
时间:2022-09-10 17:52:44

I have a


class Fancy:UIButton

I want to


addTarget(self, action:#selector(blah),
   forControlEvents: UIControlEvents.TouchUpInside)

So where in UIButton should that be done?


Where is the best place for addTarget ?

1 - I have seen layoutSubviews suggested - is that right?

1 -我见过layoutSubviews建议-对吗?

Note - experimentation shows that a problem with layoutSubviews is that, of course, it can be called often, whenever things move around. It would be a bad idea to "addTarget" more than once.


2 - didMoveToSuperview is another suggestion.

2 - didMoveToSuperview是另一个建议。

3 - Somewhere in (one of) the Inits?

3 -在某个地方?

Note - experimentation shows a fascinating problem if you do it inside Init. During Init, IBInspectable variables are not yet actually set! (So for example, I was branching depending on the "style" of control set by an IBInspectable; it plain doesn't work as @IBInspectable: won't work when running!)


4 - Somewhere else???

4 -其他地方? ? ?

I tried to do it in Init, and it worked well. But it breaks designables from working in the Editor.



By thrashing around, I came up with this (for some reason both must be included?)


class DotButton:UIButton
    @IBInspectable var mainColor ... etc.

    required init?(coder decoder: NSCoder)
        super.init(coder: decoder)
        addTarget(self, action:#selector(blah),
            forControlEvents: UIControlEvents.TouchUpInside)
    override init(frame:CGRect)

I don't know why that works, and I don't understand why there would be two different init routines.


What's the correct way to include addTarget in a UIButton?


4 个解决方案



How about implementing awakeFromNib and doing it there?



https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Cocoa/Reference/ApplicationKit/Protocols/NSNibAwaking_Protocol/ / / apple_ref / occ instm / NSObject / awakeFromNib

You can also conditionally run (or not run) code when it is being run in the context of Interface Builder:


    // this code will run in the app itself
    // this code will execute only in IB

(see http://nshipster.com/ibinspectable-ibdesignable/)




You should not add as target the same object that produces the action.
The target and its callback should be another object, usually a view controller.
There are 2 inits methods because the button can be instantiated by calling init or by the process of deserializion (NSCoder) from a nib/xib. Since you probably added the button to a storyboard the init method called is init?(_: NSCoder).
I agree about what you say in the comment, but I think that the action-target pattern should be used for communicating with other objects, I'm using conditional, because as far as I know I never seen something like what you wrote in Apple code or some other library. If you want to intercept and make some actions inside the button you should probably override some of the methods exposed in UIControl.
About designable, you are, again, correct. init(frame) is called if you are creating a button programmatically, init(coder) if the button comes from a xib.
The method init(frame) is also called during designable process. At this point I think that the best option is to debug directly your view.

不应该将生成动作的对象添加为目标对象。目标和它的回调应该是另一个对象,通常是一个视图控制器。这里有2种方法,因为按钮可以通过调用init或从nib/xib中得到deserializion (NSCoder)的过程来实例化。既然你可能将按钮添加到故事板中init方法被称为init?(_:NSCoder)。[更新]我同意你在评论中所说的,但我认为动作目标模式应该用于与其他对象通信,我使用的是条件句,因为据我所知,我从未见过类似你在苹果代码或其他库中所写的东西。如果您想拦截并在按钮中执行一些操作,您可能应该覆盖UIControl中公开的一些方法。关于可设计性,您同样是正确的。如果以编程方式创建一个按钮,则调用init(frame),如果按钮来自xib,则调用init(coder)。在可设计过程中也调用方法init(框架)。此时,我认为最好的选择是直接调试视图。

  • Place some breakpoints inside you UIButton subclass
  • 在UIButton子类中放置一些断点
  • Select the view in your storyboard
  • 在故事板中选择视图。
  • Go to the Editor -> Debug selected views
  • 转到编辑器—>调试选定的视图

Now you should be able to understand where the problem is.





    override func endTrackingWithTouch(touch: UITouch?, withEvent event: UIEvent?) {
        super.endTrackingWithTouch(touch, withEvent: event)
        if let touchNotNil = touch {
            if self.pointInside(touchNotNil.locationInView(self), withEvent: event) {
                print("it works")

Why not use addTarget

addTarget method is part of action-target interface which is considered 'public'. Anything with reference to your button can, say, remove all of its actions, effectively breaking it. It is preffered to use some of 'protected' means, for instance endTrackingWithTouch which is accessible only to be overriden, not called directly. This way it will not interfere with any external objects using action-target mechanism.


(I know there is no strict 'public' or 'protected' in ObjC/UIKit, but the concept remains)


Your way

If you want to do it exactly your way then your example is all good, just copy addTarget call to init(frame:CGRect).


Or you can put addTarget in awakeFromNib (don't forget super) instead of init?(coder decoder: NSCoder), but you will be forced to implement init with coder anyway, so...


layoutSubviews and didMoveToSuperView both are terrible ideas. Both may happen more than once resulting in blah target-action added again. Then blah will be called multiple times for a single click.

layoutSubviews和didMoveToSuperView都是糟糕的想法。这两种情况都可能发生多次,导致再次添加blah target-action。然后,每次单击blah将被调用多次。

By the way

The Apple way

By the Cocoa MVC (which is enforced by UIKit classes implmentation) you should assign that action to the object controlling that button, animations or not. Most often that object will be Cocoa MVC 'Controller' - UIViewController.

通过Cocoa MVC(由UIKit类进行强制执行),您应该将该操作分配给控制该按钮或动画的对象。通常那个对象是Cocoa MVC 'Controller' - UIViewController。

If you create button programmatically UIViewController should assign target to itself in overridden loadView or viewDidLoad. When button is loaded from nib the preffered way is to assign target action in xib itself.


