
时间:2022-09-11 18:47:43

I am using C#2.0 and working on Winforms. I have two applications(app1,app2). when the app1 runs it will automatically invoke the app2. I have a timer in my app2 and in timer_tick I activate a buttonclick event.But I want this Button Click to be fired only one time when the app is started.


The problem i am facing is for some unknow reason the timer gets fired more than one time even though i make mytimer.Enable= false. Is there a way where i can make timer not be invoked second time. OR Is there a way i can make Button click event fired automatically without using timers.

我面临的问题是出于一些不明原因,即使我使mytimer.Enable = false,计时器也会被触发多次。有没有办法我可以让计时器不被第二次调用。或者有没有办法让我可以自动触发按钮点击事件而不使用定时器。

Here is the code:


private void Form1_Activated(object sender, EventArgs e)
    mytimer.Interval = 2000;
    mytimer.Enabled = true;
    mytimer.Tick += new System.EventHandler(timer1_Tick);

private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
    mytimer.Enabled = false;
    button1_Click(this, EventArgs.Empty);

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

5 个解决方案


I haven't tested this, yet (so be ready for an edit), but I suspect because you're enabling the timer (mytimer.Enabled = true;) in the Form1_Activated event instead of when the form initially loads. So every time the the Form becomes active, it resets Enables your timer.

我还没有对此进行测试(因此可以进行编辑),但我怀疑是因为你在Form1_Activated事件中启用了计时器(mytimer.Enabled = true;)而不是表单最初加载时。因此,每次表单变为活动状态时,它都会重置启用计时器。

EDIT: Okay, I have now verified: Assuming you do actually need the timer, move the mytimer.Enabled into the form's constructor.



public Form1 : Form()
   this.Load+= (o,e)=>{ this.button1.PerformClick();}

public void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
   //do what you gotta do

No need to use a timer. Just "click" the button when the form loads.



You might try removing the handler rather than disabling the Timer


mytimer.Tick -= new System.EventHandler(timer1_Tick);


Probably nothing to do with it, but I would set the timer enabled after I set EventHandler. (This has caused grief in a previous project where more code was inserted between the two statements later on.)

可能与它无关,但我会在设置EventHandler后设置定时器。 (这引起了之前项目的悲痛,后来在两个语句之间插入了更多代码。)


Set the AutoReset property of the timer to false: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.timers.timer.autoreset.aspx


private void Form1_Activated(object sender, EventArgs e)
    mytimer.Interval = 2000;
    mytimer.AutoReset = false;
    mytimer.Tick += new System.EventHandler(timer1_Tick);

This also means you don't have to unset Enabled.


private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
    mytimer.Enabled = false;
    button1_Click(this, EventArgs.Empty);


I haven't tested this, yet (so be ready for an edit), but I suspect because you're enabling the timer (mytimer.Enabled = true;) in the Form1_Activated event instead of when the form initially loads. So every time the the Form becomes active, it resets Enables your timer.

我还没有对此进行测试(因此可以进行编辑),但我怀疑是因为你在Form1_Activated事件中启用了计时器(mytimer.Enabled = true;)而不是表单最初加载时。因此,每次表单变为活动状态时,它都会重置启用计时器。

EDIT: Okay, I have now verified: Assuming you do actually need the timer, move the mytimer.Enabled into the form's constructor.



public Form1 : Form()
   this.Load+= (o,e)=>{ this.button1.PerformClick();}

public void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
   //do what you gotta do

No need to use a timer. Just "click" the button when the form loads.



You might try removing the handler rather than disabling the Timer


mytimer.Tick -= new System.EventHandler(timer1_Tick);


Probably nothing to do with it, but I would set the timer enabled after I set EventHandler. (This has caused grief in a previous project where more code was inserted between the two statements later on.)

可能与它无关,但我会在设置EventHandler后设置定时器。 (这引起了之前项目的悲痛,后来在两个语句之间插入了更多代码。)


Set the AutoReset property of the timer to false: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.timers.timer.autoreset.aspx


private void Form1_Activated(object sender, EventArgs e)
    mytimer.Interval = 2000;
    mytimer.AutoReset = false;
    mytimer.Tick += new System.EventHandler(timer1_Tick);

This also means you don't have to unset Enabled.


private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
    mytimer.Enabled = false;
    button1_Click(this, EventArgs.Empty);