XCode 4.2和SDK 4.3有自定义按钮字体问题吗?

时间:2021-12-09 19:59:20

I'm using custom button (label button). Works fine on SDK 5.0 but when I simulate to SDK 4.3 it gives me bigger font. Does anyone know what would be the issue is?

我正在使用自定义按钮(标签按钮)。在SDK 5.0上正常工作但是当我模拟到SDK 4.3时,它给了我更大的字体。有谁知道会出现什么问题?

1 个解决方案



Yes, fonts have changed beetween SDK4.3 and SDK5. SDK4.3 default fonts where bolder/bigger that the one set by default in SDK5. What is the reason of this... I don't know. You should set yourself the wanted font instead of using the default system one to have a similar rendering in both case.

是的,SDK4.3和SDK5之间的字体已经改变。 SDK4.3默认字体比SDK5中默认设置的更大胆/更大。这是什么原因......我不知道。您应该为自己设置所需的字体,而不是使用默认的系统,在两种情况下都有类似的渲染。



Yes, fonts have changed beetween SDK4.3 and SDK5. SDK4.3 default fonts where bolder/bigger that the one set by default in SDK5. What is the reason of this... I don't know. You should set yourself the wanted font instead of using the default system one to have a similar rendering in both case.

是的,SDK4.3和SDK5之间的字体已经改变。 SDK4.3默认字体比SDK5中默认设置的更大胆/更大。这是什么原因......我不知道。您应该为自己设置所需的字体,而不是使用默认的系统,在两种情况下都有类似的渲染。