
时间:2022-09-06 18:46:19

Is there any way to do this?.


Lets take this code as an example:


int num;
printf("enter a number: ");
printf("<- this is your number.");

Output will be like this:


enter a number: 2
<- this is your number.

What I want it to be:


enter a number: 2<-this is your number.

4 个解决方案


You can't do this with scanf. Depending on your platform(linux, windows, ...) you should use the library ncurses or similar.



thank you guys for the help. after doing some searching find this:


int num;
printf("Enter a number: ");
scanf("%d", &num);

HANDLE hConsole = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hConsole, &coninfo);
coninfo.dwCursorPosition.Y -= 1;    
coninfo.dwCursorPosition.X += 20;    
SetConsoleCursorPosition(hConsole, coninfo.dwCursorPosition);

printf("<- this is your number.");

output: enter a number. 2 <- this is your number.

输出:输入一个数字。 2 < - 这是你的电话号码。


I am assuming what you are seeing in your terminal when running the application is stdin being echoed.


What that means is that stdin is going to echo what it receives to stdout.


As Chux mentions above this is platform dependent (and terminal application dependent) behavior.


Good information here:


1.Hide password input on terminal 2. echoing of getchar and '\n' char from stdin

1.终端上隐藏密码输入2.来自stdin的getchar和'\ n'字符的回显


There is no portable way to do that, because by default input is line buffered and echoed at low level in current platforms (at least Windows and Unix-like systems).


There are ways not to use line buffered input or to use manual echo, but it will be platform dependent.


Under Linux for example, you could put input in non canonical mode (see man termios) : that would allow you to read data one char at a time (for example) with echo off, do the echo manually, do not echo the newline but process the input buffer (with sscanf) after a newline.

例如,在Linux下,您可以将输入置于非规范模式(请参阅man termios):这将允许您一次读取一个char(例如),使用echo off,手动执行echo,不回显换行但是在换行符后处理输入缓冲区(使用sscanf)。

Under Windows, you could use the function getch (declared in conio.h) to also get one character at a time without echo. And I have no idea on how to do that on a Mac.



You can't do this with scanf. Depending on your platform(linux, windows, ...) you should use the library ncurses or similar.



thank you guys for the help. after doing some searching find this:


int num;
printf("Enter a number: ");
scanf("%d", &num);

HANDLE hConsole = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hConsole, &coninfo);
coninfo.dwCursorPosition.Y -= 1;    
coninfo.dwCursorPosition.X += 20;    
SetConsoleCursorPosition(hConsole, coninfo.dwCursorPosition);

printf("<- this is your number.");

output: enter a number. 2 <- this is your number.

输出:输入一个数字。 2 < - 这是你的电话号码。


I am assuming what you are seeing in your terminal when running the application is stdin being echoed.


What that means is that stdin is going to echo what it receives to stdout.


As Chux mentions above this is platform dependent (and terminal application dependent) behavior.


Good information here:


1.Hide password input on terminal 2. echoing of getchar and '\n' char from stdin

1.终端上隐藏密码输入2.来自stdin的getchar和'\ n'字符的回显


There is no portable way to do that, because by default input is line buffered and echoed at low level in current platforms (at least Windows and Unix-like systems).


There are ways not to use line buffered input or to use manual echo, but it will be platform dependent.


Under Linux for example, you could put input in non canonical mode (see man termios) : that would allow you to read data one char at a time (for example) with echo off, do the echo manually, do not echo the newline but process the input buffer (with sscanf) after a newline.

例如,在Linux下,您可以将输入置于非规范模式(请参阅man termios):这将允许您一次读取一个char(例如),使用echo off,手动执行echo,不回显换行但是在换行符后处理输入缓冲区(使用sscanf)。

Under Windows, you could use the function getch (declared in conio.h) to also get one character at a time without echo. And I have no idea on how to do that on a Mac.
