I get the error:
Exception in thread "main" com.google.gson.JsonParseException:
Expecting object found: "com.shagie.app.SimpleMap$Data@24a37368"
when trying to deseralize a Map that uses non-trivial keys:
package com.shagie.app;
import com.google.gson.Gson;
import com.google.gson.GsonBuilder;
import java.util.HashMap;
public class SimpleMap {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Wrapper w = new Wrapper();
w.m.put(new Data("f", 1), new Data("foo", 3));
w.m.put(new Data("b", 2), new Data("bar", 4));
GsonBuilder gb = new GsonBuilder();
Gson g = gb.create();
String json = g.toJson(w);
w = g.fromJson(json, Wrapper.class);
static public class Wrapper {
HashMap<Data, Data> m = new HashMap<Data, Data>();
static public class Data {
String s;
Integer i;
public Data(String arg, Integer val) { s = arg; i = val; }
This serializes to the json:
{ "m": { "com.shagie.app.SimpleMap$Data@24a37368": { "s": "foo", "i": 3 }, "com.shagie.app.SimpleMap$Data@66edc3a2": { "s": "bar", "i": 4 } } }
One can see the key attempting to be serialized, but certainly not in a way that can be deserialized.
How does one serialize this object so that it can be deserialized?
3 个解决方案
I found the following while trying to solve this puzzle: Issue 210: Cannot serialize or deserialize Maps with complex keys.
For any internet travelers from the future (like myself)... you can enable this functionality in GSON 2.* with the enableComplexMapKeySerialization() method on GsonBuilder.
对于未来的任何互联网旅行者(如我自己)...您可以使用GsonBuilder上的enableComplexMapKeySerialization()方法在GSON 2. *中启用此功能。
Here's the javadoc for that method.
When enabled, the map will be serialized (and correctly deserialized) as an array of [key, value] arrays:
{"m":[[{"s":"f", "i",1}, {"s":"foo", "i":3}], [{"s":"b", "i",2}, {"s":"bar", "i":4}]]}
The problem is that toString()
is getting called on the keys to the map, rather than them being serialized themselves.
To fix this a custom serializer and deserializer needs to be set up, and the deserializer needs to be aware of the format that the object uses to display itself as a string (the toString()
method must return a string that can be used to reconstruct the entire object).
For the above example:
package com.shagie.app;
import com.google.gson.*;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.HashMap;
public class SimpleMapFixed {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Wrapper w = new Wrapper();
w.m.put(new Data("f", 1), new Data("foo", 3));
w.m.put(new Data("b", 2), new Data("bar", 4));
GsonBuilder gb = new GsonBuilder();
gb.registerTypeAdapter(Data.class, new DataSerializer());
Gson g = gb.create();
String json = g.toJson(w);
w = g.fromJson(json, Wrapper.class);
static public class Wrapper {
HashMap<Data, Data> m = new HashMap<Data, Data>();
static public class DataSerializer implements JsonSerializer<Data>,
JsonDeserializer<Data> {
public Data deserialize(JsonElement je, Type t, JsonDeserializationContext ctx)
throws JsonParseException {
Data rv;
JsonObject jo;
System.out.println("deserialize called with: " + je.toString());
if (je.isJsonObject()) {
jo = je.getAsJsonObject();
rv = new Data(jo.get("s").getAsString(), jo.get("i").getAsInt());
} else {
String js = je.getAsString();
String[] s = js.split(":", 2); // split into two (and only two)
rv = new Data(s[1], Integer.valueOf(s[0]));
System.out.println("deserialize returns: " + rv.s + " " + rv.i);
return rv;
public JsonElement serialize(Data data, Type type, JsonSerializationContext jsonSerializationContext) {
JsonObject jo = new JsonObject();
jo.addProperty("s", data.s);
jo.addProperty("i", data.i);
System.out.println("serialize called: " + jo.toString());
return jo;
static public class Data {
String s;
Integer i;
public Data(String arg, Integer val) { s = arg; i = val; }
public String toString() {
String rv = i.toString() + ':' + s;
System.out.println("toString called: " + rv);
return rv;
Running this code produces:
serialize called: {"s":"foo","i":3} toString called: 1:f serialize called: {"s":"bar","i":4} toString called: 2:b { "m": { "1:f": { "s": "foo", "i": 3 }, "2:b": { "s": "bar", "i": 4 } } } deserialize called with: "1:f" deserialize returns: f 1 deserialize called with: {"s":"foo","i":3} deserialize returns: foo 3 deserialize called with: "2:b" deserialize returns: b 2 deserialize called with: {"s":"bar","i":4} deserialize returns: bar 4
Note the invocations of toString()
as part of the serialization. In this code, the logic for the deserializion from the String form is in the DataSerializer
, though it may make sense to move it into the Data
class as another constructor instead - it doesn't affect the final outcome.
请注意toString()的调用作为序列化的一部分。在此代码中,来自String表单的反序列化的逻辑在DataSerializer中,尽管将其作为另一个构造函数移动到Data类中可能是有意义的 - 它不会影响最终结果。
Further note that Data
was a rather simple object itself with no deeper structures. Trying to serialize that as the key would require additional work.
