
时间:2021-09-16 20:08:11

I'm currently using a custom analyzer with the tokenizer set to be the pattern (\W|_)+ So so each term is only letters and split on any non letter. As an example I have a document with the contents [dbo].[Material_Get] and another with dbo.Another_Material_Get. I want to be able to search for "Material_Get" and have a hit on both documents but if I put a search of "[Material_Get]" it still hits on dbo.Another_Material_Get even though it doesn't have the brackets in it. Also if I search for "Material Get" (in a quoted search) I shouldn't get any hits since neither of them have that phrase in it.

我目前正在使用自定义分析器,将标记器设置为模式(\ W | _)+所以所以每个术语只是字母并且在任何非字母上分开。作为一个例子,我有一个文档,其内容为[dbo]。[Material_Get],另一个文档的内容为dbo.Another_Material_Get。我希望能够搜索“Material_Get”并对两个文档都进行搜索,但如果我搜索“[Material_Get]”,它仍会在dbo.Another_Material_Get上点击,即使它没有括号。此外,如果我搜索“材料获取”(在引用的搜索中)我不应该得到任何命中,因为它们都没有这个短语。

I could settle for an analyzer/tokenizer that would find whenever there is the input string anywhere in the file even if it has other things next to it. For example searching for "aterial_get" would match in both. Is it possible to do either of my cases?


1 个解决方案


From what you have explained what I got is that you want to do partial matches also like searching for "aterial_get".


To satisfy all your requirement, you need to change the mapping of your field to have ngram token filter in the analyzer and without removing the special characters. A sample analyzer can look like


          "filter":[ "lowercase", "ngram" ] 

And define in your mapping for your_field the analyzer "partialmatch" defined above. You can change the values of min_gram and max_gram as per your needs.


With this mapping you can do a normal term search like below


    "term": {
        "your_field": "aterial_get"


From what you have explained what I got is that you want to do partial matches also like searching for "aterial_get".


To satisfy all your requirement, you need to change the mapping of your field to have ngram token filter in the analyzer and without removing the special characters. A sample analyzer can look like


          "filter":[ "lowercase", "ngram" ] 

And define in your mapping for your_field the analyzer "partialmatch" defined above. You can change the values of min_gram and max_gram as per your needs.


With this mapping you can do a normal term search like below


    "term": {
        "your_field": "aterial_get"