
时间:2022-09-10 19:21:53

Essentially, I built a small text chat type application for me and my friends and now the messages seem to be getting kind of long on the page so I thought it be better if I could just display the latest 10 or 20 messages or so.


That said, I tried a for loop like so:


$row = mysqli_num_rows($dbqDoIt4_mssgs);
for($i = 0; $i<5; $i++){
        echo '<div class="holdChat"><span class="orangeBigger">' . strtoupper($row['user']). '</span>' . ' ' . '<span class="txtSaid">said:</span> ' . '<span style="color:#171717;">' . $row['mssg'] . '</span>' . '</div><br/>';

This last part of the code is kind of long, but essentially it holds the CSS classes, etc. for a gray box with the database text in it.


It now does display five rows (or however many I tell it to). I get no errors for the code or PHP, but the message itself from the database does not show, so all I get are empty gray boxes on the HTML where the text is supposed to be.


I'm assuming, because maybe I'm referencing the $row as $row[i], that it's not directly picking up the message(?)

我假设,因为我可能将$ row引用为$ row [i],它不是直接接收消息(?)

(I am building a small application to teach myself PHP.)


2 个解决方案



I would do something like this:


    $i = 0;
    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query))
        echo '<div class="holdChat"><span class="orangeBigger">' . strtoupper($row['user']). '</span>' . ' ' . '<span class="txtSaid">said:</span> ' . '<span style="color:#171717;">' . $row['mssg'] . '</span>' . '</div><br/>';
        if ($i == 5)



From the PHP documentation for mysqli_num_rows:


mysqli_result::num_rows -- mysqli_num_rows — Gets the number of rows in a result

mysqli_result :: num_rows - mysqli_num_rows - 获取结果中的行数

Your $row variable is being assigned a numeric value, which doesn't mean much when you loop through it.

你的$ row变量被分配了一个数值,当你循环它时,这并不意味着什么。

I haven't worked with MySQLi, but with MySQL, you do this:


while ($row = mysql_query($query_string)) {

And while $row is being set (every loop is a new row), your code runs. Just add a counter to make sure you don't print more than five times and your code should work fine.

虽然正在设置$ row(每个循环都是一个新行),但代码会运行。只需添加一个计数器,以确保您不会打印超过五次,您的代码应该可以正常工作。



I would do something like this:


    $i = 0;
    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query))
        echo '<div class="holdChat"><span class="orangeBigger">' . strtoupper($row['user']). '</span>' . ' ' . '<span class="txtSaid">said:</span> ' . '<span style="color:#171717;">' . $row['mssg'] . '</span>' . '</div><br/>';
        if ($i == 5)



From the PHP documentation for mysqli_num_rows:


mysqli_result::num_rows -- mysqli_num_rows — Gets the number of rows in a result

mysqli_result :: num_rows - mysqli_num_rows - 获取结果中的行数

Your $row variable is being assigned a numeric value, which doesn't mean much when you loop through it.

你的$ row变量被分配了一个数值,当你循环它时,这并不意味着什么。

I haven't worked with MySQLi, but with MySQL, you do this:


while ($row = mysql_query($query_string)) {

And while $row is being set (every loop is a new row), your code runs. Just add a counter to make sure you don't print more than five times and your code should work fine.

虽然正在设置$ row(每个循环都是一个新行),但代码会运行。只需添加一个计数器,以确保您不会打印超过五次,您的代码应该可以正常工作。