#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h> using namespace std; #define dmax(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define dmin(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)) //获取特定格式的文件名
int readFileList(std::vector<string> &filelist, const char *basePath, string format)
DIR *dir;
struct dirent *ptr;
char base[]; if ((dir=opendir(basePath)) == NULL)
perror("Open dir error...");
} while ((ptr=readdir(dir)) != NULL)
if(strcmp(ptr->d_name,".")== || strcmp(ptr->d_name,"..")==) ///current dir OR parrent dir
else if(ptr->d_type == ) //file
string temp = ptr->d_name;
//cout << temp << endl;
string sub = temp.substr(temp.length() - , temp.length()-);
//cout << sub << endl;
if(sub == format)
string path = basePath;
path += "/";
path += ptr->d_name;
else if(ptr->d_type == ) ///link file
else if(ptr->d_type == ) ///dir
readFileList(filelist, base, format);
return ;
} //找出目录中所有子目录
int findAllSubDir(std::vector<string> &filelist, const char *basePath)
DIR *dir;
struct dirent *ptr;
char base[]; if ((dir=opendir(basePath)) == NULL)
perror("Open dir error...");
} while ((ptr=readdir(dir)) != NULL)
if(strcmp(ptr->d_name,".")== || strcmp(ptr->d_name,"..")==) ///current dir OR parrent dir
else if(ptr->d_type == ) //file
// //printf("d_name:%s/%s\n",basePath,ptr->d_name);
// string temp = ptr->d_name;
// //cout << temp << endl;
// string sub = temp.substr(temp.length() - 4, temp.length()-1);
// //cout << sub << endl;
// if(sub == format)
// {
// string path = basePath;
// path += "/";
// path += ptr->d_name;
// filelist.push_back(path);
// }
else if(ptr->d_type == ) ///link file
else if(ptr->d_type == ) ///dir
findAllSubDir(filelist, base);
return ;
} void findDir(string src, string &facefolder, string &facenameindex, string filePath)
int begin = src.find(filePath) + filePath.size() + ;
int end = ;
for (int i = src.size() - ; i >= ; --i)
//cout << src[i] << endl;
if (src[i] == '/')
end = i;
//cout << begin << endl;
//cout << end << endl;
facefolder = src.substr(begin, end - - begin + );
facenameindex = src.substr(end + , src.size() - - (end + ) + );
} void GetStringFileName(const string &filePath, string &filename, string &fileformat)
int fileformat_begin = ;
int fileformat_end = filePath.length() - ;
int filename_begin = ;
int filename_end = filePath.length() - ;
for (int i = filePath.length() - ; i >= ; --i)
//cout << filePath[i] << endl;
if (filePath[i] == '.')
fileformat_begin = i + ;
filename_end = i - ;
} if (filePath[i] == '/')
filename_begin = i + ;
// cout << filename_begin << endl;
// cout << filename_end << endl;
filename = filePath.substr(filename_begin, filename_end - filename_begin + );
fileformat = filePath.substr(fileformat_begin, fileformat_end - fileformat_begin + );
} void StringSplit(const string &src, const char splitchar, vector<string> &dst)
int begin = ;
int end = ;
int i = ;
for (i = ; i < src.length(); ++i)
if(src[i] == splitchar)
end = i - ;
dst.push_back(src.substr(begin, end - begin + ));
begin = i + ;
end = begin;
} //last
if(i > end)
end = i - ;
dst.push_back(src.substr(begin, end - begin + ));
} //遍历一个目录,找出其中某一后缀的所有文件
void sence0()
// Loop over all the images provided on the command line.
