7 个解决方案
2、打开此数据库的Search Scope Configuration表单,设定搜索方式,保存。可以设置多个配置。
2、打开此数据库的Search Scope Configuration表单,设定搜索方式,保存。可以设置多个配置。
B/S下用:$$Search?openform 来访问查询界面(假设你创建了一个
搜索似乎缺省只对 iNotes Web Access Help 库做搜索,对搜索范围的设定我还没有用过,你发的帖子才让我详细的去了解了一下这个 SearchSite,呵呵。
搜索似乎缺省只对 iNotes Web Access Help 库做搜索,对搜索范围的设定我还没有用过,你发的帖子才让我详细的去了解了一下这个 SearchSite,呵呵。
graydom(龟) ,除非对应的数据库索引坏了,基本没有故障
Hi everyone,
I'm using the advanced search form in the Searchsite db.
Initially, the results I got back simply displayed the name of the database as a url link (which was obviously unacceptable).
So I put a "$$SearchTemplate for Viewname" form in the Searchsite database. Now when I run a web query, I'm returned the Searchtemplate form containing an embedded view.
The problem is that the view displays (no matter what the search criteria) all the docs in the Searchsite.nsf (because I specified no ViewSelection formula) so the question becomes:
How can I get this embedded view to display the results of my Searchsite web query?
Any ideas?
1. Make sure the searchsite database and all databases included in the search scope do not contain any ACL entries lower than "Reader" (i.e. no "Depositor" and no "No Access")
2. Ensure that all databases included in the search scope:
a) have a default view whose name does not contain any spaces (e.g. "Default View" is not good, "DefaultView" is good)
b) have "include in multi-database indexing" checked in the properties box
c) have "Show in Open Database dialog" checked in the properties box.
3. Ensure that the form displaying any documents being searched (all documents within the databases included in the search scope):
a) Contains a field named "Subject". This can be a hidden/computed field.
b) Does not contain any "Readers" fields.
4. If you want to customize the form in which the results are displayed:
a) add a form to the search site databse named "$$SearchSiteTemplate".
b) Add a field to this form named "$$ViewBody".
c) Sprinkle in whatever graphics, js, etc. you want in the "$$SearchSiteTemplate" form.
After ensuring all the above:
a) Remove any (full text) indexes in the searchsite database and any databases included in the search scope.
b) run "dbcache flush" then "load updall -b" from the server console
c) Recreate (full text) indexes for any databases included in the search scope
d) repeat step b) above
e) Wait a few minutes
f) Recreate the (full text) index for the search site database
g) repeat step b) above
This worked for me, hope this helps someone else,
graydom(龟) ,除非对应的数据库索引坏了,基本没有故障
Hi everyone,
I'm using the advanced search form in the Searchsite db.
Initially, the results I got back simply displayed the name of the database as a url link (which was obviously unacceptable).
So I put a "$$SearchTemplate for Viewname" form in the Searchsite database. Now when I run a web query, I'm returned the Searchtemplate form containing an embedded view.
The problem is that the view displays (no matter what the search criteria) all the docs in the Searchsite.nsf (because I specified no ViewSelection formula) so the question becomes:
How can I get this embedded view to display the results of my Searchsite web query?
Any ideas?
1. Make sure the searchsite database and all databases included in the search scope do not contain any ACL entries lower than "Reader" (i.e. no "Depositor" and no "No Access")
2. Ensure that all databases included in the search scope:
a) have a default view whose name does not contain any spaces (e.g. "Default View" is not good, "DefaultView" is good)
b) have "include in multi-database indexing" checked in the properties box
c) have "Show in Open Database dialog" checked in the properties box.
3. Ensure that the form displaying any documents being searched (all documents within the databases included in the search scope):
a) Contains a field named "Subject". This can be a hidden/computed field.
b) Does not contain any "Readers" fields.
4. If you want to customize the form in which the results are displayed:
a) add a form to the search site databse named "$$SearchSiteTemplate".
b) Add a field to this form named "$$ViewBody".
c) Sprinkle in whatever graphics, js, etc. you want in the "$$SearchSiteTemplate" form.
