
时间:2023-01-30 20:05:19

I have an object that I need to rotate. For some reason known only to the computer my entire scene gets rotated, that is all the objects get rotated as a group. Please note that all the objects are from the same class. I wanted to rotate these objects individually in the same time. I can't post all the code but here are the relevant parts. I'll add more code if asked to. This is where I periodically update the rotation angle:


void Model::Update( float dt ) {    
    mRotationAngleInDegrees += dt;

This is where i calculate the transform matrix:


mat4 Model::GetWorldMatrix() const {
    mat4 worldMatrix( 1.0f );
    worldMatrix = glm::translate( worldMatrix, position );
    worldMatrix = glm::rotate( worldMatrix, mRotationAngleInDegrees, vec3( 0, 0, 1 ) );
    return worldMatrix;

This is where I paint the model:


void Model::Draw() {

    GLuint WorldMatrixLocation = glGetUniformLocation(Renderer::getShaderID(), "WorldTransform"); 
    glUniformMatrix4fv(WorldMatrixLocation, 1, GL_FALSE, &GetWorldMatrix()[0][0]);

    //vertex buffer code here

    glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 9);

    //some more cleanup code here

And here is the relevant code in main:


for( vector<Model>::iterator it = grass.begin(); it != grass.end(); ++it ) {

Can anyone see what's the problem?


1 个解决方案



The problem was that in function GetWorldMatrix() after rotating I was supposed to translate the model matrix back to the original location. That is necessary because the local rotation must follow these steps (in this strict order):


  1. translate from the original point to the anchor of rotation
  2. 从原始点转换为旋转锚点
  3. rotate
  4. 回转
  5. translate back to the original point
  6. 转回原点

So I added this line:


worldMatrix = glm::translate( worldMatrix, -position );

The function now looks like this:


mat4 Model::GetWorldMatrix() const {
    mat4 worldMatrix( 1.0f );
    worldMatrix = glm::translate( worldMatrix, position );
    worldMatrix = glm::rotate( worldMatrix, mRotationAngleInDegrees, vec3( 0, 0, 1 ) );
    worldMatrix = glm::translate( worldMatrix, -position );
    return worldMatrix;

Thank you, 40two, for the great hint.




The problem was that in function GetWorldMatrix() after rotating I was supposed to translate the model matrix back to the original location. That is necessary because the local rotation must follow these steps (in this strict order):


  1. translate from the original point to the anchor of rotation
  2. 从原始点转换为旋转锚点
  3. rotate
  4. 回转
  5. translate back to the original point
  6. 转回原点

So I added this line:


worldMatrix = glm::translate( worldMatrix, -position );

The function now looks like this:


mat4 Model::GetWorldMatrix() const {
    mat4 worldMatrix( 1.0f );
    worldMatrix = glm::translate( worldMatrix, position );
    worldMatrix = glm::rotate( worldMatrix, mRotationAngleInDegrees, vec3( 0, 0, 1 ) );
    worldMatrix = glm::translate( worldMatrix, -position );
    return worldMatrix;

Thank you, 40two, for the great hint.
