
时间:2022-09-11 18:09:49


 using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using SlimDX;
using RGeos.SlimScene.Core; namespace RGeos.Framework.OTL.Geometries
{ /// <summary>
/// LineString.
/// </summary>
public class LineString
public Point3d[] Coordinates = null;
public Color Color = Color.Yellow;
public float LineWidth = 1.0f;
public bool Visible = true;
public bool Remove = false;
public RenderableObject ParentRenderable = null; public BoundingBox GetBoundingBox()
if (Coordinates == null || Coordinates.Length == )
return new BoundingBox(); double minX = Coordinates[].X;
double maxX = Coordinates[].X;
double minY = Coordinates[].Y;
double maxY = Coordinates[].Y;
double minZ = Coordinates[].Z;
double maxZ = Coordinates[].Z; for (int i = ; i < Coordinates.Length; i++)
if (Coordinates[i].X < minX)
minX = Coordinates[i].X;
if (Coordinates[i].X > maxX)
maxX = Coordinates[i].X; if (Coordinates[i].Y < minY)
minY = Coordinates[i].Y;
if (Coordinates[i].Y > maxY)
maxY = Coordinates[i].Y; if (Coordinates[i].Z < minZ)
minZ = Coordinates[i].Z;
if (Coordinates[i].Z > maxZ)
maxZ = Coordinates[i].Z;
} return new BoundingBox(new Vector3(
(float)maxY, (float)minY, (float)minX), new Vector3((float)maxX, (float)minZ, (float)maxZ));
} }



 using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using RGeos.SlimScene.Core;
using SlimDX.Direct3D9;
using SlimDX; namespace RGeos.Framework.OTL.Geometries
public class RenderableLineString : RenderableObject
#region Static Members
#endregion #region Private Members
double m_distanceAboveSurface = ;
Point3d[] m_points = null;
CustomVertex.PositionColoredTextured[] m_wallVertices = null; CustomVertex.PositionColored[] m_topVertices = null;
CustomVertex.PositionColored[] m_bottomVertices = null;
CustomVertex.PositionColored[] m_sideVertices = null; System.Drawing.Color m_lineColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
float m_verticalExaggeration = ;
double m_minimumDisplayAltitude = ;
double m_maximumDisplayAltitude = double.MaxValue;
string m_imageUri = null;
Texture m_texture = null;
System.Drawing.Color m_polygonColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
bool m_outline = true;
float m_lineWidth = 1.0f;
bool m_extrude = false;
AltitudeMode m_altitudeMode = AltitudeMode.Absolute;
long m_numPoints = ;
#endregion /// <summary>
/// Boolean indicating whether or not the line needs rebuilding.
/// </summary>
public bool NeedsUpdate = true; public bool Extrude
get { return m_extrude; }
set { m_extrude = value; }
} public AltitudeMode AltitudeMode
get { return m_altitudeMode; }
set { m_altitudeMode = value; }
} public System.Drawing.Color LineColor
get { return m_lineColor; }
m_lineColor = value;
NeedsUpdate = true;
} public float LineWidth
get { return m_lineWidth; }
m_lineWidth = value;
NeedsUpdate = true;
} public double DistanceAboveSurface
get { return m_distanceAboveSurface; }
m_distanceAboveSurface = value;
if (m_topVertices != null)
NeedsUpdate = true;
} public System.Drawing.Color PolygonColor
get { return m_polygonColor; }
m_polygonColor = value;
if (m_topVertices != null)
NeedsUpdate = true;
} public bool Outline
get { return m_outline; }
m_outline = value;
if (m_topVertices != null)
NeedsUpdate = true;
} public Point3d[] Points
// if the array size is correct just return it
if (m_numPoints == m_points.LongLength)
return m_points; // return an array the correct size.
