SpringData JPA Hibernate,尝试保存一个新的嵌套对象

时间:2022-09-11 17:00:37

I have a nested object like this


public class Chart {

   @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
   private long chart_id;

   private Set<ChartGroup> chartGroups;
        /* ..other attributes.. */

public class ChartGroup {
   @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
   private long group_id;
   private long chart_id;

   private ChartYData chartYData;
         /* ..other attributes.. */

 public class ChartYData {

   private long group_id;

   private String yData;

I have REST services where are used to fetch and save/update this data. After fetching the data for a specific chart I save all JSON data in a javascript object. User can delete or modify groups in a chart or he can add new groups. I am sending full chart object to the server to be saved. No call is made when you add a new group or delete an old group. The problem arises when user adds new group. In my JSON the values are like this SpringData JPA Hibernate,尝试保存一个新的嵌套对象


When I try to update the CHART object, it gives me MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException:Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (chartpro.chart_ydata, CONSTRAINT fk_ydata_to_group FOREIGN KEY (group_id) REFERENCES chart_group (group_id)

当我试图更新图表对象时,它会给我MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException:不能添加或更新子行:外键约束失败(chartpro)。约束fk_ydata_to_group外键(group_id)引用chart_group (group_id)

Is there a way to update my chart object as a whole? I mean the JPA should add ChartGroup and then add ChartYData with the newly created group_id


It gives me same error even when I send following JSON, (with group_id=null for new groups)


  ChartGroups : [{/* data for previously present Chart groups (works fine) */},{
    chartYData :
            ydata : "ydata",
            group_id : null

1 个解决方案



I think the problem that you have to set the group_id in ChartYData entities manually as you are not sending group_id with json object, or handle it by javascript to add group_id to ChartYData before sending it.




I think the problem that you have to set the group_id in ChartYData entities manually as you are not sending group_id with json object, or handle it by javascript to add group_id to ChartYData before sending it.
