
时间:2022-09-10 20:03:41

I am trying to randomise a set of meals (currently 5) such an array of meal objects that I've created which have a property mealTitles. I press randomise, using code:


func shuffleArray<T>(array: Array<T>) -> Array<T>
    var array = array
    for index in ((0 + 1)...array.count - 1).reversed()
        // Random int from 0 to index-1
        let j = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(index-1)))

        // Swap two array elements
        // Notice '&' required as swap uses 'inout' parameters
        swap(&array[index], &array[j])

    return array

I use a shuffle button and look at if it is shuffling Such:


@IBAction func shuffleButton(_ sender: AnyObject) {
    shuffleArray(array: myMeals)
    print("Objects: \(shuffleArray(array: myMeals))")
    print(myMeals[0].mealTitle, myMeals[1].mealTitle, myMeals[2].mealTitle)

This code produces in the console this:


Objects: [<ParseStarterProject_Swift.Meal: 0x6080002747c0>, <ParseStarterProject_Swift.Meal: 0x60800026ea40>, <ParseStarterProject_Swift.Meal: 0x60000027b400>, <ParseStarterProject_Swift.Meal: 0x60000026d980>, <ParseStarterProject_Swift.Meal: 0x608000267d80>]
Sausages and Mash Chicken Korma Fajitas
Objects: [<ParseStarterProject_Swift.Meal: 0x60000027b400>, <ParseStarterProject_Swift.Meal: 0x60800026ea40>, <ParseStarterProject_Swift.Meal: 0x60000026d980>, <ParseStarterProject_Swift.Meal: 0x6080002747c0>, <ParseStarterProject_Swift.Meal: 0x608000267d80>]
Sausages and Mash Chicken Korma Fajitas

I.e it looks like the location is changing but the meal Title stay the same.


Any help would be much appreciated.


1 个解决方案



Your shuffle method returns a new array that is a shuffled version of the old array, but you aren't doing anything with that return value in your code. You need to assign the shuffled array to your property.


myMeals = shuffleArray(array: myMeals)



Your shuffle method returns a new array that is a shuffled version of the old array, but you aren't doing anything with that return value in your code. You need to assign the shuffled array to your property.


myMeals = shuffleArray(array: myMeals)