Point3d[] points = new Point3d[m_numPoints];
for (int i = ; i < m_numPoints; i++)
points[i] = m_points[i];
return points;
m_points = value;
m_numPoints = m_points.LongLength;
NeedsUpdate = true;
} public long NumPoints
get { return m_numPoints; }
} public double MinimumDisplayAltitude
get { return m_minimumDisplayAltitude; }
set { m_minimumDisplayAltitude = value; }
} public double MaximumDisplayAltitude
get { return m_maximumDisplayAltitude; }
set { m_maximumDisplayAltitude = value; }
} public override byte Opacity
return base.Opacity;
base.Opacity = value;
if (m_topVertices != null)
} public RenderableLineString(string name, World parentWorld, Point3d[] points, System.Drawing.Color lineColor)
: base(name, parentWorld)
m_points = points;
m_lineColor = lineColor;
m_polygonColor = lineColor;
m_numPoints = m_points.LongLength; // RenderPriority = WorldWind.Renderable.RenderPriority.LinePaths;
} public RenderableLineString(string name, World parentWorld, Point3d[] points, string imageUri)
: base(name, parentWorld)
m_points = points;
m_imageUri = imageUri;
m_numPoints = m_points.LongLength; // RenderPriority = WorldWind.Renderable.RenderPriority.LinePaths;
} public override void Dispose()
if (m_texture != null && !m_texture.Disposed)
m_texture = null;
} if (m_lineString != null)
m_lineString.Remove = true;
m_lineString = null;
NeedsUpdate = true;
} public override void Initialize(DrawArgs drawArgs)
if (m_points == null)
isInitialized = true;
} if (m_imageUri != null)
//load image
//if (m_imageUri.ToLower().StartsWith("http://"))
// string savePath = string.Format("{0}\\image", ConfigurationLoader.GetRenderablePathString(this));
// System.IO.FileInfo file = new System.IO.FileInfo(savePath);
// if (!file.Exists)
// {
// WorldWind.Net.WebDownload download = new WorldWind.Net.WebDownload(m_imageUri); // if (!file.Directory.Exists)
// file.Directory.Create(); // download.DownloadFile(file.FullName, WorldWind.Net.DownloadType.Unspecified);
// } // m_texture = ImageHelper.LoadTexture(file.FullName);
// m_texture = ImageHelper.LoadTexture(m_imageUri);
} UpdateVertices(); isInitialized = true;
} /// <summary>
/// Adds a point to the line at the end of the line.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="point">The Point3d object to add.</param>
public void AddPoint(Point3d point)
// if the array is too small grow it.
if (m_numPoints >= m_points.LongLength)
long growSize = m_points.LongLength / ;
if (growSize < ) growSize = ; Point3d[] points = new Point3d[m_points.LongLength + growSize]; for (int i = ; i < m_numPoints; i++)
points[i] = m_points[i];
m_points = points;
m_points[m_numPoints] = point;
NeedsUpdate = true;
} private void UpdateVertices()
// m_verticalExaggeration = World.Settings.VerticalExaggeration; UpdateTexturedVertices(); if (m_lineString != null && m_outline && m_wallVertices != null && m_wallVertices.Length > m_topVertices.Length)
} NeedsUpdate = false;
catch (Exception ex)
} private void UpdateOutlineVertices()
m_bottomVertices = new CustomVertex.PositionColored[m_numPoints];
m_sideVertices = new CustomVertex.PositionColored[m_numPoints * ]; for (int i = ; i < m_numPoints; i++)
m_sideVertices[ * i] = m_topVertices[i]; Vector3 xyzVertex = new Vector3(
m_wallVertices[ * i + ].Position.X,
m_wallVertices[ * i + ].Position.Y,
m_wallVertices[ * i + ].Position.Z); m_bottomVertices[i].Position.X = xyzVertex.X;
m_bottomVertices[i].Position.Y = xyzVertex.Y;
m_bottomVertices[i].Position.Z = xyzVertex.Z;
m_bottomVertices[i].Color = m_lineColor.ToArgb(); m_sideVertices[ * i + ] = m_bottomVertices[i];
} LineString m_lineString = null;
private void UpdateTexturedVertices()
if (m_altitudeMode == AltitudeMode.ClampedToGround)
if (m_lineString != null)
m_lineString.Remove = true;
m_lineString = null;
} m_lineString = new LineString();
m_lineString.Coordinates = Points;
m_lineString.Color = LineColor;
m_lineString.LineWidth = LineWidth;
m_lineString.ParentRenderable = this;
// this.World.ProjectedVectorRenderer.Add(m_lineString); if (m_wallVertices != null)
m_wallVertices = null; return;
} if (m_extrude || m_altitudeMode == AltitudeMode.RelativeToGround)
