
时间:2022-09-10 19:09:39

I have a strange problem, that when I upload my website to server it gets rendered all incorrectly - positioning, script etc. problems. The same site works perfectly on the same browser when run locally from my hard drive.

我有一个奇怪的问题,当我将我的网站上传到服务器时,它会被错误地渲染 - 定位,脚本等问题。从我的硬盘本地运行时,同一站点在同一浏览器上完美运行。

Screenshot when run locally: 上传到FTP时,站点呈现不正确


Screenshot from web: 上传到FTP时,站点呈现不正确


1 个解决方案


Just look at the browsers console and you will find out, that css/jquery.fullpage.css is missing. This might explain the render problems. It might be that you simply forgot to upload this file, but it might also that you've uploaded a similar file instead. Please not that contrary to Windows file names on UNIX or Linux systems are case-sensitive, that is jquery.fullpage.css is not the same as Jquery.fullpage.CSS and if you've uploaded the last it will not be foud when you are trying to access the first. This might explain the difference between testing on a local Windows system and rolling out to a remote UNIX/Linux system.

只需查看浏览器控制台,您就会发现缺少css / jquery.fullpage.css。这可能解释了渲染问题。可能您只是忘记上传此文件,但也可能是您上传了类似的文件。请注意,与UNIX或Linux系统上的Windows文件名相反,区分大小写,即jquery.fullpage.css与Jquery.fullpage.CSS不同,如果您上传了最后一个,那么当您正试图访问第一个。这可以解释在本地Windows系统上测试和部署到远程UNIX / Linux系统之间的区别。


Just look at the browsers console and you will find out, that css/jquery.fullpage.css is missing. This might explain the render problems. It might be that you simply forgot to upload this file, but it might also that you've uploaded a similar file instead. Please not that contrary to Windows file names on UNIX or Linux systems are case-sensitive, that is jquery.fullpage.css is not the same as Jquery.fullpage.CSS and if you've uploaded the last it will not be foud when you are trying to access the first. This might explain the difference between testing on a local Windows system and rolling out to a remote UNIX/Linux system.

只需查看浏览器控制台,您就会发现缺少css / jquery.fullpage.css。这可能解释了渲染问题。可能您只是忘记上传此文件,但也可能是您上传了类似的文件。请注意,与UNIX或Linux系统上的Windows文件名相反,区分大小写,即jquery.fullpage.css与Jquery.fullpage.CSS不同,如果您上传了最后一个,那么当您正试图访问第一个。这可以解释在本地Windows系统上测试和部署到远程UNIX / Linux系统之间的区别。