
时间:2022-09-11 16:48:56

What is the proper way to make an Entity read-only with JPA ? I wish my database table to never be modified at all programmatically.


I think I understand that I should lock my objects with LockModeType.READ. Is it possible to use an annotation to make my entities directly locked after retrieval from the database ? Or do I have to mess around and override my generic DAO for that specific entity ?


9 个解决方案



A solution is to use field based annotation, to declare your fields as protected and to propose only public getter. Doing so, your objects can not be altered.


(This solution is not entity specific, it is just a way to build immutable objects)




You can create a bullet proof safety net for your entity with JPA lifecycle listeners.


  • PRO: JPA standard - not hibernate specific
  • PRO: JPA标准-不是特定于hibernate的
  • PRO: very safe
  • 正方观点:非常安全
  • CON: only shows write attempts at runtime. If you want a compile time check, you should not implement setters.
  • 缺点:只显示运行时的写尝试。如果需要编译时检查,则不应该实现setter。

In your entity add an EntityListener like this:


public class YourEntity {
    // ...

Implement your EntityListener, to throw an exception if any update occurs:


public class PreventAnyUpdate {

    void onPrePersist(Object o) {
        throw new RuntimeException("...");

    void onPreUpdate(Object o) {
        throw new RuntimeException("...");

    void onPreRemove(Object o) {
        throw new RuntimeException("...");



If your JPA implementation is hibernate - you could use the hibernate Entity annotation


@org.hibernate.annotations.Entity(mutable = false)

Obviously this will tie your model to hibernate though.




Hibernate also has a org.hibernate.annotations.Immutable annotation that you can put on the type, method, or field.

Hibernate也有一个org. Hibernate .annotation。可以放在类型、方法或字段上的不可变注释。



I think what you are looking for is your entity to be Immutable. Hibernate supports this; JPA(at least JPA 1.0) does not. I suppose you can only control this by providing only getters and make sure that the getters return only immutable values.

我认为你在寻找的是你的实体是不可变的。Hibernate支持;JPA(至少是JPA 1.0)没有。我想您只能通过只提供getter来控制它,并确保getter只返回不可变的值。



IIRC you could set every field to insertable = false and updatable = false in your @Column annotations, but I'm sure there must be a better method... :)

IIRC可以在@Column注释中将每个字段设置为insertable = false和updatable = false,但我确信一定有更好的方法……:)

I don't suppose this helps?




Eclipselink implementation also offers you the @ReadOnly annotation at the entity level




This is probably going to catch me a downvote because I always get downvoted for suggesting it, but you could use AspectJ in several ways to enforce this:


Either automate Mac's solution (make AspectJ inject the @Column annotation):


declare @field : (@Entity *) *.* : @Column(insertable=false);

Or declare a compiler error for all access to set methods:


declare error : execution((@Entity *) *.set*(*) );

Downside: you need to add AspectJ compilation to your build, but that's easy if you use ant or maven




If you are using spring-data or are otherwise using the Repository pattern, don't include any save / update / create / insert / etc methods in the Repository for that particular entity. This can be generalized by having a base class / interface for readonly entities, and an updatable one that extends the readonly one for updatable entities. As other posters have pointed out, the setters may also be made non-public to avoid developers accidentally setting values that they are then unable to save.




A solution is to use field based annotation, to declare your fields as protected and to propose only public getter. Doing so, your objects can not be altered.


(This solution is not entity specific, it is just a way to build immutable objects)




You can create a bullet proof safety net for your entity with JPA lifecycle listeners.


  • PRO: JPA standard - not hibernate specific
  • PRO: JPA标准-不是特定于hibernate的
  • PRO: very safe
  • 正方观点:非常安全
  • CON: only shows write attempts at runtime. If you want a compile time check, you should not implement setters.
  • 缺点:只显示运行时的写尝试。如果需要编译时检查,则不应该实现setter。

In your entity add an EntityListener like this:


public class YourEntity {
    // ...

Implement your EntityListener, to throw an exception if any update occurs:


public class PreventAnyUpdate {

    void onPrePersist(Object o) {
        throw new RuntimeException("...");

    void onPreUpdate(Object o) {
        throw new RuntimeException("...");

    void onPreRemove(Object o) {
        throw new RuntimeException("...");



If your JPA implementation is hibernate - you could use the hibernate Entity annotation


@org.hibernate.annotations.Entity(mutable = false)

Obviously this will tie your model to hibernate though.




Hibernate also has a org.hibernate.annotations.Immutable annotation that you can put on the type, method, or field.

Hibernate也有一个org. Hibernate .annotation。可以放在类型、方法或字段上的不可变注释。



I think what you are looking for is your entity to be Immutable. Hibernate supports this; JPA(at least JPA 1.0) does not. I suppose you can only control this by providing only getters and make sure that the getters return only immutable values.

我认为你在寻找的是你的实体是不可变的。Hibernate支持;JPA(至少是JPA 1.0)没有。我想您只能通过只提供getter来控制它,并确保getter只返回不可变的值。



IIRC you could set every field to insertable = false and updatable = false in your @Column annotations, but I'm sure there must be a better method... :)

IIRC可以在@Column注释中将每个字段设置为insertable = false和updatable = false,但我确信一定有更好的方法……:)

I don't suppose this helps?




Eclipselink implementation also offers you the @ReadOnly annotation at the entity level




This is probably going to catch me a downvote because I always get downvoted for suggesting it, but you could use AspectJ in several ways to enforce this:


Either automate Mac's solution (make AspectJ inject the @Column annotation):


declare @field : (@Entity *) *.* : @Column(insertable=false);

Or declare a compiler error for all access to set methods:


declare error : execution((@Entity *) *.set*(*) );

Downside: you need to add AspectJ compilation to your build, but that's easy if you use ant or maven




If you are using spring-data or are otherwise using the Repository pattern, don't include any save / update / create / insert / etc methods in the Repository for that particular entity. This can be generalized by having a base class / interface for readonly entities, and an updatable one that extends the readonly one for updatable entities. As other posters have pointed out, the setters may also be made non-public to avoid developers accidentally setting values that they are then unable to save.
