未知的ansi转义码 - )0 [,?7h和?7l

时间:2021-08-07 03:07:04

So I'm seeing some ANSI escape codes I'm unfamiliar with in some output.



http://ascii-table.com/ansi-escape-sequences.php says that \\x1B[=7h and \\x1B[=7l will set and reset (respectively) the mode to enable line wrapping but those have ='s and not ?'s so idk how applicable that is.

http://ascii-table.com/ansi-escape-sequences.php说\\ x1B [= 7h和\\ x1B [= 7l将分别设置和重置模式以启用换行但是那些有=' s而不是?这是多么适用。

Any ideas?

1 个解决方案


The first \\x1B)0 (if not misquoted) could be one of the character-set controls:

第一个\\ x1B)0(如果没有错误引用)可能是字符集控件之一:

        C = 0  -> DEC Special Character and Line Drawing Set.
ESC ) C   Designate G1 Character Set (ISO 2022, VT100).
          The same character sets apply as for ESC ( C.

The ? indicates a private mode setting. ISO-6429 (ECMA-48) defines four: <, >, ? and =. The corresponding mode (still quoting XTerm Control Sequences):

的?表示私人模式设置。 ISO-6429(ECMA-48)定义了四个:<,>,?和=。相应的模式(仍然引用XTerm控制序列):

CSI ? Pm h
      DEC Private Mode Set (DECSET).
        Ps = 7  -> Wraparound Mode (DECAWM).

The application is supposed to pause briefly between changing this between reverse-video and back to the normal state.



The first \\x1B)0 (if not misquoted) could be one of the character-set controls:

第一个\\ x1B)0(如果没有错误引用)可能是字符集控件之一:

        C = 0  -> DEC Special Character and Line Drawing Set.
ESC ) C   Designate G1 Character Set (ISO 2022, VT100).
          The same character sets apply as for ESC ( C.

The ? indicates a private mode setting. ISO-6429 (ECMA-48) defines four: <, >, ? and =. The corresponding mode (still quoting XTerm Control Sequences):

的?表示私人模式设置。 ISO-6429(ECMA-48)定义了四个:<,>,?和=。相应的模式(仍然引用XTerm控制序列):

CSI ? Pm h
      DEC Private Mode Set (DECSET).
        Ps = 7  -> Wraparound Mode (DECAWM).

The application is supposed to pause briefly between changing this between reverse-video and back to the normal state.
