A simple yesod server code with a single handler for all GET requests i wrote as:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, QuasiQuotes, MultiParamTypeClasses,
TemplateHaskell, OverloadedStrings #-}
import Yesod
data Links = Links
mkYesod "Links" [parseRoutes|
/* HomeR GET
instance Yesod Links
getHomeR = defaultLayout [whamlet|Go to page 1!|]
main = warpDebug 3000 Links
It throws a cryptic error as,
Exception when trying to run compile-time code:
Invalid type: ""
Code: mkYesod
(Yesod.Routes.TH.Types.Methods (Data.Maybe.Just []) ["GET"])
I copied the working code from a blog and removed all but one route, added wildcard character *
to the single routepath as [parseRoutes| /* HomeR GET \]
to make it the handler for all urls. And, the code no longer works.
我从博客中复制了工作代码并删除了除一条路线之外的所有路径,将通配符*添加到单个路径路径中,如[parseRoutes | / * HomeR GET \]使其成为所有网址的处理程序。并且,代码不再有效。
1 个解决方案
you have to add an type that is an instance of PathMultiPiece
after the *
like this:
/*Texts HomeR GET
, which is just a synonym for [Text]
is an instance because Text
is an instance of PathPiece
) and of course you have to add it as an argument to your handler:
getHomeR :: [Text] -> Handler Html
getHomeR parts = defaultLayout [whamlet|Go to page 1!|]
you can read more about this in the yesod documentation
you have to add an type that is an instance of PathMultiPiece
after the *
like this:
/*Texts HomeR GET
, which is just a synonym for [Text]
is an instance because Text
is an instance of PathPiece
) and of course you have to add it as an argument to your handler:
getHomeR :: [Text] -> Handler Html
getHomeR parts = defaultLayout [whamlet|Go to page 1!|]
you can read more about this in the yesod documentation