Its Up to you how you are maintaining the HahMap Keys, You can deserialized it with simple and easiest way.
final Type typeOf = new TypeToken <Map<String, Map<String, Data>>>(){}.getType();
final Map<String, Map<String, Data>> newMap = gson.fromJson(json, typeOf);
final Map<String, Data> map = newMap.get("m");
final Iterator<Entry<String, Data>> it = map.entrySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<String,Data> pair = (Map.Entry<String,Data>) it.next();
String key = pair.getKey();
System.out.println("key "+ key + " Values[ i= " + data.getI() + ", s= " +data.getS()+" ]");
key = snippet.Snippet$Data@61506150 Values [ i= 3, s= foo ]
key = snippet.Snippet$Data@61506150值[i = 3,s = foo]
key = snippet.Snippet$Data@63ff63ff Values [ i= 4, s= bar ]
key = snippet.Snippet$Data@63ff63ff值[i = 4,s = bar]
I found the following while trying to solve this puzzle: Issue 210: Cannot serialize or deserialize Maps with complex keys.
For any internet travelers from the future (like myself)... you can enable this functionality in GSON 2.* with the enableComplexMapKeySerialization() method on GsonBuilder.
对于未来的任何互联网旅行者(如我自己)...您可以使用GsonBuilder上的enableComplexMapKeySerialization()方法在GSON 2. *中启用此功能。
Here's the javadoc for that method.
When enabled, the map will be serialized (and correctly deserialized) as an array of [key, value] arrays:
{"m":[[{"s":"f", "i",1}, {"s":"foo", "i":3}], [{"s":"b", "i",2}, {"s":"bar", "i":4}]]}
The problem is that toString()
is getting called on the keys to the map, rather than them being serialized themselves.
To fix this a custom serializer and deserializer needs to be set up, and the deserializer needs to be aware of the format that the object uses to display itself as a string (the toString()
method must return a string that can be used to reconstruct the entire object).
For the above example:
package com.shagie.app;
import com.google.gson.*;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.HashMap;
public class SimpleMapFixed {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Wrapper w = new Wrapper();
w.m.put(new Data("f", 1), new Data("foo", 3));
w.m.put(new Data("b", 2), new Data("bar", 4));
GsonBuilder gb = new GsonBuilder();
gb.registerTypeAdapter(Data.class, new DataSerializer());
Gson g = gb.create();
String json = g.toJson(w);
w = g.fromJson(json, Wrapper.class);
static public class Wrapper {
HashMap<Data, Data> m = new HashMap<Data, Data>();
static public class DataSerializer implements JsonSerializer<Data>,
JsonDeserializer<Data> {
public Data deserialize(JsonElement je, Type t, JsonDeserializationContext ctx)
throws JsonParseException {
Data rv;
JsonObject jo;
System.out.println("deserialize called with: " + je.toString());
if (je.isJsonObject()) {
jo = je.getAsJsonObject();
rv = new Data(jo.get("s").getAsString(), jo.get("i").getAsInt());
} else {
String js = je.getAsString();
String[] s = js.split(":", 2); // split into two (and only two)
rv = new Data(s[1], Integer.valueOf(s[0]));
System.out.println("deserialize returns: " + rv.s + " " + rv.i);
return rv;
public JsonElement serialize(Data data, Type type, JsonSerializationContext jsonSerializationContext) {
JsonObject jo = new JsonObject();
jo.addProperty("s", data.s);
jo.addProperty("i", data.i);
System.out.println("serialize called: " + jo.toString());
return jo;
static public class Data {
String s;
Integer i;
public Data(String arg, Integer val) { s = arg; i = val; }
public String toString() {
String rv = i.toString() + ':' + s;
System.out.println("toString called: " + rv);
return rv;
Running this code produces:
serialize called: {"s":"foo","i":3} toString called: 1:f serialize called: {"s":"bar","i":4} toString called: 2:b { "m": { "1:f": { "s": "foo", "i": 3 }, "2:b": { "s": "bar", "i": 4 } } } deserialize called with: "1:f" deserialize returns: f 1 deserialize called with: {"s":"foo","i":3} deserialize returns: foo 3 deserialize called with: "2:b" deserialize returns: b 2 deserialize called with: {"s":"bar","i":4} deserialize returns: bar 4
Note the invocations of toString()
as part of the serialization. In this code, the logic for the deserializion from the String form is in the DataSerializer
, though it may make sense to move it into the Data
class as another constructor instead - it doesn't affect the final outcome.
请注意toString()的调用作为序列化的一部分。在此代码中,来自String表单的反序列化的逻辑在DataSerializer中,尽管将其作为另一个构造函数移动到Data类中可能是有意义的 - 它不会影响最终结果。
Further note that Data
was a rather simple object itself with no deeper structures. Trying to serialize that as the key would require additional work.
Its Up to you how you are maintaining the HahMap Keys, You can deserialized it with simple and easiest way.
final Type typeOf = new TypeToken <Map<String, Map<String, Data>>>(){}.getType();
final Map<String, Map<String, Data>> newMap = gson.fromJson(json, typeOf);
final Map<String, Data> map = newMap.get("m");
final Iterator<Entry<String, Data>> it = map.entrySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<String,Data> pair = (Map.Entry<String,Data>) it.next();
String key = pair.getKey();
System.out.println("key "+ key + " Values[ i= " + data.getI() + ", s= " +data.getS()+" ]");
key = snippet.Snippet$Data@61506150 Values [ i= 3, s= foo ]
key = snippet.Snippet$Data@61506150值[i = 3,s = foo]
key = snippet.Snippet$Data@63ff63ff Values [ i= 4, s= bar ]
key = snippet.Snippet$Data@63ff63ff值[i = 4,s = bar]