I need to make my Java program as a PlugIn to OME - an Image processing web based s/w having Java API
我需要将我的Java程序作为插件发送到OME - 一个基于Web的图像处理基于s / w的Java API
2 个解决方案
OmeroJava is the appropriate API for the latest version of OME (OMERO 4.2), if you are writing a client. If you would like to embed your code inside of Insight (the OMERO Java client), then you should start with How to write a client. Other links to OME-Java libraries are for a legacy version and should not be used.
如果您正在编写客户端,OmeroJava是最新版OME(OMERO 4.2)的相应API。如果您希望将代码嵌入Insight(OMERO Java客户端)中,那么您应该从如何编写客户端开始。其他指向OME-Java库的链接适用于旧版本,不应使用。
Looks like the Open Microscopy Java API is worth investigation. If it's not, it's worth highlighting in your question as to why it's not suitable (marked as legacy?)
看起来Open Microscopy Java API值得研究。如果不是,那么值得在你的问题中强调它为什么不合适(标记为遗产?)
OmeroJava is the appropriate API for the latest version of OME (OMERO 4.2), if you are writing a client. If you would like to embed your code inside of Insight (the OMERO Java client), then you should start with How to write a client. Other links to OME-Java libraries are for a legacy version and should not be used.
如果您正在编写客户端,OmeroJava是最新版OME(OMERO 4.2)的相应API。如果您希望将代码嵌入Insight(OMERO Java客户端)中,那么您应该从如何编写客户端开始。其他指向OME-Java库的链接适用于旧版本,不应使用。
Looks like the Open Microscopy Java API is worth investigation. If it's not, it's worth highlighting in your question as to why it's not suitable (marked as legacy?)
看起来Open Microscopy Java API值得研究。如果不是,那么值得在你的问题中强调它为什么不合适(标记为遗产?)