m_wallVertices = new CustomVertex.PositionColoredTextured[m_numPoints * ];
} float textureCoordIncrement = 1.0f / (float)(m_numPoints - );
// m_verticalExaggeration = World.Settings.VerticalExaggeration;
int vertexColor = m_polygonColor.ToArgb(); m_topVertices = new CustomVertex.PositionColored[m_numPoints]; for (int i = ; i < m_numPoints; i++)
double terrainHeight = ; Vector3 xyzVertex = new Vector3((float)m_points[i].X, (float)m_points[i].Y, (float)m_points[i].Z); m_topVertices[i].Position.X = xyzVertex.X;
m_topVertices[i].Position.Y = xyzVertex.Y;
m_topVertices[i].Position.Z = xyzVertex.Z;
m_topVertices[i].Color = m_lineColor.ToArgb(); if (m_extrude || m_altitudeMode == AltitudeMode.RelativeToGround)
m_wallVertices[ * i].Position.X = xyzVertex.X;
m_wallVertices[ * i].Position.Y = xyzVertex.Y;
m_wallVertices[ * i].Position.Z = xyzVertex.Z;
m_wallVertices[ * i].Color = vertexColor;
m_wallVertices[ * i].Tu = i * textureCoordIncrement;
m_wallVertices[ * i].Tv = 1.0f; m_wallVertices[ * i + ].Position.X = xyzVertex.X;
m_wallVertices[ * i + ].Position.Y = xyzVertex.Y;
m_wallVertices[ * i + ].Position.Z = xyzVertex.Z;
m_wallVertices[ * i + ].Color = vertexColor;
m_wallVertices[ * i + ].Tu = i * textureCoordIncrement;
m_wallVertices[ * i + ].Tv = 0.0f;
} public override bool PerformSelectionAction(DrawArgs drawArgs)
return false;
} public override void Update(DrawArgs drawArgs)
if (drawArgs.WorldCamera.Distance >= m_minimumDisplayAltitude && drawArgs.WorldCamera.Distance <= m_maximumDisplayAltitude)
if (!isInitialized)
Initialize(drawArgs); if (NeedsUpdate)
} } public override void Render(DrawArgs drawArgs)
if (!isInitialized || drawArgs.WorldCamera.Distance < m_minimumDisplayAltitude || drawArgs.WorldCamera.Distance > m_maximumDisplayAltitude)
} try
if (m_lineString != null)
return; int currentCull = drawArgs.Device.GetRenderState(RenderState.CullMode);
drawArgs.Device.SetRenderState(RenderState.CullMode, Cull.None); if (m_wallVertices != null)
drawArgs.Device.SetRenderState(RenderState.ZEnable, true); if (m_texture != null && !m_texture.Disposed)
drawArgs.Device.SetTexture(, m_texture);
drawArgs.Device.SetTextureStageState(, TextureStage.AlphaOperation, TextureOperation.Modulate);
drawArgs.Device.SetTextureStageState(, TextureStage.ColorOperation, TextureOperation.Add);
drawArgs.Device.SetTextureStageState(, TextureStage.AlphaArg1, TextureArgument.Texture);
drawArgs.Device.SetTextureStageState(, TextureStage.ColorOperation, TextureOperation.Disable);
} drawArgs.Device.VertexFormat = CustomVertex.PositionColoredTextured.Format; drawArgs.Device.DrawUserPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleStrip, m_wallVertices.Length - , m_wallVertices); if (m_outline)
{ drawArgs.Device.SetTextureStageState(, TextureStage.ColorOperation, TextureOperation.Disable);
drawArgs.Device.VertexFormat = CustomVertex.PositionColored.Format;
drawArgs.Device.DrawUserPrimitives(PrimitiveType.LineStrip, m_topVertices.Length - , m_topVertices); if (m_bottomVertices != null)
drawArgs.Device.DrawUserPrimitives(PrimitiveType.LineStrip, m_bottomVertices.Length - , m_bottomVertices); if (m_sideVertices != null)
drawArgs.Device.DrawUserPrimitives(PrimitiveType.LineList, m_sideVertices.Length / , m_sideVertices); }
drawArgs.Device.SetTextureStageState(, TextureStage.ColorOperation, TextureOperation.Disable);
drawArgs.Device.VertexFormat = CustomVertex.PositionColored.Format;
drawArgs.Device.DrawUserPrimitives(PrimitiveType.LineStrip, m_topVertices.Length - , m_topVertices);
} drawArgs.Device.SetTransform(TransformState.World, drawArgs.WorldCamera.WorldMatrix);
drawArgs.Device.SetRenderState(RenderState.CullMode, currentCull);
catch//(Exception ex)



 private void tspPolyline_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Point3d[] pts=new Point3d[];
Point3d pt1=new Point3d(,,);
Point3d pt2=new Point3d(,,);
Point3d pt3=new Point3d(,,);
Point3d pt4=new Point3d(,,);
Point3d pt5=new Point3d(,,);
RenderableLineString rend = new RenderableLineString("Hello", null, pts, Color.White);
rend.IsOn = true;
rend.RenderPriority = RenderPriority.Custom;



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