)"
    'also good for comparing to a zero-length string; e.g. IF(A1="", ...
    .formula = "=IF(Sheet1!A1=TEXT(,), TEXT(,), Sheet1!A1)"
end with

I've use the Range.Formula property rather than Range.Value property for clarity. Using .Value to put a formula into a cell formatted as text (e.g. @) can result in a cell containing text-that-looks-like-a-formula.