std::vector<string> srcfiles;
string srcpath = "./src/1";
string srcformat = ".txt";
string outputformat = ".png";
printf("the current dir is : %s\n", srcpath.c_str());
readFileList(srcfiles, srcpath.c_str(), srcformat);
string dstpath = "./src/3";
printf("the dst dir is : %s\n", dstpath.c_str());
if (access(dstpath.c_str(), ) == -)
int flag=mkdir(dstpath.c_str(), );
} std::vector<string> dstfiles(srcfiles.size());
for (int i = ; i < srcfiles.size(); ++i)
/* code */
cout << srcfiles[i] << endl;
string filename;
string fileformat;
GetStringFileName(srcfiles[i], filename, fileformat);
string dstfile = dstpath + "/" + filename + "." + fileformat;
dstfiles[i] = dstfile;
cout << dstfiles[i] << endl;
} //建立多级目录,包括子目录, 并依次处理文件,适用于小文件
void sence1()
// Loop over all the images provided on the command line.
std::vector<string> files;
string filePath = "./lfw_small_raw";
string format = ".jpg";
string outputformat = ".png";
printf("the current dir is : %s\n", filePath.c_str());
readFileList(files, filePath.c_str(), format);
string dstpath = "./lfw_small_convert";
printf("the dst dir is : %s\n", dstpath.c_str());
if (access(dstpath.c_str(), ) == -)
int flag=mkdir(dstpath.c_str(), );
} std::vector<string> alignimg(files.size());
for (int i = ; i < files.size(); ++i)
/* code */
cout << files[i] << endl;
string facefolder;
string facenameindex;
findDir(files[i], facefolder, facenameindex, filePath);
facenameindex = facenameindex.substr(, facenameindex.size() - );
facenameindex += outputformat;
//cout << facefolder << endl;
//cout << facenameindex << endl;
string newfacefolder = dstpath + "/" + facefolder;
if (access(newfacefolder.c_str(), ) == -)
int flag=mkdir(newfacefolder.c_str(), );
alignimg[i] = newfacefolder + "/" + facenameindex;
cout << alignimg[i] << endl;
} //依次遍历文件夹中的每一个目录,遇到一个目录新建一个目录,然后遍历该目录的文件
void sence2()
// Loop over all the images provided on the command line.
std::vector<string> sudDirfiles;
string srcpath = "./lfw_small_raw";
string dstpath = "./lfw_small_convert"; //如果目录存在就删除目录
if (access(dstpath.c_str(), ) == )
cout << "remove " << dstpath << endl;
int flag = rmdir(dstpath.c_str());
} //如果目录不存在就新建
if (access(dstpath.c_str(), ) == -)
{ cout << "mkdir " << dstpath << endl;
int flag=mkdir(dstpath.c_str(), );
} findAllSubDir(sudDirfiles, srcpath.c_str());
for (int i = ; i < sudDirfiles.size(); ++i)
//cout << sudDirfiles[i] << endl;
std::vector<string> srcfiles;
string srcSudDir = srcpath + "/" + sudDirfiles[i];
string srcformat = ".jpg";
printf("the current subdir is : %s\n", srcSudDir.c_str()); string dstSudDir = dstpath + "/" + sudDirfiles[i];
if (access(dstSudDir.c_str(), ) == -)
cout << "mkdir " << dstSudDir << endl;
int flag=mkdir(dstSudDir.c_str(), );
printf("the current subdir is : %s\n", dstSudDir.c_str()); readFileList(srcfiles, srcSudDir.c_str(), srcformat);
for (int j = ; j < srcfiles.size(); ++j)
cout << srcfiles[j] << endl;
string filename;
string fileformat;
GetStringFileName(srcfiles[j], filename, fileformat);
string dstfile = dstSudDir + "/" + filename + "." + fileformat;
cout << dstfile << endl;
} int main()
// string filePath = "./lfw_small_raw/Aaron_Eckhart";
// std::vector<string> split;
// StringSplit(filePath, '/', split);
// string curSubDir = split[split.size() - 1];
// cout << curSubDir << endl;
// for (int i = 0; i < split.size(); ++i)
// {
// cout << split[i] << endl;
// } // string filename;
// string fileformat;
// GetStringFileName(filePath, filename, fileformat);
// //cout << filePath.substr(2, 3) << endl;
// cout << filePath << endl;
// cout << filename << endl;
// cout << fileformat << endl;
return ;
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