
时间:2021-03-21 20:09:16

I am trying to run a species distribution model and need to create background points to run my logistic regression model. I have just created 500 randomPoints but they are in UTM coordinates and I need lat and long. Is there a way to convert them to lat and long in R? If so, can you share the code with me? I am fairly new to R. Thanks!


1 个解决方案


If you need long/lat you should probably generate the random points using that coordinate reference system. But otherwise, create a SpatialPoints object and use spTransform. That is, do something like this (replace the ???):

如果需要long / lat,则应该使用该坐标参考系统生成随机点。但是,否则,创建一个SpatialPoints对象并使用spTransform。也就是说,做这样的事情(替换???):

  sputm <- SpatialPoints(randompoints, proj4string=CRS("+proj=utm +zone=??? +datum=WGS84")  
  spgeo <- spTransform(sputm, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))


If you need long/lat you should probably generate the random points using that coordinate reference system. But otherwise, create a SpatialPoints object and use spTransform. That is, do something like this (replace the ???):

如果需要long / lat,则应该使用该坐标参考系统生成随机点。但是,否则,创建一个SpatialPoints对象并使用spTransform。也就是说,做这样的事情(替换???):

  sputm <- SpatialPoints(randompoints, proj4string=CRS("+proj=utm +zone=??? +datum=WGS84")  
  spgeo <- spTransform(sputm, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))