
时间:2022-09-11 10:40:18

Most of the time when we use MVVM we use the INotifyPropertyChanged interface to provide the notification to the bindings, and the general implementation looks like this:


public class MyClass : INotifyPropertyChanged
    // properties implementation with RaisePropertyChanged

    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
    protected void RaisePropertyChanged(string propertyName)
        if (PropertyChanged != null)
            PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

This works fine for me whenever I read the code from the experts - they wrote similar code:

每当我从专家那里读到代码时,这对我来说都很好 - 他们写了类似的代码:

public class MyClass : INotifyPropertyChanged
    // properties implementation with RaisePropertyChanged

    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
    protected void RaisePropertyChanged(string propertyName)
        var tempchanged = PropertyChanged;
        if (tempchanged != null)
            PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

I would like to know what is the exact reason behind creating a temporary object for the PropertyChanged event.


Is it only a good practice or are there any other benefits associated with it?


I have found the answer with Jon's answer and the explained example at:


Understanding C#: Raising events using a temporary variable


Here is the sample code to understand this:


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;

class Plane
     public event EventHandler Land;

     protected void OnLand()
          if (null != Land)
               Land(this, null);

     public void LandThePlane()

class Program
     static void Main(string[] args)
          Plane p = new Plane();
          ParameterizedThreadStart start = new ParameterizedThreadStart(Run);
          Thread thread = new Thread(start);

          while (true)

     static void Run(object o)
          Plane p = o as Plane;
          while (p != null)
               p.Land += p_Land;
               p.Land -= p_Land;

     static void p_Land(object sender, EventArgs e)

4 个解决方案



You're not creating a temporary object. You're using a local variable to avoid a race condition.


In this code:


if (PropertyChanged != null)

it's possible for PropertyChanged to become null (due to the last subscriber unsubscribing) after the nullity check, which will mean you get a NullReferenceException.


When you use a local variable, you ensure that the reference you check for nullity is the same reference that you use to raise the event - so you won't get the exception. There's still a race condition in that you may end up calling subscribers who have just unsubscribed, but that's unavoidable.

使用局部变量时,确保检查无效的引用与用于引发事件的引用相同 - 因此您不会获得异常。还有一个竞争条件,你最终可能会打电话给那些刚刚取消订阅的订阅者,但这是不可避免的。



It's to avoid the rare case when the last (or only) event handler is removed from the event between the time you check for null (to see if any event handler is attached) and the time you call the event. If that happens you would get a NullReferenceException.


If you're concerned about memory leaks - don't be - it's just a reference, not a copy of the event handler.

如果你担心内存泄漏 - 不要 - 它只是一个引用,而不是事件处理程序的副本。

More details can be found here




This is good practise for reasons of thread safety.


In your original code, it is theoretically possible for a separate thread to remove the PropertyChanged handler after the if statement but before the event is raised on the following line. This would cause a NullReferenceException.


The second sample removes this risk.




It only makes a difference when dealing with multi-threaded scenarios: When the last event handler is deregistered after the != null check, the actual call might run into a NullReferenceException in code 1.

它只在处理多线程场景时有所不同:当在!= null检查之后取消注册最后一个事件处理程序时,实际调用可能会在代码1中遇到NullReferenceException。

Code 2, however, doesn't have this problem as Delegates (the concept behind events) are immutable and thus the value of the temporary variable can't change.


However, I would recommend always going with variant 2 as a best practice - this might save you a headache in the future ;-)

但是,我建议总是将变体2作为最佳实践 - 这可能会让你在将来头疼;-)



You're not creating a temporary object. You're using a local variable to avoid a race condition.


In this code:


if (PropertyChanged != null)

it's possible for PropertyChanged to become null (due to the last subscriber unsubscribing) after the nullity check, which will mean you get a NullReferenceException.


When you use a local variable, you ensure that the reference you check for nullity is the same reference that you use to raise the event - so you won't get the exception. There's still a race condition in that you may end up calling subscribers who have just unsubscribed, but that's unavoidable.

使用局部变量时,确保检查无效的引用与用于引发事件的引用相同 - 因此您不会获得异常。还有一个竞争条件,你最终可能会打电话给那些刚刚取消订阅的订阅者,但这是不可避免的。



It's to avoid the rare case when the last (or only) event handler is removed from the event between the time you check for null (to see if any event handler is attached) and the time you call the event. If that happens you would get a NullReferenceException.


If you're concerned about memory leaks - don't be - it's just a reference, not a copy of the event handler.

如果你担心内存泄漏 - 不要 - 它只是一个引用,而不是事件处理程序的副本。

More details can be found here




This is good practise for reasons of thread safety.


In your original code, it is theoretically possible for a separate thread to remove the PropertyChanged handler after the if statement but before the event is raised on the following line. This would cause a NullReferenceException.


The second sample removes this risk.




It only makes a difference when dealing with multi-threaded scenarios: When the last event handler is deregistered after the != null check, the actual call might run into a NullReferenceException in code 1.

它只在处理多线程场景时有所不同:当在!= null检查之后取消注册最后一个事件处理程序时,实际调用可能会在代码1中遇到NullReferenceException。

Code 2, however, doesn't have this problem as Delegates (the concept behind events) are immutable and thus the value of the temporary variable can't change.


However, I would recommend always going with variant 2 as a best practice - this might save you a headache in the future ;-)

但是,我建议总是将变体2作为最佳实践 - 这可能会让你在将来头疼;-)