I would like to create some type of object or class that stores a whole bunch of variables I get from a server at one point in my application. I would then like to make this object or class available to the whole project so that I can make use or even update the variables of this object or class.
I have no idea where to start with this as I am not even sure if its possible.
Currently the problem I am facing is that I have all of these objects passing data around different classes and I'm pretty much nesting these objects and its become very inefficient to keep track of this code. However if I had some type of class that I could just access from anywhere with all of the values up to date this would make my life a lot easier.
Any help or suggestions would be hugely appreciated. if you need any more information please let me know.
4 个解决方案
You need to create an object that you access through this:
+ (MySingleton *)sharedMySingleton
static dispatch_once_t shared_initialized;
static MySingleton *shared_instance = nil;
dispatch_once(&shared_initialized, ^ {
shared_instance = [[MySingleton alloc] init];
return shared_instance;
As the comments said it is a singleton pattern. The first time you access your object it is created, then each subsequent time you get the same object when you call [MySingleton sharedMySingleton];
正如评论所说,这是一个单例模式。第一次访问对象时,它被创建,然后每次调用[MySingleton sharedMySingleton]时获得相同的对象;
A singleton is the way to go.
+(SharedClass *) sharedHelper {
static sharedClass *sharedInstance = nil;
static dispatch_once_t pred;
dispatch_once(&pred, ^{
sharedInstance = [sharedClass alloc];
sharedInstance = [sharedInstance init];
return sharedInstance;
I would suggest creating a data container singleton. A singleton is an object that gets created once and only once during the life of the project. It has a class method that lets you request the object.
Search on "Cocoa singleton design pattern" to find more about it.
搜索“Cocoa singleton设计模式”以找到更多关于它的信息。
You might have a class MyDataObject, and it might have a class method sharedDataObject. The contents of the .m file might look like this:
@implementation MyDataObject
static _sharedDataObject;
+(MyDataObject) sharedDataObject
if (!_sharedDataObject)
_sharedDataObject = [[MyDataObject alloc] init];
return _sharedDataObject;
Then you just add properties to the header of the data object as needed. Anywhere you need it, #import the header for the data object in your other classes, and then use code like this:
//To store a value to a property in the shared data object:
[MyDataObject sharedDataObject].someProperty = someValue;
//To fetch a value:
someValue = [MyDataObject sharedDataObject].someProperty;
If you need the contents of your shared data object to persist, you can make the shared data object conform to NSCoding, and then save its contents to a file when your app shifts to the background, and load its contents from a file on launch.
Note that Cocoa and Cocoa touch use a lot of singleton objects. NSUserDefaults is a singleton, and so is NSFileManager. The tip-off for a singleton is the use of a class method to return a single object. Often in Apple's frameworks the class method's name will start with "shared" or "default"
注意,Cocoa和Cocoa touch使用很多单例对象。NSUserDefaults是单例的,NSFileManager也是。单例对象的提示是使用类方法返回单个对象。在苹果的框架中,类方法的名称通常以“共享”或“默认”开头
Singleton is a good pattern for create one singleton object in your program, for the objects that does not interact with other singletons. If you have many singleton objects with complexity interaction, you should have more control of creation of your objects. You can use your AppDelegate, and create Singletons in ApplicationDidFinishLaunching as fields of your AppDelegate. Or you can create one Singleton object, that will contain other objects and will create other objects with necessary logic.
You need to create an object that you access through this:
+ (MySingleton *)sharedMySingleton
static dispatch_once_t shared_initialized;
static MySingleton *shared_instance = nil;
dispatch_once(&shared_initialized, ^ {
shared_instance = [[MySingleton alloc] init];
return shared_instance;
As the comments said it is a singleton pattern. The first time you access your object it is created, then each subsequent time you get the same object when you call [MySingleton sharedMySingleton];
正如评论所说,这是一个单例模式。第一次访问对象时,它被创建,然后每次调用[MySingleton sharedMySingleton]时获得相同的对象;
A singleton is the way to go.
+(SharedClass *) sharedHelper {
static sharedClass *sharedInstance = nil;
static dispatch_once_t pred;
dispatch_once(&pred, ^{
sharedInstance = [sharedClass alloc];
sharedInstance = [sharedInstance init];
return sharedInstance;
I would suggest creating a data container singleton. A singleton is an object that gets created once and only once during the life of the project. It has a class method that lets you request the object.
Search on "Cocoa singleton design pattern" to find more about it.
搜索“Cocoa singleton设计模式”以找到更多关于它的信息。
You might have a class MyDataObject, and it might have a class method sharedDataObject. The contents of the .m file might look like this:
@implementation MyDataObject
static _sharedDataObject;
+(MyDataObject) sharedDataObject
if (!_sharedDataObject)
_sharedDataObject = [[MyDataObject alloc] init];
return _sharedDataObject;
Then you just add properties to the header of the data object as needed. Anywhere you need it, #import the header for the data object in your other classes, and then use code like this:
//To store a value to a property in the shared data object:
[MyDataObject sharedDataObject].someProperty = someValue;
//To fetch a value:
someValue = [MyDataObject sharedDataObject].someProperty;
If you need the contents of your shared data object to persist, you can make the shared data object conform to NSCoding, and then save its contents to a file when your app shifts to the background, and load its contents from a file on launch.
Note that Cocoa and Cocoa touch use a lot of singleton objects. NSUserDefaults is a singleton, and so is NSFileManager. The tip-off for a singleton is the use of a class method to return a single object. Often in Apple's frameworks the class method's name will start with "shared" or "default"
注意,Cocoa和Cocoa touch使用很多单例对象。NSUserDefaults是单例的,NSFileManager也是。单例对象的提示是使用类方法返回单个对象。在苹果的框架中,类方法的名称通常以“共享”或“默认”开头
Singleton is a good pattern for create one singleton object in your program, for the objects that does not interact with other singletons. If you have many singleton objects with complexity interaction, you should have more control of creation of your objects. You can use your AppDelegate, and create Singletons in ApplicationDidFinishLaunching as fields of your AppDelegate. Or you can create one Singleton object, that will contain other objects and will create other objects with necessary logic.