
时间:2022-09-07 07:38:43

I am writing an Objective-C class but it uses an API written in C. This is mostly fine as mixing C calls with Objective-C calls causes few problems.


However one of the API call requires a call back method (example):


success = CFHostSetClient(host, MyCFHostClientCallBack, &context);

Where MyCFHostClientCallBack is a C function defined like this:


static void MyCFHostClientCallBack(CFHostRef host, CFHostInfoType typeInfo, const CFStreamError *error, void *info);
  1. Can/How do I call an Objective-C method in place of this?
  2. 可以/如何使用Objective-C方法代替此方法?
  3. Can/Should I mix C functions with my Objective-C calls?
  4. 可以/我应该将C函数与Objective-C调用混合使用吗?
  5. How do I mix C functions with Objective-C methods?
  6. 如何将C函数与Objective-C方法混合使用?

4 个解决方案



Mixing C and Objective-C methods and function is possible, here is a simple example that uses the SQLite API within an iPhone App: (course site)

可以混合使用C和Objective-C方法和函数,这是一个在iPhone App中使用SQLite API的简单示例:(课程网站)

Download the Zip file (09_MySQLiteTableView.zip)


C functions need to be declared outside of the @implementation in an Objective-C (.m) file.


int MyCFunction(int num, void *data)
     //code here...


- (void)MyObjectiveCMethod:(int)number withData:(NSData *)data
      //code here


Because the C function is outside of the @implementation it cannot call methods like


[self doSomething]

and has no access to ivars.


This can be worked around as long as the call-back function takes a userInfo or context type parameter, normally of type void*. This can be used to send any Objective-C object to the C function.

只要回调函数采用userInfo或context类型参数(通常为void *类型),就可以解决此问题。这可用于将任何Objective-C对象发送到C函数。

As in the sample code, this can be manipulated with normal Objective-C operations.


In addition please read this answer: Mixing C functions in an Objective-C class




To call Objective-C code from a C callback I would use something like:


void * refToSelf;
int cCallback()
    [refToSelf someMethod:someArg];

@implementation SomeClass
- (id) init
     self = [super init];
     refToSelf = self;
- (void) someMethod:(int) someArg



Can/How do I call an Objective-C method in place of this?


You cannot.


Can/Should I mix C function in with my Objective-C call?


Yes. Write a C function and use that as the callback to the CF function.


How do I mix C function with Objective-C methods?


You can set self as the info pointer in your context structure. That will be passed to the callback. Then, in the callback, cast the info pointer back to id:


MyClass *self = (id)info;

You can then send self messages. You still can't directly access instance variables, though, since a C function is outside of the @implementation section. You'll have to make them properties. You can do this with a class extension. (Contrary to what that document says, you would not declare the extension inside @implementation, but in the same file with it, generally right above it.)

然后,您可以发送自我消息。但是,您仍然无法直接访问实例变量,因为C函数位于@implementation部分之外。你必须把它们作为属性。您可以使用类扩展来执行此操作。 (与该文档所说的相反,你不会在@implementation中声明扩展名,而是在与它相同的文件中,通常在它上面。)



What I've always found helpful in this situation is to make an Obj-C wrapper on top of the C API. Implement what you need to using C functions, and build an Objective-C class (or two) on top of it, so that's all the outside world will see. For example, in the case of a callback like this, you might make a C function that calls Obj-C delegate methods on other objects.

我总是发现在这种情况下有用的是在C API之上创建一个Obj-C包装器。实现使用C函数所需的内容,并在其上构建一个Objective-C类(或两个),以便外部世界都能看到。例如,在这样的回调的情况下,您可以创建一个C函数,在其他对象上调用Obj-C委托方法。



Mixing C and Objective-C methods and function is possible, here is a simple example that uses the SQLite API within an iPhone App: (course site)

可以混合使用C和Objective-C方法和函数,这是一个在iPhone App中使用SQLite API的简单示例:(课程网站)

Download the Zip file (09_MySQLiteTableView.zip)


C functions need to be declared outside of the @implementation in an Objective-C (.m) file.


int MyCFunction(int num, void *data)
     //code here...


- (void)MyObjectiveCMethod:(int)number withData:(NSData *)data
      //code here


Because the C function is outside of the @implementation it cannot call methods like


[self doSomething]

and has no access to ivars.


This can be worked around as long as the call-back function takes a userInfo or context type parameter, normally of type void*. This can be used to send any Objective-C object to the C function.

只要回调函数采用userInfo或context类型参数(通常为void *类型),就可以解决此问题。这可用于将任何Objective-C对象发送到C函数。

As in the sample code, this can be manipulated with normal Objective-C operations.


In addition please read this answer: Mixing C functions in an Objective-C class




To call Objective-C code from a C callback I would use something like:


void * refToSelf;
int cCallback()
    [refToSelf someMethod:someArg];

@implementation SomeClass
- (id) init
     self = [super init];
     refToSelf = self;
- (void) someMethod:(int) someArg



Can/How do I call an Objective-C method in place of this?


You cannot.


Can/Should I mix C function in with my Objective-C call?


Yes. Write a C function and use that as the callback to the CF function.


How do I mix C function with Objective-C methods?


You can set self as the info pointer in your context structure. That will be passed to the callback. Then, in the callback, cast the info pointer back to id:


MyClass *self = (id)info;

You can then send self messages. You still can't directly access instance variables, though, since a C function is outside of the @implementation section. You'll have to make them properties. You can do this with a class extension. (Contrary to what that document says, you would not declare the extension inside @implementation, but in the same file with it, generally right above it.)

然后,您可以发送自我消息。但是,您仍然无法直接访问实例变量,因为C函数位于@implementation部分之外。你必须把它们作为属性。您可以使用类扩展来执行此操作。 (与该文档所说的相反,你不会在@implementation中声明扩展名,而是在与它相同的文件中,通常在它上面。)



What I've always found helpful in this situation is to make an Obj-C wrapper on top of the C API. Implement what you need to using C functions, and build an Objective-C class (or two) on top of it, so that's all the outside world will see. For example, in the case of a callback like this, you might make a C function that calls Obj-C delegate methods on other objects.

我总是发现在这种情况下有用的是在C API之上创建一个Obj-C包装器。实现使用C函数所需的内容,并在其上构建一个Objective-C类(或两个),以便外部世界都能看到。例如,在这样的回调的情况下,您可以创建一个C函数,在其他对象上调用Obj-C委托方法。