
时间:2022-09-10 23:44:29

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Is excessive use of this in C++ a code smell


Years ago, I got in the habit of using this-> when accessing member variables. I knew it wasn't strictly necessary, but I thought it was more clear.


Then, at some point, I started to prefer a more minimalistic style and stopped this practice...


Recently I was asked by one of my more junior peers whether I thought it was a good idea and I found that I didn't really have a good answer for my preference... Is this really a wholly stylistic choice or are there real reasons why not prefixing this-> on member variable accesses is better?


7 个解决方案



While this is a totally subjective question, I think the general C++ community prefers not to have this->. Its cluttering, and entirely not needed.


Some people use it to differentiate between member variables and parameters. A much more common practice is to just prefix your member variables with something, like a single underscore or an m, or m_, etc.


That is much easier to read, in my opinion. If you need this-> to differentiate between variables, you're doing it wrong. Either change the parameter name (from x to newX) or have a member variable naming convention.


Consistency is preferred, so instead of forcing this-> on yourself for the few cases you need to differentiate (note in initializer lists this is completely well-defined: x(x), where the member x is initialized by the parameter x), just get better variable names.


This leaves the only time I use this: when I actually need the address of the instance, for whatever reason.




Personally I never use this, except:


  • when I need to pass 'this' as an argument to a method of another class
  • 当我需要将'this'作为参数传递给另一个类的方法时
  • in the implementation of the assignment operator
  • 在执行赋值操作符时



I can only recall doing it with


delete this;



When there is an ambiguity between, say, a function parameter and an instance variable.


Of course such ambiguity should be avoided! It might be preferable to change the function parameter name instead of incurring overhead (i.e. prefixes) for all access to instance parameters though...




It's usable when you have variables in a scope "above" the one you are working with.


int i;
public void foo() {
    int i;
    i = 3; // assign local variable
    this->i = 4; // assign global variable

Other than accessing variables in another scope, I myself agree with your "minimalistic choice". Less is more. :-)




I like to use it for clarification, as when accessing members that were inherited. It reminds the reader where the variable came from if you don't have a naming convention that conveys that information.


You must use the this pointer when:


  • Returning the current object.
  • 返回当前对象。
  • Setting up relations between objects (passing this into a constructor or setter)
  • 在对象之间建立关系(将其传递给构造函数或setter)
  • Checking for self reference: this != argPtr
  • 检查自我引用:this != argPtr



For me, it depends. If it is a short function or variable, I just type it in (e.g. mCount). Most of the time, however, I use very descriptive member variable and function names (e.g. mExclusivelyLockedDigitalIOList ). In those instances, I tend to use the this pointer to have Visual Studio's IntelliSense finish my typing for me. Saves on keystrokes and spelling mistakes.

对我来说,这取决于。如果是短函数或变量,我只需输入(例如mCount)。然而,大多数时候,我使用非常描述性的成员变量和函数名(例如mExclusivelyLockedDigitalIOList)。在这些情况下,我倾向于使用这个指针来让Visual Studio的IntelliSense替我完成我的输入。节省按键和拼写错误。



While this is a totally subjective question, I think the general C++ community prefers not to have this->. Its cluttering, and entirely not needed.


Some people use it to differentiate between member variables and parameters. A much more common practice is to just prefix your member variables with something, like a single underscore or an m, or m_, etc.


That is much easier to read, in my opinion. If you need this-> to differentiate between variables, you're doing it wrong. Either change the parameter name (from x to newX) or have a member variable naming convention.


Consistency is preferred, so instead of forcing this-> on yourself for the few cases you need to differentiate (note in initializer lists this is completely well-defined: x(x), where the member x is initialized by the parameter x), just get better variable names.


This leaves the only time I use this: when I actually need the address of the instance, for whatever reason.




Personally I never use this, except:


  • when I need to pass 'this' as an argument to a method of another class
  • 当我需要将'this'作为参数传递给另一个类的方法时
  • in the implementation of the assignment operator
  • 在执行赋值操作符时



I can only recall doing it with


delete this;



When there is an ambiguity between, say, a function parameter and an instance variable.


Of course such ambiguity should be avoided! It might be preferable to change the function parameter name instead of incurring overhead (i.e. prefixes) for all access to instance parameters though...




It's usable when you have variables in a scope "above" the one you are working with.


int i;
public void foo() {
    int i;
    i = 3; // assign local variable
    this->i = 4; // assign global variable

Other than accessing variables in another scope, I myself agree with your "minimalistic choice". Less is more. :-)




I like to use it for clarification, as when accessing members that were inherited. It reminds the reader where the variable came from if you don't have a naming convention that conveys that information.


You must use the this pointer when:


  • Returning the current object.
  • 返回当前对象。
  • Setting up relations between objects (passing this into a constructor or setter)
  • 在对象之间建立关系(将其传递给构造函数或setter)
  • Checking for self reference: this != argPtr
  • 检查自我引用:this != argPtr



For me, it depends. If it is a short function or variable, I just type it in (e.g. mCount). Most of the time, however, I use very descriptive member variable and function names (e.g. mExclusivelyLockedDigitalIOList ). In those instances, I tend to use the this pointer to have Visual Studio's IntelliSense finish my typing for me. Saves on keystrokes and spelling mistakes.

对我来说,这取决于。如果是短函数或变量,我只需输入(例如mCount)。然而,大多数时候,我使用非常描述性的成员变量和函数名(例如mExclusivelyLockedDigitalIOList)。在这些情况下,我倾向于使用这个指针来让Visual Studio的IntelliSense替我完成我的输入。节省按键和拼写错误。