
时间:2022-09-13 11:29:01

I have a rails 4.1.x application using PostgreSQL as the db.

我有一个rails 4.1。使用PostgreSQL作为db的x应用程序。

I am needing to query a column in an attempt to do an incase sensitive match on a part of a string, while searching with the boundaries of a word. The regex should be inline with /keyword\b/i so using %keyword% would not cut it. I understand that postgres supports regex, however I am not able to get it working correctly. I currently have the following:


Page.where("title ~* 'keyword/\b'").all
generages the following:
SELECT "pages".* FROM "pages"  WHERE (title ~* 'keyword')

This currently does not return anything, even records that I know contain the word "keyword", what am I doing wrong? Or rather, what can I do to get my expected result.


1 个解决方案



Ruby is interpreting \b as a backspace because you're using \b inside a double quoted string. For example, if you look at:



you'll get [8] and that's a backspace character. Then something somewhere interprets that backspace character as a real backspace and you end up with keyword (i.e. keyword/ with the final slash backspaced away) inside the database.


You don't want to say /\b, you want to say \\b to get a single backslash followed by a b down into the database. But that still won't work because \b will be interpreted as a backspace in a PostgreSQL regex:

你不想说/\b,你想说\b让一个反斜杠后面跟着一个b进入数据库。但这仍然行不通,因为在PostgreSQL regex中,\b将被解释为一个后备空间:

Table 9-15. Regular Expression Character-entry Escapes
\b backspace, as in C

表9 - 15。正则表达式字符-输入转义[…[英语泛读教程\b backspace,如C语言

If you to match at the end of a word, then you want \M:


Table 9-17. Regular Expression Constraint Escapes
\M matches only at the end of a word


Everyone's regex syntax is a little different and you have to use the right syntax with each engine.


I think you're looking for:


Page.where("title ~* 'keyword\\M'")



Ruby is interpreting \b as a backspace because you're using \b inside a double quoted string. For example, if you look at:



you'll get [8] and that's a backspace character. Then something somewhere interprets that backspace character as a real backspace and you end up with keyword (i.e. keyword/ with the final slash backspaced away) inside the database.


You don't want to say /\b, you want to say \\b to get a single backslash followed by a b down into the database. But that still won't work because \b will be interpreted as a backspace in a PostgreSQL regex:

你不想说/\b,你想说\b让一个反斜杠后面跟着一个b进入数据库。但这仍然行不通,因为在PostgreSQL regex中,\b将被解释为一个后备空间:

Table 9-15. Regular Expression Character-entry Escapes
\b backspace, as in C

表9 - 15。正则表达式字符-输入转义[…[英语泛读教程\b backspace,如C语言

If you to match at the end of a word, then you want \M:


Table 9-17. Regular Expression Constraint Escapes
\M matches only at the end of a word


Everyone's regex syntax is a little different and you have to use the right syntax with each engine.


I think you're looking for:


Page.where("title ~* 'keyword\\M'")