Old Good MVC

As mentioned here in real MVC views do not send actions to themselves. The closest thing to real MVC Controller in UIKit is UIGestureRecognizer.


Be warned that it's pretty difficult to pull of real MVC with UIKit class set.




Your initialize method is not correct, this will work:




override init(frame: CGRect) {
    super.init(frame: frame)

required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
    super.init(coder: aDecoder)

private func loadNib() {
    let nibView = NSBundle(forClass: self.classForCoder).loadNibNamed("yourView", owner: self, options: nil).first as! UIView
    nibView.frame = self.bounds
    nibView.autoresizingMask = [.FlexibleWidth, .FlexibleHeight]
    self.button.addTarget(self, action: #selector(action), forControlEvents: .TouchUpInside)


' ' '



How about implementing awakeFromNib and doing it there?



https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Cocoa/Reference/ApplicationKit/Protocols/NSNibAwaking_Protocol/ / / apple_ref / occ instm / NSObject / awakeFromNib

You can also conditionally run (or not run) code when it is being run in the context of Interface Builder:


    // this code will run in the app itself
    // this code will execute only in IB

(see http://nshipster.com/ibinspectable-ibdesignable/)




You should not add as target the same object that produces the action.
The target and its callback should be another object, usually a view controller.
There are 2 inits methods because the button can be instantiated by calling init or by the process of deserializion (NSCoder) from a nib/xib. Since you probably added the button to a storyboard the init method called is init?(_: NSCoder).
I agree about what you say in the comment, but I think that the action-target pattern should be used for communicating with other objects, I'm using conditional, because as far as I know I never seen something like what you wrote in Apple code or some other library. If you want to intercept and make some actions inside the button you should probably override some of the methods exposed in UIControl.
About designable, you are, again, correct. init(frame) is called if you are creating a button programmatically, init(coder) if the button comes from a xib.
The method init(frame) is also called during designable process. At this point I think that the best option is to debug directly your view.

不应该将生成动作的对象添加为目标对象。目标和它的回调应该是另一个对象,通常是一个视图控制器。这里有2种方法,因为按钮可以通过调用init或从nib/xib中得到deserializion (NSCoder)的过程来实例化。既然你可能将按钮添加到故事板中init方法被称为init?(_:NSCoder)。[更新]我同意你在评论中所说的,但我认为动作目标模式应该用于与其他对象通信,我使用的是条件句,因为据我所知,我从未见过类似你在苹果代码或其他库中所写的东西。如果您想拦截并在按钮中执行一些操作,您可能应该覆盖UIControl中公开的一些方法。关于可设计性,您同样是正确的。如果以编程方式创建一个按钮,则调用init(frame),如果按钮来自xib,则调用init(coder)。在可设计过程中也调用方法init(框架)。此时,我认为最好的选择是直接调试视图。

  • Place some breakpoints inside you UIButton subclass
  • 在UIButton子类中放置一些断点
  • Select the view in your storyboard
  • 在故事板中选择视图。
  • Go to the Editor -> Debug selected views
  • 转到编辑器—>调试选定的视图

Now you should be able to understand where the problem is.





    override func endTrackingWithTouch(touch: UITouch?, withEvent event: UIEvent?) {
        super.endTrackingWithTouch(touch, withEvent: event)
        if let touchNotNil = touch {
            if self.pointInside(touchNotNil.locationInView(self), withEvent: event) {
                print("it works")

Why not use addTarget

addTarget method is part of action-target interface which is considered 'public'. Anything with reference to your button can, say, remove all of its actions, effectively breaking it. It is preffered to use some of 'protected' means, for instance endTrackingWithTouch which is accessible only to be overriden, not called directly. This way it will not interfere with any external objects using action-target mechanism.


(I know there is no strict 'public' or 'protected' in ObjC/UIKit, but the concept remains)


Your way

If you want to do it exactly your way then your example is all good, just copy addTarget call to init(frame:CGRect).


Or you can put addTarget in awakeFromNib (don't forget super) instead of init?(coder decoder: NSCoder), but you will be forced to implement init with coder anyway, so...


layoutSubviews and didMoveToSuperView both are terrible ideas. Both may happen more than once resulting in blah target-action added again. Then blah will be called multiple times for a single click.

layoutSubviews和didMoveToSuperView都是糟糕的想法。这两种情况都可能发生多次,导致再次添加blah target-action。然后,每次单击blah将被调用多次。

By the way

The Apple way

By the Cocoa MVC (which is enforced by UIKit classes implmentation) you should assign that action to the object controlling that button, animations or not. Most often that object will be Cocoa MVC 'Controller' - UIViewController.

通过Cocoa MVC(由UIKit类进行强制执行),您应该将该操作分配给控制该按钮或动画的对象。通常那个对象是Cocoa MVC 'Controller' - UIViewController。

If you create button programmatically UIViewController should assign target to itself in overridden loadView or viewDidLoad. When button is loaded from nib the preffered way is to assign target action in xib itself.


Old Good MVC

As mentioned here in real MVC views do not send actions to themselves. The closest thing to real MVC Controller in UIKit is UIGestureRecognizer.


Be warned that it's pretty difficult to pull of real MVC with UIKit class set.




Your initialize method is not correct, this will work:




override init(frame: CGRect) {
    super.init(frame: frame)

required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
    super.init(coder: aDecoder)

private func loadNib() {
    let nibView = NSBundle(forClass: self.classForCoder).loadNibNamed("yourView", owner: self, options: nil).first as! UIView
    nibView.frame = self.bounds
    nibView.autoresizingMask = [.FlexibleWidth, .FlexibleHeight]
    self.button.addTarget(self, action: #selector(action), forControlEvents: .TouchUpInside)


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