如何在类中添加结构? C夏普到客观的c语言翻译

时间:2022-09-06 21:16:26

I have made a class library for Windows Mobile in C# that uses a Web Service, now I want to create one for iPhone development. And I need to keep the same class structures in all of the libraries. In C# I have class structures that look like this

我在C#中为使用Web服务的Windows Mobile创建了一个类库,现在我想创建一个用于iPhone开发的类库。我需要在所有库中保持相同的类结构。在C#中,我的类结构看起来像这样

public class Access
       public const long Version = 1;
       public long  Checker;
       public class Data
             public long AcountId;
             public string SessionKeys;

I know that in Objective C class structures inside class are not permitted. But I want to know the best way to mimic or copy this class structure. I added objects of Data class inside Access Class but I'm tot sure that it's the best way. Anybody knows a better way or any ideas please tell. Oh and if someone knows a depth-in in Objective C pointer or class structure tutorial please leave a link.

我知道在Objective C类中的结构是不允许的。但我想知道模仿或复制这个类结构的最佳方法。我在Access Class中添加了Data类的对象,但我确信它是最好的方法。任何人都知道更好的方式或任何想法请告诉。哦,如果有人知道Objective C指针或类结构教程中的深度,请留下链接。

3 个解决方案



I think that your best bet is to just create 2 classes: Access and Access_Data.




This functionality is known as Nested Classes. See this forum post for some help on how to mimic them in Objective C.

此功能称为嵌套类。有关如何在Objective C中模仿它们的一些帮助,请参阅此论坛帖子。



Why do you need to keep it as nested classes? Does the inner class have behavior or is it just data? If you don't need Access.Data to have behavior (e.g.):


typedef struct _AccessData {
    long       AccoountId;
    NSString   sessionKeys;
} AccessData;

@interface Access: NSObject {
    AccessData  Data; 



I think that your best bet is to just create 2 classes: Access and Access_Data.




This functionality is known as Nested Classes. See this forum post for some help on how to mimic them in Objective C.

此功能称为嵌套类。有关如何在Objective C中模仿它们的一些帮助,请参阅此论坛帖子。



Why do you need to keep it as nested classes? Does the inner class have behavior or is it just data? If you don't need Access.Data to have behavior (e.g.):


typedef struct _AccessData {
    long       AccoountId;
    NSString   sessionKeys;
} AccessData;

@interface Access: NSObject {
    AccessData  Data; 