
时间:2022-09-11 10:39:54

When I was a fresh man, my instructor allows us to use break or continue in loops. I do it most of the time back then since it terminates/continue the loop. And now I'm in sophomore years, my instructor told me that the use of break/continue is not advisable. can you tell me why? what affects break/continue by the way?


3 个解决方案



Some people think that it's bad to have a too complex control flow, which means things like break, continue and multiple returns. The reason is not technical, but mostly that complex control flow can make it harder to verify, test and and reason about a program.


It is however largely a matter of style, personal taste, and your overall structure. With small, well-purposed functions, there might be little to no harm in having multiple possible flows. In C++ in particular, early exit is a popular idiom and can often make code easier to follow.

然而,这主要取决于风格,个人品味和整体结构。由于功能小,功能齐全,有多种可能的流程可能几乎没有坏处。特别是在C ++中,提前退出是一种流行的习惯用法,通常可以使代码更容易理解。



At least in C, you should not be using break and/or continue "most of the time" (as your question says you used to do) to control the flow of your loops. Your loop condition should indicate under what circumstances the loop should stop; somebody maintaining your code should not have to dig through the code in the body of your loop to see what triggers the break that causes the loop to stop.


For example, let's say you want to read a number of integers from a file inputFile to see if one of the integers is 500. One way of structuring the loop is:


while (fgets (buffer, sizeof (buffer), inputFile)){
    sscanf (buffer, "%d", &num);
    if (num == 500)

Here, the person reading your code has to read your entire while loop to figure out what you are actually looking for in the file. If you write this without the break:


while ((num != 500) && fgets (buffer, sizeof (buffer), inputFile)) 
    sscanf (buffer, "%d", &num);

the loop condition itself tells the reader exactly what your code is trying to do, which makes it a lot more easy to understand quickly. Also, as a bonus, you have saved a few lines of code.


Now imagine a more complicated while or for loop, where the break is buried deep inside the body of the loop. It's easy to see why trying to find the break trigger would get annoying. Having a properly structured loop condition is much more, um, self-documenting.


There are, of course, cases where break and continue are in fact good ways to write the code. For example, if the condition at which the loop should end might occur in the middle of the loop execution, and there's a long set of statements that follow inside the loop, and executing those statements would add processing time without accomplishing anything useful, sure, go ahead and use the break. But those cases are the exception, not the "most of the time".




Most of the logic I've seen for reasoning about code correctness supposes single entry/single exit. If your loops are filled with break and continue, it becomes impossible to know whether your loop invariants are met, or whether you always make progress (so the loop won't be endless). (Note that the do { ... } while (...); loop also suffers from this; the loop invariants aren't established the first time through, which can lead to some surprises.)

我在推理代码正确性时看到的大部分逻辑都假设单入口/单出口。如果你的循环充满了break并继续,则无法知道你的循环不变量是否得到满足,或者你是否总是取得进展(所以循环不会无穷无尽)。 (注意do {...} while(...);循环也会受此影响;第一次没有建立循环不变量,这可能会导致一些意外。)

Most of the cases where you are tempted to use break or continue, you've probably made the loop (and the function which contains it) too large and too complex.


Some would argue that something like:


for (;;) {
    //  ...
    if ( conditionMet ) {
    //  ...

would be acceptable for the classical loop and a half idiom; it is single entry/single exit, after all, even if the exit isn't quite where we expect it (and is very hard to find when reading the code). The problem concerning loop invariants remains; the aren't met before the if, at least the first time through. Generally, a better solution would be to put the code before the test into a separate function, which returns conditionMet, and use:


while ( doLoopPrefix() ) {

(In general, if your loop is more than three or four lines, you should refactor. Except maybe if it contains a single switch statement, with a lot of cases.)




Some people think that it's bad to have a too complex control flow, which means things like break, continue and multiple returns. The reason is not technical, but mostly that complex control flow can make it harder to verify, test and and reason about a program.


It is however largely a matter of style, personal taste, and your overall structure. With small, well-purposed functions, there might be little to no harm in having multiple possible flows. In C++ in particular, early exit is a popular idiom and can often make code easier to follow.

然而,这主要取决于风格,个人品味和整体结构。由于功能小,功能齐全,有多种可能的流程可能几乎没有坏处。特别是在C ++中,提前退出是一种流行的习惯用法,通常可以使代码更容易理解。



At least in C, you should not be using break and/or continue "most of the time" (as your question says you used to do) to control the flow of your loops. Your loop condition should indicate under what circumstances the loop should stop; somebody maintaining your code should not have to dig through the code in the body of your loop to see what triggers the break that causes the loop to stop.


For example, let's say you want to read a number of integers from a file inputFile to see if one of the integers is 500. One way of structuring the loop is:


while (fgets (buffer, sizeof (buffer), inputFile)){
    sscanf (buffer, "%d", &num);
    if (num == 500)

Here, the person reading your code has to read your entire while loop to figure out what you are actually looking for in the file. If you write this without the break:


while ((num != 500) && fgets (buffer, sizeof (buffer), inputFile)) 
    sscanf (buffer, "%d", &num);

the loop condition itself tells the reader exactly what your code is trying to do, which makes it a lot more easy to understand quickly. Also, as a bonus, you have saved a few lines of code.


Now imagine a more complicated while or for loop, where the break is buried deep inside the body of the loop. It's easy to see why trying to find the break trigger would get annoying. Having a properly structured loop condition is much more, um, self-documenting.


There are, of course, cases where break and continue are in fact good ways to write the code. For example, if the condition at which the loop should end might occur in the middle of the loop execution, and there's a long set of statements that follow inside the loop, and executing those statements would add processing time without accomplishing anything useful, sure, go ahead and use the break. But those cases are the exception, not the "most of the time".




Most of the logic I've seen for reasoning about code correctness supposes single entry/single exit. If your loops are filled with break and continue, it becomes impossible to know whether your loop invariants are met, or whether you always make progress (so the loop won't be endless). (Note that the do { ... } while (...); loop also suffers from this; the loop invariants aren't established the first time through, which can lead to some surprises.)

我在推理代码正确性时看到的大部分逻辑都假设单入口/单出口。如果你的循环充满了break并继续,则无法知道你的循环不变量是否得到满足,或者你是否总是取得进展(所以循环不会无穷无尽)。 (注意do {...} while(...);循环也会受此影响;第一次没有建立循环不变量,这可能会导致一些意外。)

Most of the cases where you are tempted to use break or continue, you've probably made the loop (and the function which contains it) too large and too complex.


Some would argue that something like:


for (;;) {
    //  ...
    if ( conditionMet ) {
    //  ...

would be acceptable for the classical loop and a half idiom; it is single entry/single exit, after all, even if the exit isn't quite where we expect it (and is very hard to find when reading the code). The problem concerning loop invariants remains; the aren't met before the if, at least the first time through. Generally, a better solution would be to put the code before the test into a separate function, which returns conditionMet, and use:


while ( doLoopPrefix() ) {

(In general, if your loop is more than three or four lines, you should refactor. Except maybe if it contains a single switch statement, with a lot of cases.)