After ensuring all the above:
a) Remove any (full text) indexes in the searchsite database and any databases included in the search scope.
b) run "dbcache flush" then "load updall -b" from the server console
c) Recreate (full text) indexes for any databases included in the search scope
d) repeat step b) above
e) Wait a few minutes
f) Recreate the (full text) index for the search site database
g) repeat step b) above
This worked for me, hope this helps someone else,
2、打开此数据库的Search Scope Configuration表单,设定搜索方式,保存。可以设置多个配置。
2、打开此数据库的Search Scope Configuration表单,设定搜索方式,保存。可以设置多个配置。
B/S下用:$$Search?openform 来访问查询界面(假设你创建了一个
搜索似乎缺省只对 iNotes Web Access Help 库做搜索,对搜索范围的设定我还没有用过,你发的帖子才让我详细的去了解了一下这个 SearchSite,呵呵。
搜索似乎缺省只对 iNotes Web Access Help 库做搜索,对搜索范围的设定我还没有用过,你发的帖子才让我详细的去了解了一下这个 SearchSite,呵呵。
graydom(龟) ,除非对应的数据库索引坏了,基本没有故障
Hi everyone,
I'm using the advanced search form in the Searchsite db.
Initially, the results I got back simply displayed the name of the database as a url link (which was obviously unacceptable).
So I put a "$$SearchTemplate for Viewname" form in the Searchsite database. Now when I run a web query, I'm returned the Searchtemplate form containing an embedded view.
The problem is that the view displays (no matter what the search criteria) all the docs in the Searchsite.nsf (because I specified no ViewSelection formula) so the question becomes:
How can I get this embedded view to display the results of my Searchsite web query?
Any ideas?
1. Make sure the searchsite database and all databases included in the search scope do not contain any ACL entries lower than "Reader" (i.e. no "Depositor" and no "No Access")
2. Ensure that all databases included in the search scope:
a) have a default view whose name does not contain any spaces (e.g. "Default View" is not good, "DefaultView" is good)
b) have "include in multi-database indexing" checked in the properties box
c) have "Show in Open Database dialog" checked in the properties box.
3. Ensure that the form displaying any documents being searched (all documents within the databases included in the search scope):
a) Contains a field named "Subject". This can be a hidden/computed field.
b) Does not contain any "Readers" fields.
4. If you want to customize the form in which the results are displayed:
a) add a form to the search site databse named "$$SearchSiteTemplate".
b) Add a field to this form named "$$ViewBody".
c) Sprinkle in whatever graphics, js, etc. you want in the "$$SearchSiteTemplate" form.
After ensuring all the above:
a) Remove any (full text) indexes in the searchsite database and any databases included in the search scope.
b) run "dbcache flush" then "load updall -b" from the server console
c) Recreate (full text) indexes for any databases included in the search scope
d) repeat step b) above
e) Wait a few minutes
f) Recreate the (full text) index for the search site database
g) repeat step b) above
This worked for me, hope this helps someone else,
graydom(龟) ,除非对应的数据库索引坏了,基本没有故障
Hi everyone,
I'm using the advanced search form in the Searchsite db.
Initially, the results I got back simply displayed the name of the database as a url link (which was obviously unacceptable).
So I put a "$$SearchTemplate for Viewname" form in the Searchsite database. Now when I run a web query, I'm returned the Searchtemplate form containing an embedded view.
The problem is that the view displays (no matter what the search criteria) all the docs in the Searchsite.nsf (because I specified no ViewSelection formula) so the question becomes:
How can I get this embedded view to display the results of my Searchsite web query?
Any ideas?
1. Make sure the searchsite database and all databases included in the search scope do not contain any ACL entries lower than "Reader" (i.e. no "Depositor" and no "No Access")
2. Ensure that all databases included in the search scope:
a) have a default view whose name does not contain any spaces (e.g. "Default View" is not good, "DefaultView" is good)
b) have "include in multi-database indexing" checked in the properties box
c) have "Show in Open Database dialog" checked in the properties box.
3. Ensure that the form displaying any documents being searched (all documents within the databases included in the search scope):
a) Contains a field named "Subject". This can be a hidden/computed field.
b) Does not contain any "Readers" fields.
4. If you want to customize the form in which the results are displayed:
a) add a form to the search site databse named "$$SearchSiteTemplate".
b) Add a field to this form named "$$ViewBody".
c) Sprinkle in whatever graphics, js, etc. you want in the "$$SearchSiteTemplate" form.
After ensuring all the above:
a) Remove any (full text) indexes in the searchsite database and any databases included in the search scope.
b) run "dbcache flush" then "load updall -b" from the server console
c) Recreate (full text) indexes for any databases included in the search scope
d) repeat step b) above
e) Wait a few minutes
f) Recreate the (full text) index for the search site database
g) repeat step b) above
This worked for me, hope this helps someone else,