I have this sql query that i am writing in postgres.
select to_char(calldate,'yyyymm') as month,min(calldate) as start_time,max(calldate) as end_time,
'Onnet' as destination,ceil(sum(callduration::integer/60) )as total_minutes,round(sum(alltaxcost::integer) ,2)as revenue
from cdr_data
where callclass ='008' and callsubclass='001'
and callduration::integer >0
and regexp_like(identifiant,'^73')
and bundleunits = 'Money'
and inserviceresultindicator::integer in (0,5)
and regexp_replace(callednumber,'^256','') ~ '^73'
group by to_char(calldate,'yyyymm') ,'Onnet'::text,to_char(calldate,'yyyymm')
It gives me the following error:
[Err] ERROR: function regexp_like(character varying, unknown) does not exist
LINE 9: and regexp_regexp(identifiant,'^73')
I have tried replace with regexp_like with like, regexp_matches but they dont work. What could be the problem?
1 个解决方案
The PostgreSQL equivalent of regexp_like(identifiant,'^73')
is identifiant ~ '^73'
PostgreSQL的相当于regexp_like(identifiant ^ 73)identifiant ~ ^ 73的
The PostgreSQL equivalent of regexp_like(identifiant,'^73')
is identifiant ~ '^73'
PostgreSQL的相当于regexp_like(identifiant ^ 73)identifiant ~ ^ 73的